There was an Apostasy, A falling away from Yahweh True Worship Christianity.

Yahshua, The True Christ, taught obedience to the Ten Commandments of Yahweh. The keeping of His Feasts/ Holy Days. And following the dietary guidelines, laid down by Yahweh.He came preaching The Kingdom of Yahweh and how to enter into Eternal Life.

Hill-el, The Adversary, The Satan, has caused counterfeit religious practices to be formulated in direct opposition to Almighty Yahweh. They are so close to the truth that only the elect, the little flock, would discern the difference.

In Matthew 24: 5, correctly translated, Yahshua, The True Christ, said that many would come against His Name. One “epi'” is word is used.  In verse 5 it says ‘in’ and in verse 7 it says ‘against’.

Against The Name Yahshua.

He knew that the Jews were referring to Him as, Yeshua / Yesua. Before His birth, from about 250 BC, they felt that the Name, YHWH, Yod Heh Waw Heh, Yahweh, was too Holy to be pronounced.

When the readers came to the Name, YHWH.  Yod  Heh Waw Heh; Yahweh, they read it, But below the Name, the vowels of Adonai and Elohim, were placed below.  And these names were pronounced , instead of YHWH. These were the names of Pagan gods, found in Canaan.

The same thing applied to the Name Yod Heh Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua. This Name means Yah is Salvation. Yah will Save. To remove the Yah, from the Name, Yahshua, they changed it to Yeshua/ Yesua. This name means, He will save. The Power of the Name Yah, was removed.

The Greeks had a goddess named INO. She had saved a child in the sea. She will save. The Greeks ended the names of their Male gods, with a ‘us’. Zeus and Dionysus, comes to mind. The male INO, would then be INOOUS. He will save.

The name Yeshua/ Yesua, He will save. The name Inoous, He will save. 

These were the names used against Yahshua, The True Messiyah. He told his followers that they would be hated by all for  His Name sake. Yahshua, NOT Yeshua/ Yesua, or Inoous.

The Greeks referred to their gods as Kyrius/ Theos. The Jews openly spokeof the pagan names, Adonai and Elohim, found in Canaan.

Yahshua, The True Messiyah, spoke of His followers being eventually put out of the synagogues, And whosever kills you will think that he does his God a service. John 16:2




On the Day of Pentecost, there was an outpouring of The Holy Spirit of Yahweh. Kodesh ha Ruach, of Almighty YHWH. That was a memorable day in the entire universe. For the first time ever, the spiritual angelic beings, witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Yahweh.

It was on all those gathered in the Upper Room. This was the beginning of  The Yahweh True Worship Congregation. They called on The Names Yahweh and Yahshua.

At that point, The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was no where else with any other group of people. Not even the chosen Jewish Nation. Who were calling on the names Adonai and Elohim. 

From Now on The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, would dwell in individual lives, who would make up The Body of Yahshua, The True  Messiyah. Almighty Yahweh, was interested in this group of people, which was started with His Son, Yahshua.

Now it would be His chosen vessel, Nation, to spread the Good News of The Kingdom of Yahweh. Not those who continued using names such as Adonai and Elohim. And continued with Animal Sacrifices. And using names such as Yeshua/ Yesua, without The Yah.

This marked the  beginning of the official break between The Yahweh true Worship Congregation, and the mainstream Jewish Priesthood and Community.

Persecution and Tribulation.

The Yahweh True Worship Congregation, was persecuted by the rest of Normative Judaism and Priesthood  from. AD 30. Now there was open hostility and hatred for them.

They were forbidden to teach in the Names of Yahweh and Yahshua. Acts 5:28. In Acts Chapter 6, Jewish men of the Synagogues, disputed with Stephen, and he was martyred.

Shaul wrecked havoc with The True Worshipers. This resulted in their being scattered.  He was confronted by The Risen Yahshua. He converted to being A Yahweh True Worshiper.




