Man does Not have an Immortal Soul.

Man does not have an Immortal Soul.

Creation of Man.

At Genesis 2:7- And Yahweh formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, a being.

Not just any one color of dirt was chosen. He chose dirt of many different colors and variations. He mixed them together and they were kneaded together with water.

This had to be in the correct ratio of water in the body, relative to flesh. All the internal and external organs were formed. But this body was lifeless. It was dead. It could not be energized on its own.

Life: Hayah: Soul.

Almighty Yahweh breathed into Adam, into his nostrils, his nose, the breath of life.  The oxygen required to energize the lifeless body of Adam. This initial intake of oxygen and outflow of carbon dioxide, constituted the breath which gave life to the lifeless dirt body.

After a few gulps of oxygen from the atmosphere, Adam was energized enough for all his systems to come to life. His life was sustained  through the process of in breath of oxygen and outflow of carbon dioxide respectively.

Adam became alive. Adam became a living soul. Without this oxygen, this breathing capacity to enable life to continue, Adam was dead.

Nephesh; Life; Soul.

The word in Strong’s dictionary, #5315, Nephesh; nefes, as used in the Scriptures, refers to the soul as a person, or an animal.. Or to the Life, hayah, that a person or animal enjoys.

It comes from a root word Neshamah, meaning “breathe” and could be termed as a “breather ” and refers to a breathing creature. It refers to human beings, but also to animals, and all other living creatures. It is the breath, the lifeforce, the soul.

The breath used by Adam was the oxygen process already utilized by the land animals, fishes, creeping creatures and birds previously created. Genesis 1:21 refers. They were all referred to as souls.

YHWH: Yod Heh Waw Heh: Yahweh.

Strong’s #2416 and #2417; The word Hay, Heh,  refers to life, a state of living. Hayah.  The first letter in the Creator’s Name YHWH. This is Y, Yod. In the 3rd person, it refers to HE. The second letter in The Creator’s Name. H, is hay, heh. This means, life, lives, YH means,  He Lives. The 3rd letter W, Waw, is a conjunction. And, that, etc.  The 4th letter, H hay, heh, signifies life, a double emphasis. This Name basically means, He Lives and Lives. He is Eternal Existence. He is everlasting Life.

Living Souls.

All these living creatures including Adam, were all living souls. Nephesh hayah. Adam became a living creature, a nephesh hayah,  a living being, a living soul. He was a combination of earth and oxygen, and all the various chemical elements.  So too was the animals, birds, and all those created before Adam.

The body of Adam, was lifeless. He could not breathe oxygen on his own. Almighty  Yahweh, started the breathing process, neshamah, by  blowing into the nostrills of Adam.  Adam became a living soul.  He  did not have a soul. They were all living breathing creatures.

A living soul results from the combination of the earthy body, with the breathing process. This indicates that it is by breathing air and oxygen that animals and now man, sustain their life. When they stopped breathing they died. Then, their life, their soul died.

Difference with Adam.

But with Adam there was a difference. Adam was created after the image and likeness of Almighty Yahweh. The hominid,  other man-like creatures, others such as apes and chimpanzees were all created before Adam. They all had a brain.

But with Adam, Yahweh gave him the added capacity to speak, to think, to evaluate, and to come to decisions. He would not operate with instinct as the others, but with reason and freedom of choice.This allowed him to be able to fashion his life after the image and likeness of Almighty Yahweh. To communicate with Yahweh, and to worship him.

Adam ‘s Brain.

Into this brain of man, where the thinking process takes place, and where the spirit of man resides, Yahweh would put some of His Holy Spirit. Do not confuse this with the angelic spiritual beings. They are not flesh, man is flesh and his spirit is in his brain. His thinking process, his spirit dies when the soul; his body, his life dies.


Eve was made out of Adam. The very composition of the physical attributes of Adam were passed on to Eve. Almighty Yahweh told Adam and Eve, two living souls, that they would die if they disobeyed him.

Yahweh did not tell them that they had immortal souls that would not die.The soul or life is identified as a physical being. Not a separate being that survives death of  the body.

Sexual Intercourse: Cain.

Adam and Eve had sexual intercourse. Eve conceived. Life immediately started. One  sperm cell, one  egg meet. They unite to form ONE cell. Life starts.  That one fertilized cell, is enclosed by an  outer membrane, and was filled with a mixture of water and swirling chemicals. At the center  is a core. The nucleus, which safeguards the tightly twisted coils of DNA. DNA, is intelligence in the cell. This is the stablest chemical in the body. It is the life force in the body. 

