Abraham: A Yahweh True Worshiper.

    Abraham was a dedicated Yahweh True Worshiper.

Abram, was born around 1952 B.C., in Ur of the Chaldees. When he was born, he was given the name Abram. His father Terah, had two (2) other sons before him. Nahor and Haran.

Their great grandfather, Serug, was a descendent of Reu, who was a grandson of Heber/Eber. Serug, was born around 2146 B.C. His son Nahor, was born around 2116 B.C. His son Terah, was born around 2082 B.C. His son Abram, was born around 1952 B.C. They were known as Hebrews, after their ancient ancestor, Hbr;Heber;Eber.


After the dispersion at Babel, all nations of the earth went their separate ways. They practiced what they had learnt at Babel, the gate of El; Elohom; god,  and  goddesses, under the direction of Nimrod. He was under the direct influence and control of HLLL;  Hill-el; the Satan.

Great Empires were built. The same religion learnt from Babel was the cornerstone in the development of these nations. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, India, China, parts of Europe, and tribal communities, all around the world, existed. These and others, comprised the nations of the earth.

They were all worshiping El; Elohim; god/gods. All under different names, corresponding to their language. We will focus on the religion practiced in Ur, where Abram was born.


The city of Ur was heavily involved in Babylonish  idolatry, and the worship of its patron moon god Sin. About 2,200 B.C., the King of Babylon, Sargon I, had replaced the Sun god worship, in favorr of  the Moon god. Sun god worship was prevalent from the time of the dispersion from Babel. There was a trinity of sun god, moon god,  and star worship. With all the elements of nature being worshiped.

Sargon 1, himself, was revered as the representative of the el, elohim, god/gods,  fallen spiritual angelic beings of the entire domain over which he ruled. He had conquered Kish, Ur, Uruk, and Lagash, and other surouding cities.He was the founder of the Akkadian Empire. He was the  world leader at that time. He decided that the order of priority should be shifted. Now the moon worship would take priority over the sun worship.


When the Sun is the priority form of worship, , more prayers are said to the Sun. For example, at sunrise, prayers and invocations, were said to the sun. At exactly 12:00, midday, a special prayer was said. Remember, that at this exact time, sacrifices were made to the sun god, including human beings, in certain countries. At sunset, a prayer was said to the sun god.

The moon worship would be less than the times of the sun. It would have to be at least one (1), hour before sunrise. And at least one hour after sunset. If there are nine daily prayers/invocations, five(5) would be for the sun, and four(4) for the moon. Both were worshiped, but the sun god was more revered.


When Sargon I, reversed the priority, the opposite happened. Now the moon elah; ilah; god, was the main elah; ilah; god. The Elah; Ilah; The God, over all the other gods. Now the main worship is due to the moon god, The Moon Elah; Ilah; God, named Sin.

His prayers and invocations, would be said (1) hour before the sun god rises. The sun god was regarded as being strong at exact midday. Therefore, no prayers were to be offered before 12.00 noon. Right on the stroke of midday, when the shadow started, sun prayers were due. And before sunset, another was due.

About one hour after sunset, the moon god, would have his prayers. Not to clash with the sun god prayers. Seeing that the Moon god was the more revered, he had to have one(1) prayer more than the sun god. One that could float between the two nightly prayers.

Three (3), for The Moon God, and Two (2) for the Sun god. A special priestly group was organized to ensure that the times were adhered to, with great precision and recording. This had started from the days of Nimrod, at Babel.

This was a fundamental change from the days of Nimrod. Nimrod had long since died. He was now being worshiped as Bel Marduk,  Merodack,  Nimrod, a man-god. Sargon I had initiated this change to moon god worship, around 2200 B.C. This was applicable to all in his Empire.

North to the whole of  Babylon. North-West to Aram, modern day Syria, to the Mediterranean Sea. In the South, to Arabia, and reaching Egypt.  In the East to Elam ad surrounding areas.,  including the Indus Valley.  This covered a wide area, as a look at the world map would certainly reveal the wide extent of its application.