Before his conversion, he had the spirit of the world. Now he had The Holy Spirit of Yahweh. Cornelius, the Gentile, was a Yahweh True Worshiper. He was not a Jewish proselyte. He and his family received the gift of The Holy Spirit of Yahweh.

The Yahweh True Worship Congregation was happy. But the rest of Normative Judaism, were astonished. The Gentiles had received an outpouring of The Holy Spirit. For the first time in the history of the world.

They had moved from the spirit of the world, to being under The Holy Spirit of Yahweh. 

This marked another break between The Yahweh True Worship Congregation, and the rest of Normative Judaism. The  Jews continued with their persecution.

Emperor Caligula AD 37-41. (1)

Then Herod killed James and Peter was imprisoned.  This was under Emperor Caligula AD 37-41. This greatly pleased the Jews. The Yahweh true Worship Congregation was greatly spoken against by the rest of Normative Judaism.

Emperor Claudius 41-54,  (2)  saw this as a problem within the Jewish people, and banished them from Rome around 48-49 AD. 

Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch, among the Greek speaking Congregation, for nearly two years. The Greek word for Messiyah, is Khristos. The Yahweh True Worshipers, were speaking the Greek Language.

The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation.

Here they were first called Khristians, Christians. They were first called Yahweh True Worship Christians. Thus was The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation born. AD 50.

But they continued using the Names Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Christ. The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, comprised of small groups of Congregations, and physically isolated individuals. This constituted an association of brothers, or a Brotherhood.  1 Peter 2: 17; 5:9.


Emperor Nero AD 54-68. (3). 


Nero as Emperor, continued with Emperor worship, as started with Caligula. Rome was burnt and he blamed it on the Yahweh True Worship Christians. They were persecuted and made to endure tremendous Tribulation.

The Apostles were imprisoned. And others were killed, and martyred. Fed to animals,  and crucified. The Congregations were scattered. (3).


But this was to change! At Acts 20: 29-31, Paul warned of an apostasy that was to come. He knew that grievous wolves would enter, not sparing the flock. Verse 30– ” Also from among your own selves, men will arise speaking  perverse things, to draw away disciples after themselves.” Paul warned of this for over 3 years.

2 Thessalonians 2:- ” That you not be soon shaken in mind,……., nor by letter as if from us,.…..” False letters were stating to circulate.

Paul wrote to Timothy, while awaiting his death in Rome. 1 Timothy 1:3-4. Verse 3-“As I urged you to command some that they will not teach false doctrine.

Verse 4-” Neither give regard to fables.” The Greeks and Roman fables and myths of their Gods and Goddesses.

Verse 6-” Some have strayed away and turned to foolish talk.” Verse 19- ” Keep the faith which some have rejected.” Verse 20- ” Teach them not to blaspheme. “

Some wanted to use Kyrius/ Theos, and Adonai and Elohim, in place of Yahweh. And Yeshua/ Yesua, and Inoous,  in place of Yahshua, The True Christ.

Chapter 3: 13-” But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse.”  Chapter 4:3 ” They will not endure sound doctrine and will heed to false teachers.”

Titus 1:10- ” For there are many foolish talkers and deceivers.”

2 Peter 2: 1-2. ” For there were false prophets who secretly bring in damnable heresies. And many will follow their destructive ways, the way of truth will be evil spoken of.”

Jude Verse 3-” Contend for the faith .” Verse 4-” For there are certain men who have secretly crept in and deny Yahshua, The true Christ.”  Verse 19-These are the ones who leave, not having The Spirit.”

At 1 Corinthians 2: 12-” Now, we have not received the spirit of this world, But The Spirit which is from Yahweh…..freely given to us by Yahweh.”

Here Paul was contrasting the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, Kodesh ha Ruach,  with the spirit of the world. They are not the same thing!


Emperors Vespasian and Titus AD 69-81, (4). 


