Tithes and Offerings.

The Bible tells us of two instances prior to the setting up of the Law Covenant, in 1447 B.C. when a tenth of possessions was mentioned. Abraham gave ten percent (10%), of his spoils to Melchizedek. Genesis 14: 18-20,refers.

On the second occasion, Jacob vowed at the place between Bethel and Ai, that he would give ten percent (10%) of his substance to Almighty Yahweh. Genesis 28: 20-22, refers. He had no possessions.

He poured oil over the stone, that was his offering, to Almighty Yahweh. His promise of ten percent 10%, would have been based on the lambs and goats, which he would offer to Yahweh, when he returned to his father’s home. There is no further mention of this again.

These were two (2) instances of voluntarily giving and promising to give ten percent. There is no record that Abraham and his grandson, Jacob, ever commanded their descendants, to follow such examples. If Jacob was already under an obligation to pay this, then he did not have to vow to do so, as he did.

Tithing was formally initiated, with the children of Israel, in 1447 B.C. Yahweh gave the tithing laws for definite purposes.

The first tithe was of the produce of the land, and fruit trees. Also, of the increase of the herds and flocks. These were for the Temple sacrifices. These were brought to the Temple and given to the Levites. They had no inheritance in the land, but were devoted to the fulltime service of the Temple.

There was an additional tithe set aside each year, for purposes other than the direct support of the Levitical priesthood. It was used in large measure, by the family, when they assembled together at the national Feasts/Festivals/Holy Days, of Almighty Yahweh. Note this well  !!!!!

In instances where the distance to Jerusalem was too far for the convenient transport of this tithe, then the produce was converted into money. This money was then used in Jerusalem, for the sustenance and enjoyment of the household and family.

While they were in attendance at the Three annual Feasts,/Festivals/Holy Days of Yahweh, in Jerusalem. They used this tithe to buy things to eat and drink. This was not for the Priests, or Temple. Note this well  !!!!!

Then, at the end of every third and sixth year of the sabbatical cycle, this tithe was set aside for the Levites, alien residents, widows, fatherless boys and girls, and orphans, in the local community. Deut 14:28-29 and 26:12 refers.

When the people became negligent, the Priesthood suffered. Remember, the Levites had no inheritance and no job. They had to revert to secular work, and this affected the level of Yahweh True Worship. Anything withheld and not given, was viewed as something stolen from Yahweh.

When the Ten (10) Northern tribes fell away to Calf worship, El, Elah, and Elohim, worship, they used the tithe to support their form of worship. They were worshipping God, Elohim, and Baal, but had not been Worshipping The Almighty YHWH; Yod HayWaw Hay, Yahweh. They were tithing for the Gods, not for the One who had formalized tithing in 1447 B.C.

By the first century A.D. the religious leaders, particularly among the scribes and Pharisees, were making an open show of tithing and other outward works. But their hearts were far removed from Yahweh. Yahshua, The True Christ, reproved them for their selfish hypocritical attitude. Matthew 15: 1-9 refers.

He called attention to their giving a tenth of the mint, the dill, and the cumin, something which they should have done. Yet at the same time disregarding the more important matters of the law, such as justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42 refers.

In his last week, Yahshua,  Ha meshaiayah, The True Christ, went about cleansing the Temple, from a spiritual perspective. Among other things, he spoke about the need to give to Yahweh. One particular incident highlighted this.

Mark 12:41-44 says that while Yahshua sat opposite the treasury, He watched how the people put money into the treasury, and many who were rich put in much. But there came a certain poor widow, and she put in two small coins, the equivalent of a penny.

Then He called His disciples to Him and said to them: Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who have contributed to the treasury. For they all contributed out their abundance. But she, out of her poverty, put in all that she had, of what she had to live on.

Luke 21: 1-4 says Now He looked up and saw the rich men putting their gifts into the treasury. And He also saw a certain poor widow putting in two small coins. Then He said: Surely I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For all those, out of their abundance, have put in offerings for Yahweh, but she, out of her poverty, has put in all that she had to live on.