Other areas in the earth did not follow this. It applied to the Empire of  Sargon. The far Eastern countries, such as China, and India, and parts of Europe, and the Americas, continued with the sun god worship, as the number one priority.  Also with moon god. 

In addition, the making of figurines, teraphims, and ornaments of  The Moon Elah, SIN, was an industry by itself. The Moon Goddess, was Nanna, whose symbol was the crescent moon. There were other goddesses representing the planets, and the stars. Other forms of worship which emanated from Babel, were also indulged in.


By 1952 B.C., when Abram was born, this form of worship was firmly entrenched in Ur, of the Chaldees, and elsewhere. The names of places carried the name of The Moon Elah; Ilah; God Sin.

Sinai, near to Egypt. The wilderness of Sin. The mountain of Sinai. These were just a few examples. Subsequent Kings had the name Sin, as part of their names. Sinacherib, comes to mind.

Abram did not follow this form of worship. Abram spoke the language of  his forefathers. He spoke the Hebrew Language. He was known as Abram, the Hebrew. He was a Yahweh True Worshiper.

Abram the Hebrew, rebelled against that type of worship. He did not worship any Moon Elah; Ilah;   Allah, God Sin. Sun. Stars. Planets, constellations, or other aspects of nature. He did not swear by any of those things either.

Y H W H; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, was the Almighty whom Abram served, obeyed, and worshipped. Abram was a man of strong faith, strong imaan, in The Almighty Yahweh. Almighty Yahweh is not an El; Elah;Ilah; Elohim, Allah, or The God.

Abram was the most unique man amongst all men in the entire earth. Abram was the light, the Nur of Almighty Yahweh. More particularly, in the land of Ur.

The entire community  hated him. They wanted him to worship like them. Their Moon ilah, Sin, in particuar, and their other elohim (gods), in general. They  tried on numerous occasions, to harm him. All in an effort to have him worship their Elah; Ilah; Moon God SIN.

This was a pivotal watershed period in the entire history of mankind after the dispersion of languages from Babel, and Nimrod, thousands of years before.

Nimrod was long since dead. He was now being worshipped as an Elah;Ilah; God, Bel Marduk. He was no longer a king. He was dead, as secular history so clearly indicates.

Almighty Yahweh, told Abram, the Hebrew, to move out of Ur. To go to another land. Leave behind friends and relatives. He would make out of Abram, the Hebrew, a great nation. This would be different from all the nations formed after the debacle at Babel.

So with his father Terah, his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot, Abram moved up to Haran, around 1915-1910 B.C. He would have been around forty (40) years of age. Haran was some 600 miles North West. Haran was also steeped in Moon Elah;elohim, God Sin worship. His father Terah, died in 1877, at the age of 205 years.

Having spent about 35 years in Haran, Abram, had accumulated possessions, including flocks of animals, menservants, and their families. In 1877 B.C., Abram, the Hebrew, entered into Canaan, at the age of 75 years, with his family and possessions.


Abram first entered Shechem. And Abram built an alter to Almighty Yahweh, who had appeared to him. Genesis 12:7.  Not to any El; elah; ilah; god, or The God.

Abram then went between Beth El, and Ai. Beth El to the west and Ai to the east, a distance of about 5 miles and pitched his tent there. Abram, the Hebrew, built an alter to The Almighty YHWH;Yahweh. Here he prayed with the Name YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh. Genesis 12:8.

This is fundamentally important. This was his first encounter with the Elah; Ilah;  elohim; gods, in Canaan. The main god was El. His wife was Astoreth. His son was Baal. This was the prominent trinity of gods in Canaan.

Beth El, means, house  of El, the house of God. Many elohim, many gods. Abram, the Hebrew, did not worship these gods. He kept a distance away from El; Elah ;Ilah; God. He worshiped only Almighty Yahweh, who is not an elah; ilah; god; The God, or Allah.

Abram, went down to the Negeb, further south. There was a famine and he went down to Egypt. This was the land of many elohim; gods. He was not interested in any of these gods. The Moon Elah; Ilah; god, was also worshiped, among hundreds of other gods.