By AD 70, the apostles were dead with the exception of John (Yahchanan). The Temple, The House of Yahweh,  was destroyed in 70 AD. The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, were scattered. They were debarred from entering the synagogues.

They continued to meet in the homes of the believers. The Hebrew  word for house is bayit.  byt.  The worshipers use to make  inscriptions in front the homes and meeting places. It read BAYIT  YHWH. Meaning House of Yahweh.

They were all Yahweh True Worship Christians, and now considered their homes and meeting places as The House of Yahweh. These inscriptions have been discovered in  places such as Nazareth, Judea, and surrounding areas. The Apostasy or falling away, may have occurred with some who were scattered.


Emperor Domitian 81-96, (5). 

John (Yahchanan), was banished to the island of Patmos, by Emperor Domitian. There he received Revelatons from Almighty Yahweh and His Son, Yahshua, The True Christ.

In Revelations 1:11-” Saying, …..write in a Book…..and send to the 7 Congregations….Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”

Revelations 2: 10-” Fear none of these things which you will suffer. Behold, the adversary will cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried. And you will have Tribulation Ten Days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you a crown of Life.”

Through these 7 Congregations, we can see the history of The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation. Beginning with Yahshua, on earth and down to our times, when The True Christ, will return.

And through the 10 Tribulations, one can trace the developments leading to the Apostasy, or falling away from Yahweh True Worship, which was predicted to come.


Emperor Trajan AD 98-117. (6).

From the Jews, through Herod and Caligula, Claudius, Vespasian, Nero and Domitian, they had endured Five (5) periods of persecution and Tribulation.

Revelation 2:1-7-is addressed to EPHESUS. Verse 2 says that their works and patience are known. They had tried those who claimed to be apostles, and had found them liars. Verse 3 says that they had labored for His Name. Verse 5, they had left their first love.

Some had left and were not doing the first works. They were beginning to use other names instead of The True Names. They were told to repent.

Under Trajan, the territory of Rome reached its largest extent. The names of the Gods of Greek and Rome were hinted at. The Loyal Yahweh True Worship Christians, continued being persecuted. They had undergone the 6th (6) Tribulation. The Apostasy: Falling away from Yahweh True Worship, had started.

Emperor Hadrian AD 117-138, (7).

Hadrian was Emperor from AD 117-138. He wanted to have nothing in common with the Jewish Names of Yahweh and Yahshua. He said that the Jews had killed their God.

Instead, the names of the Gods of Greek and Rome, were introduced. They opted for Kyrius/ Theos, instead of Yahweh. And Inoous, instead of Yahshua, The True Christ.

Yahshua, The True Christ, had warned that many will come against His Name. Now it was happening in full. They had the Holy Scriptures at their disposal. And started replacing and exchanging the Names.

There was no Printing Press. It was left up to the monks and false teachers, who had crept in, to copy and recopy what was favorable to them.

Revelation  2: 8-11- was addressed to SMYRNA. Here Verse 9 says that they were slandered by the Jews. And would have 10 periods of Tribulation.

They continued being persecuted and scattered. Yet they were faithful to Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Christ. The Apostasy : the falling away from Yahweh True Worship. had continued.

Emperor Antonius Pius AD 138- 161. (8)

By this time, The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, was known as Quarto Decimans. 14ners. Meaning that they were observing the death of Yahshua, The True Christ, on the 14th of Nisan.

The Bishop of Rome, Anicetus, did not agree to this. Instead, he wanted the rest of Roman Christianity to worship Inoous. He insisted that the rest of Roman Christianity, observe Sunday, as the day of Resurrection.

Revelation 2:12-17  was addressed to PERGAMOS.  Verse 13 says that they held fast to The NAME. And a man was martyred where Satan dwells. Verse 14  says that some were eating things sacrificed to Gods. Verse 16, Repent.

Revelation 2:18-29 was addressed to THYATIRA.  Verse 20 says that A prophetess, was teaching and seducing some to serve other Gods, and to eat things sacrificed to Gods.

