When I hope to open this website.

When I hope open this website

To fully provide the information on Yahweh True Worship requires time and patience. This is not the normal run of the mill, which provides some basics relating to the Worship Of Yahweh.

Website www.yahwehtrueworship.com, to be launched on 5th October, 2017.

It would be done in a comparative way, with all the religions, and why they rank below Yahweh True Worship. Also, and most importantly, some of those which use the Name of Yahweh, or a variation of It.

As a result, I am now in the process of getting as much information in the website as is possible. I intend to blog on all areas in which the Holy Spirit of Yahweh leads.

Patience required

This website is the latest, yet it would provide new information in a different light. Yahweh True Worship, was registered on 5/ 12/2012. I did not go into Television until 2017, May. Patience is fundamental.

Some details are coming which I am positive I have not seen in any site using The Name. Then the world would know that a Prophet of YHWH; Yod Heh Waw Heh; Yahweh, is in the earth. Yahweh willing, I hope to open this website.

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, Kadosh ha Ruach, has spoken. The Feast of Tabernacles, one of Almighty Yahweh’s Holy Days, would start on the 5th of October, 2017. This is the day on which Yahshua, The True Christ, tabernacled with us.

Birth of Yahshua

He was born on this day. It is not fixed as is the 25/12 date. Just like your birthday, it varies every year. Therefore, This website would have its first official blog, on the 5th of October, 2017. Yahweh willing.

In the meantime get used to Two new words.  Yahwehcracy, instead of Theocracy. Yahwehology, instead of Theology. For the first time ever!!! Theocracy honors the god theos. Yahweh was never, and would never be a God, Theos or Allah.

The cracy  of Yahweh should never have been called Theocracy. It should have been called Yahwehcracy, or Yahcracy. Likewise, Theology, should have been called Yahwehology, or Yahology.

In the meantime as I have advised others, a car number is PBK and another is HCB. What  are their names???  Pabak. PB, is Pab. BK, is Bak. Put them together, you get Pabak. Pabek. Try it! The other one Hac. Cab. Hacab.

. From now on get used to taking the vowels out of words, and try pronouncing them. You would discover that it is not hard. Then you may say like me, it is easy to pronounce a word without vowels, ahh, easier when some of those consonants can also serve as vowels. Y; H; W, serve as vowels. Ahh well !!!  YHWH: YAHWEH.



This website is going to challenge everything that you have been previously exposed to. Every single religion in the world, is different to Yahweh True Worship. This includes the three that claim to have been formed through Abraham. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Also, Hinduism. Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, and the other minor ones.

Yahweh True Worship, started when Almighty Yahweh, created the spiritual angelic beings.

Religion traces its roots to Babel, The gate of God. After the confusion of the one language at Babel, and the subsequent dispersion, religion was practiced in all the countries to which the people migrated.

The True position would take a while for everyone to understand and will challenge their previous positions. This is the main reason why this website was inspired by The Almighty Yahweh.

There are certain things which have never been articulated along the lines which this website would expound. To put everything in proper perspective, the first blog, would attempt to clarify certain misconceptions. It would go into real depth, not previously explored.

As a result it is a bit lengthy. To fully understand Yahweh True Worship, vis-a vis, the rest of the religious world, it is necessary that the position be explored, with a certain degree of depth.

This would make it easier to understand later. Your spiritual life would be more expanded as a result. Rest assured!

As a result, your reading skills, would be required. Just about 4,000 words. In addition, a video presentation would be available on YouTube from 1/10/2017. Very short, only 15 minutes. Also, on Facebook, Yahraam Singh.

Halleluyahweh in Yahshua’s Name.