Abram escaped a serious ordeal in Egypt, including the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was regarded as the representative of the sun elah; ilah; god, if not the god himself.

After he left Egypt, Abram returned to the former place between Beth El and Ai. Now called Beth Yahweh. There he called on the Name of Yahweh. He kept far away from the house of el, elah, ilah, Elohim, god/gods.

Abram and Lot separated. Lot to Sodom, and Abram remained in Canaan. That was around 1876/75 B.C. While in Canaan, four Kings lead by Chedorlaomer, came down east of the Jordan river.They took Lot, and headed back north.

Abram, the Hebrew, together with 318 armed men, trained in his household, together with local friends, followed them and brought back Lot and the stolen items. As he was returning from his victory, he had a remarkable experience with Melchizedek. He was a righteous Priest of Yahweh, and a King of Salem.

Almighty Yahweh, assured Abram that his offspring would become as the stars in heaven. Over a formal covenant inv1olving animal sacrifices, Yahweh, revealed that the offspring of Abram, would be afflicted for a period of 400 years. Genesis 15:13 refers. Because the sins of the Amorites had not yet reached its full measure. Genesis 15:16.

They had been in Canaan for about 10 years, and by 1867 B.C. Sarai was still childless. She proposed to substitute her maid servant, Hagar, so that she might have a child through her.


In 1866 B.C., Ishmael was born. Abram, the Hebrew, was 86 years old. His son Ishmael, was a Hebrew, like his father.

Thirteen years passed. In 1853 B.C. Abram was 99 years old. Almighty Yahweh commanded him to be circumcised, together with all the males in his household.


Almighty Yahweh, changed his name from Abram, to Abraham. From exalted father, to Father of many nations. Sarai had her name changed to Sarah, and she would have a son the following year.

This was a memorable year, 1853 B.C. for the newly named Abraham. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. Lot and his 2 daughters barely escaped. A famine caused Abraham to go to Gerar. Sarah was taken to the harem of the King. Yahweh intervened and Sarah was released.


The following year, 1852 B.C., Isaac was born. Abraham was now 100 years old. Sarah was 90 years old. Ishmael was 14 years old.

About 5 years later, in 1447 B.C., Isaac was weaned. Ishmael, now a young man of 19 years, poked fun in a ridiculing way at the 5 year old. Genesis 21:9.  Sarah was not pleased.

Abraham dismissed Hagar and Ishmael. He was concerned to see him go. Yahweh told him not to worry because Ishmael would be a great man and would have twelve (12) sons. Verse 20 says that ” Yahweh, was with the boy,  and he grew, and lived in the desert wilderness.”

Ishmael, the Hebrew, and his mother Hagar, lived in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt. Ishmael’s sons  dwelt from Havilah as far  as Shur, which is  east of Egypt,  also  as you go toward Assyria.


Almighty Yahweh assured Abraham that through Isaac, the blessings of the promised seed, promised at Genesis 3:15, would be preserved. The promised seed of the woman would come through Isaac, and not Ishmael. This was a decision of The Almighty Shadhadh,  YHWH; Yahweh.

That year, 1847 B.C., Abraham, and the King of Gerar, Abimelech, formed a treaty, at Beersheba. Basically, it was a treaty of friendship, over a well. Genesis 21:32.

Genesis 21:33. There are different versions as to the exact meanings of this  most important verse. The way it has been rendered in the translated scriptures, does not fully convey the deep significance of this occasion.

The King James version at Genesis 21: 33 states: And Abraham planted a grove in Beer sheba, and called there on the name of the Lord, the everlasting God.

The Jerusalem Bible version at Genesis 21:33 states: Abraham planted a tamarisk at Beersheba and there he invoked Yahweh, the everlasting God.

A cursory glance at the above, may reveal that Abraham planted a tree and prayed . He called on the name of the lord God, Yahweh and invoked his name.

For ages this  was the accepted situation. From Moses down to the present time. Translators from the Septuagint around 250 B.C., to the Vulgate, around 400 A.D. have continued likewise. The English Translations have continued the same trend.