Yahshua, The True Christ, knew that the Temple would be destroyed. The ten (10) percent tithe would cease to have significance for the Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation. There would no longer be any need for sacrifices to be made at the Temple after His Death.

Yahshua, The True Christ, therefore concentrated on offerings, and not tithes. The tithes were meant for the Levites, who had no inheritance in the land. This was significant because it marked a break with the Priesthood of the Levites and that of the new High Priesthood of Yahshua. the True Christ. A total break.

From now on the Priesthood of Yahshua, the True Christ, would be followed by all Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregations. It would be based on the kind and generous offerings of the faithful elect. This left an indelible mark on His disciples and believers and guided them in the years after His death.

The Yahweh True WorshipMessianic  Christian Congregation, was at no time commanded to pay tithes. The obligation to pay tithes ceased when Yahshua, died. After His death in 30 A.D., they were encouraged to give support to the Ministry, through material contributions.

Acts 2: 44-45 states ” Now all who believed were united, and had all things in common. And sold their lands and other possessions, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.” And Yahweh added daily to those who should be saved.

Acts 4:34-35 states ” Neither did any among them go in need, for those who owned land or houses sold them and brought the money for what had been sold. And laid it down at the apostle’s feet, and they distributed to each as anyone had need. ”

For lying to Peter, both Chananyah (Ananias) and his wife Sapphira, were struck dead. And believers were increasingly added to Yahweh, multitudes of both men and women.

Acts 11:29-30 states ” Then the disciples, every one in proportion to his individual ability, determined to send relief to the brotherhood in Yahdah. Which they also did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Shaul (Paul).

This was the method by which the early Yahweh True Worship Messianic Congregation was established and built. There were no tithes, and (10) percent contribution was demanded by the leaders of the members.

All donations, offerings, and contributions, were all done voluntarily. Yahweh approved of this Method. Paul, in his epistles, provided further strict guidelines on the method to be followed.

2nd Corinthians 8:11 states that ” So now, you must also complete the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, out of what you have. ”

Verse 12 states that ” For if there is first a willing mind, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have. ”

Verse 13 states that ” For it is not intended that others should be relieved, while you are hard pressed.”

Verse 14 states that ” But that there might be equality. Now at this time, your surplus will supply what they lack, so in turn, their surplus would supply what you lack. Then there will be equality. ”

Instead of a fixed specified amount of ten percent (10) percent,  “Each man should give what he has purposed in his heart to give, not grudgingly, nor out of necessity, as though one’s arm was being twisted, for Yahweh loves a cheerful giver.” 2nd Corinthians 9:7.

Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures, was this ever changed. I challenge anyone to dispute this, based on the Bible.

.Of course, the Yahdaim (Jews), continued with their animal sacrifices at the Temple. They did not recognize the atoning sacrifice of Yahshua, Ha meshaiayah, The True Christ, and its unveiling, at the time of the death of Yahshua.

They failed to accept that His death on Nisan 14th, 30 A.D. meant that Almighty Yahweh, no longer has any need for any Animal Sacrifices. From 30 A.D. there were two parallel systems at play. The Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation, operating with Offerings and Donations.

And the rest of the Jewish nation, operating with a fixed 10% tithe/tithes. This is most significant, as it indicated that they were now, two separate and distinct groups, from before and after the death of Yahshua, The True Christ.

With the destruction of the Temple, in A.D. 70, all animal sacrifices stopped. Just as The Almighty YHWH, Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh, wanted it. The Jewish people followed the religion of the Pharisees, and it was heavily influenced by them, in this regard, even up to today.

The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, continued unabated. They faced tremendous opposition from the Jewish religionists, from the death of Yahshua. This continued for a long while, until the death of John, and thereafter. But they never insisted on tithing a ten percent, 10%. Never!!!!!!!