This is the silent intelligence in the cell. From conception, Cain started breathing oxygen and life through his mother, through his navel. His life in the womb was sustained and his body grew. The one cell began to multiply and grow. His brain, in which  his mind and spirit resides, also grew. 

In DNA, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and food, combine to produce something new, every moment.  DNA controls a rhythm within each cell. Flesh, bones, blood, heart, nervous system,  and everything else. It creates all of reality. To last a lifetime.  Each cell is aligned with the brain. The brain is the storehouse of memory. 

His life, his soul was sustained by his mother’s breathing, and with oxygen.  The  brain contains our stream of conscious awareness, thoughts, emotions, desires and impressions that swirl around in our thoughts.

At no time in his mother’s womb did The Almighty Yahweh have to put a spirit or soul in the body of Cain. After all, Cain was already a living soul and his spirit was in his brain.

After his birth, this process continued. He continued breathing in oxygen, and breathing out carbon dioxide. And his life was sustained in this way, with the eating of food and water.

He had a brother Abel. Cain killed Abel, who was apparently struck a blow that killed him. It was such that his oxygen supply was cut off. His breathing stopped, and he died. Abel was a soul, and he died. His spirit, which resided in his brain,  died. 

The First Human Death.

The first human death. Yahweh told Cain, “The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” Life is sustained by oxygen and  the blood flowing through the body. Indeed, life is in the blood.

Almighty Yahweh, knew that the life, soul, and spirit of Abel had died.This was the ideal occasion for Almighty Yahweh, to set the records straight. He created Life. He knows the process of death. He told Cain that his brother’s blood, his life, cried out to him from the ground. Where? The ground,  the grave, the pit, the burial site, Sheol, where Cain had buried Abel.

 The oxygen had left his last outbreath and returned to the atmosphere from whence it came. Once you breathe in, there is life. Once you breathe out, and cannot breathe in again, you are dead. You always die in the outbreath, since you lack the strength to breathe in oxygen.

His spirit, his mind, which resided in his brain, had died. His soul had died. His life had gone out of his body. His body was now lifeless and his soul and spirit had died.  They were finished.  The had no where to go. The lifeless body would now return to the elements, the dust, the earth from which it was made. 

The Almighty Creator, Yahweh,  did not say to Cain that the soul of your brother Abel had left his body and came up to me. Or, the spirit of your brother had flown up to me and said that you killed him. Yahweh knew that the life, soul, and spirit of Abel had died.

Only Almighty Yahweh, can create life and He can resurrect Abel to life again.


During the Flood, Genesis 7:21 says: And all flesh died that lived on the earth; birds, and cattle, and beasts, and every man. Verse 22: All in whose nostrils was  the breath of life, of all that lived on the dry land, died.

Did Yahweh say that He had a special place for their souls and spirits. A special common grave for all who died?A special purgatory place where their souls and spirits would reside. No! No! No! Their life expired and they died. The dead exist nowhere except in the memory and records of Almighty Yahweh.

The evil sons and daughters of the  giants  and the  spiritual angelic beings, their flesh perished. But the  fallen spiritual angelic beings, were sent to a special place awaiting judgement as Peter and Jude spoke about them. The Angels, the Deothas,  are immortal but fleshly man is not.

Yahshua, ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, said that Lazarus was asleep even though he was dead for four days. Death can be viewed as being asleep. The dead are unconscious. They are aware of nothing. They do not even know that they are dead. Lazarus was resurrected.

Does man have an immortal soul? No! Of course not.

Does his spirit and soul leave and go somewhere when he dies? No!

Man is temporary of the dust of the earth. He can only be immortal if he receives it from Almighty Yahweh in a resurrection, being brought back to life as Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, was. Around 30 AD. 

Man is temporary. Of the dust of the earth. His life is sustained through his breathing process.

Concept of an Immortal Soul. 


The concept of the immortality of the soul and the spirit is found no where in the scriptures.

This concept first took place when Hill-el,  Hlll, ha Satan, the devil, told Eve that she would not die. Genesis 3: 4 refers. If one is not really dead, what is the purpose of a resurrection?

This concept was further established  in Babylon, under Nimrod, who like Hill-el, HLLL, the Satan, was against Almighty Yahweh. That man had an invisible  part of him, which continued to live after his death. Part of him is immortal. A part that cannot be seen. That part went to meet the elah, ilah, elohim, gods and goddesses, after death.