The Feast Days/ Holy Days of Yahweh, were stopped. They were being replaced with other non biblical days.

During his reign, the Christian group of Marcionism, reared its head in Rome. Within the Roman form of Christianity. Many divisions, sects, and schisms, were emerging. Gnosticism, and many others. led by their own prophets and prophetesses. False teachings were being infiltrated into this form.

The Yahweh True Worship Congregation Christians, were being marginalized in favor of the Roman form of Christianity. The Apostasy : Falling away from Yahweh True Worship, was continuing. The persecution and Tribulation continued. (8)


Emperor  Marcus Aurelius 161-180. (9).

By this time, the Roman form of Christianity was holding sway among the masses.

Revelation 3:1-6 was addressed to SARDIS.  Verse 2 says that they should strengthen the things which remain. Verse 4 says that there are a few who have not defiled their garments. For they  are worthy.

Revelation 3: 7-13 was addressed to PHILADELPHIA. Verse 8 says that they had a little strength, had kept the word, and have not denied THE NAME. I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it. In Verse 12, Yahshua, the True Christ, says that who over comes, will be made a pillar in the house of My Father.

This Congregation was now very small.  About 1 % of the population at the least.But they called on the Names of Yahweh, and His Son Yahshua, The True Christ. They continued obeying the Ten Commandments of Yahweh. Honoring His Feasts/ Holy Days. And following the dietary guidelines laid down by Almighty Yahweh. 

But for the rest, 99%, The Apostasy: Falling away from Yahweh True Worship, was truly a feature of The Roman Empire, and the Roman form of Christianity.


Emperor Severus AD 193-211. (10).


By 200 AD, Severus had conquered most of his enemies. Including The Yahweh True Worship Christian  Congregation.

The True teachings of Yahweh ad Yahshua, The True Christ, were twisted and stopped in other  instances. These stopped being taught. The keeping of the Ten Commandments, observance of the Feast/ Holy days, and eating of stipulated clean animals were stopped.

Revelation 3: 14-22, is addressed to LAODICEA. (7).  Verse 16 says that they are neither hot nor cold for Yahweh and Yahshua. And Yahshua, is about spew them out of His mouth.  

Verse 20, says that Yahshua stands at the door of those in Laodicea, and knock. If anyone hears His voice and opens the door, He will come in and fellowship with him.

The Gods Kyrius/ Theos were worshiped. Inoous Christ, instead of Yahshua, The True Christ. The Ten Commandments were not being adhered to. The Feasts/ Holy Days of Yahweh were stopped. The Greeks and Romans love for the Pig (swine), continued unabated. 

Yahshua, The True Christ was begging them. He was pleading with them in the 99 % Laodiicean Roman form of Christianity, to be zealous. And to Repent!

From 200 AD, The Apostasy, the falling away from Yahweh True Worship, had started in full. Secular history records that they NEVER listened to Yahshua, The True Christ.

From 200 AD, The Laodicean Roman Catholic Church, had won over 99 % of the people in the Roman Empire.


  Instead, they would be ruled by the spirit of the world and ther Gods. 

The Roman Church took the next 100 years, to establish their system of Religion. And then it was entrenched by Constantine in 325 AD.

It was this form of Christianity that is still prevailing in the world TODAY! With a little variation here and there! It is my intention to follow the trail of  this Laodicean Roman Catholic Christianity, in stages.

Subsequent information would be forthcoming! Including the movement of the name Kyrius/ Theos to Dominus, then to Dominus, then to Gott, then to God,  and Lord. 

The movement of the name Inoous Christ from About 120 AD, to Iesus Christ, from AD 400, to Jesus Christ during the 16th Century. To distinguish between the BIG ‘I’ and the small ‘i’, the letter J was introduced for THE FIRST EVER. THEN, the name Jesus was used.

 This article has set the date of 200 AD, as the beginning of APOSTASY: The falling away from Yahweh True Worship.