This author accepted that position. After I started my walk with Yahweh,  I began questioning the importance of this verse given to Moses, in 1447 B.C. With the help of The Holy Spirit of Almighty Yahweh, Yahweh’s Kodesh ha Ruach, I began a deep search to get to the deep inner meaning of Genesis 21:33.

None of my previous interactions with Religious leaders, pastors, all religions, The Organisations using the name Yahweh, on their Websites. They all had no real answer to my wanting to know the deeper significance of this verse. So far no answer is forthcoming.

The answer, which I would proceed to explain, underlines one of  the real reason why this website, www.yahwehtrueworship.com, was set up on the Authority of Yahweh.

The purpose of this website is to provide the answers which the entire earth requires. Not just this, but a great deal more. This was done under the guidance of Almighty Yahweh., and His Holy Spirit.

From the dispersion of languages at Babel, the nations of the earth continued in the form of worship started by Nimrod, under the influence of Hlll; Hill- el, the Satan.


Now Almighty Yahweh, wanted to forge a nation following Yahweh True Worship, in order to fulfill his promise of a coming seed of the woman, at Genesis 3:15. 

Abraham was the one man Yahweh used to start this process. This was to pave the way for the seed of the woman, promised at Genesis 3:15.  It had to come through Abraham, and Sarah, that is Isaac. It had to be someone who was not at Babel, it had to be someone who was of the lineage of Hbr; Eber. A Hebrew.

It could not have been anyone whose lineage had an association with the religion practiced at Babel. It could never have been Ishmael, through his mother Hagar. Although Ishmael, was a Hebrew, after his father, Abraham.


In 1447 B.C. Ishmael and his mother left Beersheba. This year, Abraham finalized a treaty of friendship with the King of Gerar. Now verse 33, refers.

Abraham was left with Sarah and Isaac, who was 5 years old at the time. Together with the 318 men, trained in his household. A lot of them would have wives and children. This was a fairly large group at Beersheba. over nearly 500 men  women, and children.

Verse 33 specifies four main items. Planted, Called, Named, Yahweh.

To understand the meaning of this verse, you would have to know the words in the Hebrew Language context. Whatever biases one may have  towards the Jewish people would have to be discarded. Yahweh revealed himself through the Hebrew language. This is an inescapable fact. Indeed, Yahshua, The True Messiyah, said that Salvation is of the Yahdaim (Jews).

  1. Planted. This word was taken from the Hebrew word, NATA. Strong’s # 5193. It means, to plant, to fasten, to place, to set, to set up, to establish. It can be figuratively used to convey something to be established.  When you plant a tree or something, you establish it, you start it. This is the start. This word should have been translated as :Established.
  2. Called. This word was taken from the Hebrew word, QARA. Strong’s # 7121. It means, to call, to summon, to announce, to proclaim., to read out loud, to call on The Name of Yahweh, to praise the excellence of Yahweh, to preach, to be invited as a guest, to call someone, to  Name them. This word should have been translated as  NAMED.
  3. Named. This word was taken from the Hebrew word, in Strong’s # 8033, 8034 and 8035. It means, name, named, a proper designation of a person, renown, fame, famous, to name the Name. to call on the Name of Yahweh, to proclaim and praise the excellence of Yahweh. Named the name of the place. This word should have been translated NAME.

YHWH; YOD HAY  WAW HAY; Yahweh. This word was taken from the Hebrew word YHWH, in Strong’s, # 3068. IT means, the proper name of The One True Almighty. The One who exists, and causes existence. Who existed, exist, and would exist forever.

Then Abraham established, planted, a people who followed the Laws of Yahweh, in Beersheba; and he named the name of that place, with the Name of Yahweh, The Eternal Almighty Father. Genesis 21:33.

This is how the inner meaning of  Genesis 21:33, should have been understood. Abraham also  planted trees near the well of water, where the treaty was finalized with the King of Gerar, Abimelech. That was the physical setting. A well nearby, surrounded by trees. The place was setup, among a group of trees. 