Read the article on Nimrod, worship against Yahweh. They felt that every aspect of nature, had a power, angelic being, a deotha, who had to be obeyed, served and worshipped.

Sun, moon, stars, constellations, planets, sky, earth, water, air, trees, stones, fire, sacred animals, the snake, and many others.  They were grouped after male and female gods and goddesses.  There were also trinities of gods and devils and reuniting with the gods at death.

Then they would assume different forms, reincarnate into different stages of animal, plant and even human life in another occasion.  They would not die!  All in worship AGAINST The Almighty YHWH; Yahweh. 

After Babel. The Gate of el. 

After the dispersion of languages at Babel and their subsequent departure from the land of false worship,  Bab-el,  Gate of el, elah, it took root in all lands.  The main concept remained.

But it was done under different languages, mantras, and prayers.  India, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and all other countries base their religion on  this form of worship. The trinity of gods, and the immortality of the soul.

This was not the teaching of Almighty  Shadhadh, Yahweh.

Greece: Socrates and Plato.

In Greece, Plato, 428-348 BC, taught that there was a psy-khe, soul in the body of man. When a man died, his soul survived the death. There was a separation between the body and the soul, at death.

” The psy-khe, soul… if it departs pure, dragging with it nothing of the body…. goes away into that which is like itself, into the invisible divine, immortal, and wise, and when it arrives there it is happy, freed from error and folly and fear…..and all the tangible other human ills, and …..lives in truth through all after time with the gods. ”   Phaedo,80, D,E, 81, A.  The gods here are the ONE Third fallen spiritual angelic beings. 

In pagan Greek philosophy and religion, the philosophers used the term  “departed spirit.” for the immaterial and immortal psy-khe (soul). The soul emerged from the body at death. It was reunited with the gods. The main god being Zeus, and his pantheon of gods and goddesses.

In direct contrast with the Greek teaching of the psy-khe (soul) as being immaterial, invisible, intangible and immortal, The Holy Scriptures of Almighty Yahweh, refers to earthly man as being material, visible, tangible and mortal. And capable of death of both the soul and spirit. The life of man is in  his DNA. 

After Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

After the resurrection of Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, the death of the apostles and the early Yahweh True Worship  Messianic Christian Congregation, False teachings slowly crept in. These were heavily influenced and corrupted by the Greek philosophy and religion.

By 200 AD, The True Scriptures, were twisted in certain words and verses, to reflect a Trinity of  godhead. And the immortality of the soul. A place had to be provided for departed souls to improve their position at death, and a place of purgatory was found.

They proceeded to replace the Name of Almighty YHWH; Yahweh, with Kyrius, and Theos. By 400 AD, Jerome changed it to Dominus. It became German Gott, and English God, And Lord.  Al-ilah, and Allah.

The Name of Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, was changed to Inoous, Iesoous.  Jerome changed it to Iesus, around 400 AD.  To differentiate between the Big “I” and the small “i”, the letter J was introduced, in the 17th Century.  It became a consonant ,and the small” i ” became a vowel.

About 300 to 400 years ago, it received its final form Jesus Christ. The True resurrected Messiyah, The True Christ, IS, Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

YHWShin Ayin, Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, is on the right hand of His Father, The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay  Waw Hay, Yahweh. 

Yahshua, means Yah is salvation. Yah will save. These TWO NAMES  are the only names whereby ANYONE can ever hope to achieve Salvation, or Eternal Life.  IMMORTALITY.  BECOME AN IMMORTAL BEING.

When Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ returns, those who accepted Him and His Father, will be resurrected if they are dead.  They would have obeyed His Ten (10) Commandments. Kept His feast days.  And obeyed His dietary Laws. They would receive glorified spiritual bodies.

Those who are alive, would be instantly changed into spiritual bodies.

Then they would all proceed to the Sea of glass, in the heavens. The first being Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

These are the ones The Almighty YHWH, Yahweh, meant, when He said, ” I wll make man in my image,” They would have the communion, with Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ. And proceed BACK TO EARTH.  They would NEVER DIE AGAIN.

To put it simply, Man was not made with an immortal soul. He would have attained immortality, through Almighty YHWH, Yahweh, and His Son, Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

The Kingdom of Yahweh, would be established right here on Earth. With  The King and Ruler, Maalik al Amlak, Yahshua,  Ha messiyah, The True Christ.

All others would have  to await the 2nd Resurrection, 1,000 years later.