Yahshua,  the true Christ, had predicted before his death, that many shall come against His Name. About 250 B.C. the religious leaders had decided that the Name YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh, was too Holy to be pronounced. The Name Yahweh, was replaced with the names, Adonai and Elohim.

These were the names of pagan Canaanite gods, which Yahweh, had commanded them not to use, in 1447 B.C. To achieve this, they placed the vowels for Adonai and Elohim, below the Name YHWH. Whenever a reader came to the Name YHWH, when they saw the particular vowel, they either spoke aloud Adonai or Elohim.

In this way, the Name of YHWH was suppressed. The same method was used to hide the YH, Yah, from the Name of Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin; Yahshua. This Name means, Yahweh is Salvation, Yahweh will Save. It was replaced with Yod Shin Ayin.; Yeshua; Yesua, which means, He is salvation, He will save. Yah was replaced with Ye.

Around 250 B.C. The Holy Scriptures were being translated into Greek. The Name to be translated was Yeshua/ Yesua, not Yahshua. The Greeks had a goddess named Inow. She had saved certain people in the sea. Her name means She is salvation, she will save. The Greeks honored their male gods, by placing a ” us, ” after their names.

Notable are the Father of gods and men Zeus, Dionysus, and others.  Yesua, he will save, had to match up with, Inow, she will save. Female goddess Inow, to Yesua, became Inoous. Inoous, Iesous, he will save. The Yahdaim, did not care what consequences came about because of this. Their main concern was not pronouncing the Name YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay. Yahweh.

Yahweh had stated that His Name shall be great among the Gentiles. If it was hidden, how would it be known by all the nations? YHWH; Yod Hay  Waw Hay, Yahweh, is not The Almighty Creator of the Jews alone. He is the Almighty Yahweh, ove all the entire Universe.

During His Ministry, Yahshua, The True Christ, encountered these situations. His Name was Yahshua. The Jews had names, like Yeshua, and Yesua. The Greeks had Inoous. Iesous. The Jews called Yahweh, , Adonai and Elohim. The Jews did not want Yahshua, to use The Name Yahweh, openly and verbally. They said that He blasphemed, The Name. He openly made known the Name of Yahweh.

After his death, The Yahweh True Worship messianic Christian Congregation grew tremendously, and they openly used the Names, Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Christ. A distinct rift developed them, and the rest of the Jews.

But a different form of Roman Christianity was also developing. These were the Greeks and the Romans. They were against the Name of Yahweh, and Yahshua, They began to use the name of their mighty one Kyrius, instead of Yahweh. And they preached the son of Kyrius, was Iesous Inoous, the Christ.

They existed simultaneously for about 150 to 200 years. To cut a long story short, The Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation, died out slowly. Pressure from the Jews showed that these were two(2) distinct groups. The Roman Catholic form of Christianity took over.

With the help of the Roman Emperors, this form of Christianity was to entrench itself, throughout. Various verses in the Scriptures were mistranslated, in order to support some of their Non- Biblical teachings. The immortality of the soul, a Trinity of gods, existing as one, eternal hellfire, and the doing away with  the Commandments of Yahweh, took center stage.

But the ten percent (10%), the tithe was insisted on, even at the point of death.

The Roman Church wanted nothing in common with the Jews, from as early as the time of Emperor Hadrian. Around AD 130, They moved the name of Yahweh, to Kyrius, then to Theos, and then to Dominus. All under Jerome and the Latin Vulgate, in 405 A.D. The German name for their mighty one, Gott, took over and is today, God and Lord.

The name of Yeshua/ Yesua, moved to Iesous, Inoous. Then to Iesus, under Jerome. This is Arabic Issa. For one thousand years and more, the prayers concerning Yahweh, and Yahshua, the True Christ, went to Dominus, and Iesus Christ.

In the 17th century, to distinguish between the Big “I” and the small “I”, the letter ” J” was introduced. Iesus then became Jesus. Around 1650 AD. The Holy Spirit, Kadosh ha Ruach, of Almighty Yahweh, would never dwell among those prayers. Never!!!