Almighty Yahweh, did not reveal to Abraham any special physical shape of a structure, or any dimension to follow. Whether rectangular, oblong, ,square, circular, or cubed. Abraham, in effect, established and planted people, who would obey, serve, and worship Almighty Yahweh.

Abraham already had a group of over 500 people. This was the group to whom The Prophet Abraham, invited as guests, to fellowship with him, his wife, Sarah, and his 5 year old son Isaac. Here he called, and summoned them to Worship. His friends from Gerar, and the King would have been invited. Ishmael, the Hebrew, son of Abraham, also.

Abraham called on the name of Almighty YHWH; YOD HEH WAW HEH; YAHWEH. He proclaimed and preached the excellence of Yahweh. That Yahweh is not an El; elah; ilah; Elohim, god/gods, like those in Canaan. The king was already of the view that; “The Mighty One is with you in all that you do” Chapter 21:22.

Abraham worshipped Yahweh in this way. He did not just plant one tamarisk tree, a grove, and prayed. That would be too insignificant. Yes, he would pray by himself at times.

Almighty Yahweh would not wait since Babel, to start a nation, to serve, obey, and worship him, and then have the establishment of it, portrayed in an insignificant manner.

The Angels loyal to Yahweh were looking on. The angels loyal to HLLL;HIllel; the Satan, were looking on. This was a pivotal period in the history of mankind.


They would have met regularly for worship, especially on the Sabbath. That place was named with The Name of The Eternal Almighty Father Yahweh. The Everlasting one, whose name alone means : Eternal Life. Eternal Existence. Everlasting Life.

Thus was established and planted the first Yahweh True Worship Congregation, after the dispersion from Babel.

This worship continued. And Abraham stayed in the land of the Philistines many days. Verse 34. Chapter  22 :1 “Now it came to pass after these things that…”

This worship was continuing. It officially started in 1447 B.C. when Abraham was 105 years old, and Isaac was 5years old. Time passed. Around 1836 B.C. Abraham was 116 years old, and his son Isaac was 16 years old.


Chapter 22 :1 continues-” Yahweh tested Abraham..”  Verse 2: …..” Take now your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriyah, and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering…….” Almighty Yahweh tested the faith, the Imaan, the Amaan, of His Prophet Abraham.

Almighty Yahweh told Abraham to take his only son. But why? He had another son, Ishmael.  Almighty Yahweh does not play with words.  He knew that Ishmael was the elder son of Abraham. Yahweh knew that the promised seed of the woman, promised at Genesis 3:15, would come through Isaac and not Ishmael.

Isaac was with Yahweh True Worship, from the age of 5 to now 16.  While Ishmael, was now 30 years of age. He may have visited them occasionally, and for worship. He was a Hebrew, and also worshiped Yahweh. Ishmael did not worship El; elah; ilah; Elohim; god/gods, like the other people around.

But Ishmael, lived with his sons, and his family away from Abraham. When Yahweh spoke to Abraham, Isaac was his only son living with him, and Sarah. In any case, by then Ishmael was 30 years of age, and away. Isaac was The Only Son of Abraham, living with him, when Yahweh, tested him.

In total obedience to Almighty Yahweh, Abraham went to Moriyah, with Isaac. He built an alter, and was ready to offer up Isaac as a qorban, a sacrifice to Almighty YHWH;Yahweh. At the last moment, Yahweh intervened and substituted a ram.

Verse 16: ” And said; By Myself I have sworn, says Yahweh….”…The Almighty Yahweh signified that there is none greater than Him. He does not have to swear or vow to any created thing, such as the sun, moon stars, night, day, the soil, the fig, fruit, or mountain etc.

Almighty Yahweh, then reinforced his covenant with Abraham. Verse 18: Through your Seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice. The seed through whom the promised seed would come would be Isaac.

As far as The Almighty Yahweh is concerned, it could never have been Ishmael. Always remember, and do not ever forget that YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, is not an EL; elah; ilah; Elohim; God, Allah,  or god/gods, or Lord. 

After this episode, they returned to Beersheba, and continued their Yahweh True Worship Congregation. That  was in 1836 B.C.

In 1815 B.C. Sarah died, at the age of 127 years. Abraham was 137 years old.

In 1812 B.C. Abraham obtained a wife for Isaac, that was Rebecca. After this, Abraham took Keturah, and fathered 6 additional sons. He gave gifts to his sons, and while he was still living, he sent them eastward, away from Isaac, to the land of the east. He did not carry them to the east, he sent them.

In 1792 B.C. Isaac and Rebekah, had twins, Jacob and Esau. Abraham was 160 years old. Isaac was 60 years old. Abraham continued with Yahweh True Worship. He had no dealings with any El, elah, ilah, Elohim, God, Allah, or The God.

Abraham was indeed the  father of many nations. From Abraham descended the Israelites, Ishmaelites, Edomites, Midianites, and many others.

In 1777 B.C. Abraham was 175 years old. Ishmael was 89 years old. Isaac was 75 years old. His grandsons, Jacob and Esau, 15 years of age. They were all in Yahweh True Worship, from birth. The prophet of Yahweh, Abraham The Hebrew, was cherished by Almighty Yahweh.

Abraham never worshiped any El; elah; ilah; elohim; god/gods; the moon god Sin, The God, or Allah.

He always worshiped YHWH; YOD HAY WAW HAY; YAHWEH, THE ALMIGHTY SHADHADH. He never went to any place or country where these other gods were being worshiped.

Abraham, established the  Congregation of Yahweh, in Beersheba in 1447 B.C. and formalized Yahweh True Worship. He was the cornerstone of Yahweh True Worship. Almighty  Yahweh, said at Genesis Chapter 26:5; ” Because Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My Laws.”

That is why The Prophet of Almighty Yahweh, Abraham, was chosen by Yahweh. He lived to see the lineage to the promised seed, Yahshua, established.

In 1777 B.C. ABRAHAM, The Hebrew, THE PROPHET OF THE ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, died at the age of 175years.

Genesis 25:9; And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah… In those days, burial took place at the earliest, the same day of death, or at the latest, the following morning. There was nothing to keep the body after that. He was not embalmed.

Ishmael, the Hebrew, had to be living within less than a 24 hour journey, to be able to bury his father Abraham, the Hebrew, the prophet of Almighty Yahweh.  Or was with him at death. Not thousands of miles away.

Abraham, was dead. He knows nothing. His body, or what remains of it, is where it was placed. The dead knows nothing. They cannot pray or worship, or lead anyone else in worship, and prayers.

The same applies to all who have died from Adam. Only a resurrection can bring them back to life.


As for Ishmael, the Hebrew, he was a Yahweh True Worshiper.  HE NEVER WORSHIPED ANY EXCEPT THE ALMIGHTY YHWH, YAHWEH.  He died in 1729 B.C. at the age of 137 years of age. He had 12 sons. From secular history, they merged with their relatives, the sons of Esau, the Edomites, and the sons of Abraham, with Keturah.

In time, they would become the Ishmaelites, Edomites, the Nabateans, The Midianites, and others. They later merged with the various tribes, living in Arabia, Yemen, Sheba, and Egypt.

The sons and grandsons of Ishmael and Esau, started worshipping the El; elah; ilah; Elohim; God; Goddesses, Moon god Sin, and all the other gods, Elohim, Allah, and others. This is where the divergence took place, from around 1700 B.C., at the least, after the death of Ishmael, the Hebrew, in 1729 B.C. NOTE THIS WELL. 


The sons and grandsons of Isaac and Jacob, continued with The True Worship of  Almighty Yahweh. Isaac, kept his sons in line with the True Worship of Yahweh. Jacob, had 12 sons. This culminated in the creation of the nation of Israel, in 1447 B.C.

But the start was with The Prophet of Almighty Yahweh, Abraham, The Hebrew.

From 1447 BC to 5 BC, the line to the promised seed was preserved. The Son of YHWH; Yahweh, Yod Heh Waw Shin Ayin ; Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, was born.  In 30 AD, He died.   From then on there was no need for animal sacrifices.