The Roman Church had given up on the true teachings of the Inspired Scriptures. The 10 Commandments were nailed to a cross, they taught. But the 10 percent (10%), was not. They used it to build large buildings, honoring their trinity of gods, and making their Church, into a money-making spectacle.

As the years passed on, this false teaching infiltrated every Christian denomination. It is money-making and causes many offshoots and various religions, and sects, all wanting their share in the tithing ten percent (10%) market.

This has held center stage leading up to the 21st century. Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christians never paid tithes. And in 2022, this teaching is being promulgated throughout.  The Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation. This is why this article is on the Website: and being preached publicly.


Festivals of Almighty Yahweh

While the Hebrews were still in Egyptian bondage, Moses told Pharaoh that the reason for the Hebrews being allowed to leave Egypt was that ” we have a Feast; a Festival to Yahweh.” (Exodus 10:9).

Passover was instituted on the evening preceding the Exodus from Egypt. The first Passover was observed about the time of the full moon, on the 14th day of Abib (later called Nisan) in the year 1447 B. C.E. Abib falls within the months March-April of the Gregorian calendar. Thereafter it was to be celebrated annually.

The festivals; feasts, formed an important part of The True Worship of Almighty Yahweh. The Hebrew word, Hag; Chagh,  is translated to mean a periodic festival or feast. Moh-‘edh’, is also rendered as ‘festival’  and refers to a set time or place of assembly.

The Three primary seasonal Festivals were sometimes called pilgrimage festivals because of the assembling of all males in Jerusalem.

The time, the place, and the manner in which they were to be conducted were all fixed by Almighty Yahweh. As the term “seasonal festivals of Yahweh” implies, they were associated with various seasons of the year. The early spring, the late spring, and the fall (autumn).

In Leviticus 20:26,” You are to be My holy ones, for I, Yahweh, am Holy, and have separated and set you apart from the nations; I have called you out, that you should be Mine.

Leviticus 23:2, Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them, Concerning the Feasts of Yahweh, which you shall proclaim to be Holy Convocations (Assemblies);  THESE ARE MY FEASTS.

Leviticus 23:44, So Moses declared to the children of Israel the feasts (festivals) of  Yahweh.

Leviticus 24:22, You shall have the same law for the stranger and for the one from your own country; for I am Yahweh your Almighty Father. These laws were applied to the Hebrews, as well as the stranger, other nations, and the gentiles, among them.

The law covenant incorporated many detailed instructions regarding the observance of festivals. The festivals helped the people to keep their thoughts on the word of Yahweh. So as not to become so involved in their personal life, that they would forget the more important spiritual aspect of their daily life.

Traveling to and from the festive gatherings afforded time for meditation, meeting others, and discussing the laws of Yahweh. The festivals; feasts, were occasions of happiness.

Certain days of these feasts were Holy Convocations or Solemn Assemblies; these were Sabbaths, and similar to the weekly Sabbath. No secular work at all was to be done. An exception to the regular Sabbath arrangement was that work such as the preparing of food, unlawful on the weekly Sabbath days, was permitted in connection with the preparation for the festival observances.

The law required that all males appear in Jerusalem. No penalty was attached for individual non-attendance, except the Passover. Failure to attend it brought the penalty of death.

Women were under no obligation to attend as were the males. Yet some attended the festivals whenever possible. Hannah, the mother of Samuel, attended at Shiloh. Mary, the mother of Yahshua, The True Christ, and her family, regularly attended the feasts at Jerusalem.

The males were to bring a gift in proportion to the blessings of Almighty Yahweh. These occasions were to be celebrated with joy. The alien resident, the fatherless boy, and the widow were to be included. This was provided that the males among such alien residents were circumcised Yahweh True Worshippers.

These Festivals; Feasts; Holy Days, were kept by Yahshua, The True Christ, who observed all the Feast days. Luke 2: 41, Now every year His parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. Verse 42 , Once, when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem for the Feast as usual.

John 2:23, When he was in Jerusalem during the Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread many believed in His Name; trusted him for his power, when they saw the acts of power that he did. He even risked his personal safety to attend the Feast of Tabernacles, John 7:1-2, 10, 14.

The disciples of Yahshua also kept and observed the Festivals; Feasts, of Almighty Yahweh.

Paul told the Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation in Ephesus, at Acts 18:21 “I must, by all means, keep this Feast that comes in Jerusalem” In Acts 20:6, Paul being unable to arrive at Jerusalem for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, remained at Troas to celebrate it. At Verse 16, He hurried so that it would be possible for him to celebrate the Day of  Pentecost in Jerusalem.

1 Corinthians 11:1-2, Paul urged The Yahweh True Worship MESSIANIC Christian Congregation, ” Remember me in all things, and keep the traditions of the Yahdaim (Jews), just as I have handed them over to you.”

1 Corinthians 16:8 “But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost.” The Festival; Feast, and Holy Days were important observances in the life of Paul. Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christians, both Jews, and Gentiles continued the observance of the Annual Feasts of Almighty YHWH, Yahweh.

And what about the Sabbath? On the Sabbath, Saturday, Paul, the disciples, and others, always preached in the synagogues. When they were thrown out, they continued in homes and public gatherings. They always did so ninety-nine percent (99 %) of the time, on the Sabbath Day.

The writers of The New Testament made innumerable references to the festivals; feasts; holy days, giving them a happy, symbolic, and prophetic application to the Yahweh True Worship Christians.

Colossians 2:16-17, states “Therefore, Let no man condemn you for doing these things: eating and drinking in the observance of a Feast Day, or of a New Moon, or of the Sabbath Day. Which are a shadow for things to come for the Body of The Messiah Yahshua, the True Christ.”

Galatians 4: 8-10; But then, indeed, when you did not know Yahweh, you were in bondage to that which, by nature, are nothing but gods (Elohim); But now, knowing Yahweh, or rather, having been known by Yahweh, why do you return to the powerless gods (elohim), and bow down to sacred poles? Why do you want to be in bondage to them all over again?  From this, you watch for Feast days in deviation from Yahweh’s New Moons, Feasts, and Sacred Year.

From the above, it is clear that the Messianic Christians in Galatia were using the Asherah poles in order to ascertain the time for the feasts of Yahweh. This was the pagan sun god method, which Yahweh always condemned. By then false teachers entered the fold as was predicted by Yahshua, and the early converts.

The names  Kyrious, and Theos were being touted as a replacement for Yahweh, Inoous, and Iesous, as a replacement for Yahshua. These were the names of gods, (elohom), which Paul was pronouncing against. These gods and their worship were filled with sun worship and used the Asherah pole to ascertain the solar equinox. Almighty Yahweh completely denounced that.

 Paul was advocating the keeping of the Feasts of  Yahweh. The scriptures were twisted to reflect that he had said to do away with the Feasts; Festivals; and Holy Days of Yahweh. And this has continued up to today. Totally false doctrine accepted by the Roman Christian Church.

Another verse supporting the above was also twisted.

Hebrews 8: 6- But now, he Yahshua, has obtained a more superior ministry, of which he is a better Mediator of the Covenant, which was given upon a better promise established in the Law of Yahweh; For if that first priesthood had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for the second.

When you read Chapters 8,9, and 10, you would realize that Paul was referring to the renewing of the covenant under Yahshua, The New High Priest. The sacrifice of Yahshua finished the need for animal sacrifices. Under the New Priesthood, anyone can enter the Holy of Holies, and have a personal relationship with Almighty Yahweh, only through his son Yahshua, ha Meshaiayah. The  True Christ.

Paul never advocated the non-observance of the Festivals; Feasts; or Holy Days of Almighty Yahweh. Yahshua never did. The Apostles and The Early Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation never did. So why should it appear that he did?

According to Yahshua, The True Christ, Paul, Peter, Jude, and the early congregation, false teachers would arise. Certain men who would secretly creep in. False teachers who would secretly bring damnable heresies, and because of them, the ways of the Truth will be evil spoken of. While they were alive these men were with them.

Afterward, through the influence of the Roman Church, and with the help of Roman Emperors, false teachings were introduced. Firstly, The Ten (10) commandments were done away with. They are no longer under the Law. That was for the Yahdaim (Jews).

Secondly, The Name of Almighty Yahweh was replaced by kyrios, and Theos, the name for their mighty, strong, and powerful ones.

The Name Of The True Christ, Yahshua, was entrenched as Iesous Inoous. This was changed in 405 A D to Iesus. At the same time, kyrios, and Theos had an alternative in Dominus.

The false doctrines of Immortality of the soul, the Trinity of God, and the entrenchment of the pagan cross as a Christian symbol. Note that Yahshua was impaled on a Stauros, which is an upright pole, with his hands above his head and not outstretched.

The rejection of the Festivals of Yahweh and other aspects of Yahweh True Worship meant that Christianity had taken a different path compared to the Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation. The Roman Universal Catholic Church, and its offshoot churches, including, the modern-day Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, have continued likewise.

Today, the name Christianity embodies many features not associated with the Holy Scriptures. Because all use the name Christ, it is false to think that they all represent the one Jesus. The Roman Church’s intention was to emphasize the Title of Christ. Why? Why? Why? In some cases, the name Jesus was placed after the title of Christ, and it became, Christ Jesus.

This was done to cause the True name of The Son of Yahweh, Yahshua, The True Christ to remain in oblivion. While at the same time extolling the name Khristus, so dear to the Greeks, their Khristus, ZEUS. You see, to the false teachers, and certain men who crept in unawares; unnoticed, the name Inoous Iesous Christus, was more acceptable to the mind of the Greek and Roman converts.

Peter so eloquently said in Acts 4:12 “Neither is there Salvation in any other; for there is no other Name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved.” YAHSHUA IS THE NAME. 

So strong was their hatred for the Law of the Yahdaim(Jews), and the names Yahweh and Yahshua, that they failed to grasp the significance of that verse. This has continued right down to the present day. Christian Religious leaders have continued to believe a lie and are guilty of misleading innocent, honest, and very truthful Christians. How? Into believing that when Peter said his words, he meant Iesous, Iesus, Arabic Issa. From around 1560 AD, modern Jesus.   SUS is a pig or swine in roman. A horse in Hebrew. 

There is no way that is possible. This name Yahshua, is the only way to Eternal Life, through Almighty Yahweh. As a matter of fact, these are the only ‘names recognized in the True Spiritual Realm. No other names, I repeat no other names!

The Roman Church wanted to have nothing with the Festivals; Feasts; and Holy Days, of Almighty Yahweh and his feasts. Although he had told the children that these feasts were his. The gentiles were invited, provided the male was circumcised. The Hebrews had to be circumcised also. These were the Feasts of Yahweh, not the Yahdaim (Jews).

Instead, the Roman Church revived the ancient pagan feast of Ishtar; Easter, and it replaced the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Now there is Easter.

The ancient pagan sun god worship, centered around a string of False Saviors, starting with Tammuz in Babylon, was revived. The sun god was revived, and he was born on the winter solstice, on December 21st. He was fully born on December 25th. That became the birthday of Inoous Iesus; and about since 1650 AD, Jesus.  Jesus; ha Zeus, Christ.

Yahshua, Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, The True Christ, was born on the first day of  The Feast of Tabernacles. corresponding to September/October. Not on December the 25th.

It is now abundantly clear that we should be obedient to Yahweh, and his son Yahshua, and become Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christians. This would help us to attain Eternal Life, and to be ready for The First Resurrection.

The alternative is to follow Kyrius; Theos; Dominus;  Deus, Gott, Lord; God, and Allah. And Inoous; Iesous; Iesus, Arabic Issa, Jesus Christ. Then you are preparing yourself for the Second Resurrection, 1,000 years, after.

The Choice is clear. The Choice is yours to make.


The various Feasts; Festivals; Holy Days, will be dealt with separately. The manner in which they should be followed in Today’s World would be explained.


Mother Goddess Worship.

Mother Goddess Worship.

The first man against Yahweh True Worship was Nimrod. Noah’s son was Ham, who had a son named, Cush. Cush had a son named Nimrod.

Genesis 10:8-10; says: Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one, ( a hunter ),  on the earth; He was a tyrant who deceived, who turned against Yahweh; therefore it is said: Like Nimrod the tyrant who deceived, who turned against Yahweh; And the beginning of his Kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, Calneh, and all of them in the land of Shinar; that is, Babylon.

His original name was Mrd; Marad. This means,’ Let us rebel.’ This was pronounced as either, M-rad,  Em-rad, or Em-rod, or Om-rod.  After the confusing of language, it assumed the form we know it today as Nimrod.

Worship Against Yahweh.

Nimrod was heavily influenced by HLL-eL; Hill-el; the Satan. Nimrod was the first human, man-god. His wife Semiramis was the first human goddess. They formed a type of worship that was totally against Yahweh True Worship. It was centered around the Sun, Moon, and different aspects of nature.

They felt that every aspect of creation had a specific spiritual power or powers, which had to be obeyed, appeased, and worshipped. The spiritual beings, or angels; deothas, represented powers, immanent in the physical forms. To infiltrate the human mind, Satan claimed that there were male and female angels in these physical forms.

Spiritual beings are neither male or female. But they can take on the attributes of either male or female, depending on the circumstances. Before the flood this happened. In the human form, a spiritual being can play the role of a man god. And another can play the role of a female goddess.

They believed that these beings fertilized the earth. They were present in the Sun, moon, stars, and planets. Also in the air, thunder, water,and earth, vegetation, and trees. Also in animals, such as the lion, bull, snake, and others.

A spirit existed all these forms and had to be worshipped. This was the beginning of organized religion, nature worship, mother goddess worship, and the worship of El; Elohim; Elah; Ilah; Gods, and the God. And a Trinity of Gods.

Worship to the fallen spiritual angelic beings. ELOHIM.

Of course, this was offering worship to the various spiritual angelic spirits living in these created aspects of the earth. HLLL; HILL-EL, Ha  satan, The satan, had certainly found a way,  whereby the one third (1/3) of his angels, would obtain service, obedience, and worship. Lucifer; Elcifer, had fully entered the hearts and minds of the people in the world.

All this was lead by Nimrod, and his wife Semiramis; Sammur-ra. He was in total defiance against Almighty Yahweh. He was a tyrant, who was against Yahweh.

They started building a city, and a tower, whereby they could view the heavenly bodies, the clusters of stars, in order to formulate the signs of the Zodiac. They observed the movements of the heavenly bodies. How it worked with precision. It certainly would have an influence on the lives of the people.

On March 21 (21/3), at the Vernal Equinox, the sun god Nimrod, had sexual intercourse with the moon goddess, Semiramis. This simulated the course of nature, as the power in the sun had fertilized the earth and vegetation was anew after the winter period. During the spring, life was anew and the flowers blossomed. This was  a time for celebration.

At the summer solstice, 21/6, the hot arid land became barren and brown. The mother goddess earth, had lost the companionship of the sun god. The El, elah, ilah.

During the autumn equinox, 21/9, the sun started dying. The days grew shorter and the night grew longer. The goddess started weeping for the sun god who was missing. There was less sun.

At the winter solstice, 21/12, the sun started to come back to life. Now there was more sun, as the days started becoming longer and the night shorter. Four days later, 25th, it was fully born.

The goddess they worshipped at the vernal equinox, 21/3, gave birth to the sun (son) at the winter solstice, 21/12. On December 25th, 25/12, the sun (son), was reborn.

The fertilization of  the god Nimrod, and goddess Semiramis, was on 21/3. This produced a son on December 25th, 12/25. Their son was called Tammuz. He was the first son (sun) god. He was the son of a god born on December 25th.

Mother Goddess Semiramis.

Mother goddess, Semiramis, was the great mother goddess who gave birth to the son of a god, Tammuz. She was the mother of god and man. The Trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz was established. Father, Mother, and Son. Their religious year had come full circle. This was from the time of Nimrod, who was against Yahweh.

It was the worship of EL: ELOHIM: ELAH: ILAH: GOD. The word Bab, means Gate. The word EL, means God. Babel then is, The Gate of God; The Gate to God; The Gate to the God; The God Gate.


This worship could never have been directed to the ONE ALMIGHTY YHWH; YOD HAY WAW HAY; YAHWEH. So Yahweh confused their one language, his language, which they all spoke.

All, except one Yahweh True Worshipper, HBR; HEBER; EBER, who was not at Babel. His language was not confused. He continued speaking the original language. It became known as the Heber language.

In, time, it became known as Hebrew. His  descendants became known as Hebrews. That is why the Holy Scriptures of THE ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, can only be truly understood with reference to that original language of Yahweh, now called Hebrew.

Genesis 11:8, So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth; and they ceased building the city.


Now several languages were spoken. With their new language, they migrated to different lands. The people were forced to leave to different lands according to their different languages. Each family became part of a tribe.

Some members of one family may have spoken a different language from the rest of the family. They may have felt a closer affinity to members of a different family due to their speaking a similar language. In time, this resulted in a lot of inter breeding among the various tribes.


Their language was changed, but the memory of this form of worship continued, and was practiced in all the lands and places where they went. In particular, the Mother Goddess worship, and the Mother/Son worship.

All the variety of the other forms of worship also continued. Elah; Ilah; Elohim and God worship too. Not forgetting the Trinity of Gods. Other non-biblical teachings, such as the immortality of the soul, and a place for the departed spirit after death, and others.

This Mother Goddess, and Mother/Son worship, in particular, spread throughout, all over the Earth. All under different names, and languages.

  • From Mother Goddess–  Semiramis , Son– Tammuz.  From Babylon-TO Egypt: Mother Goddess Isis–Son–Horus.
  • Canaan: Mother goddess  Astoreth–Son Baal.
  • India  : Mother Devaki— Son—Khrishna
  • Asia    : Mother Cybele—-Son—Deolus.
  • Greece: Mother Gaia—-Son—Adonis.
  • Greece: Mother Aphrodite—Son—Eros.
  • Phoenicia: Mother Astarte—Son Adonis.
  • Germany: Mother Freyja, Eostre– and Son.
  • Scandinavia: Mother Disa— and Son.
  • Rome: Mother Venus—and Son Cupid.
  • Arabia: A trinity of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Al-Manat.
  • China: Mother Ching Moo—and her child.

North, Central, and South America, and the rest of the earth, all followed, Mother Goddess, and Mother/Son worship. This can be traced right back to the beginning, in Babylon, Babel, the Gate of El, God.


In 6 BC, during the month of Chislev, which fell between mid November and mid December, during the Feast of Dedication, the Angel Gibbor-el; Gabriel, visited Mariam;Mary. He told her that she would have a Son.

She would name him Yod Hay Waw  Shin Ayin; Yahshua. For he shall save the people from their sins. The name Yahshua, means, Yahweh is Salvation. Yah will save.

He said that the Holy Child, would be called the Son of Yahweh. At that time, The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, performed a miracle. Mary conceived. Therefore, the Baby would be called, The Son of Yahweh.


Yahweh is not an El; Elohim; Ilah; Elah; Adonai; A god, The God, or Allah.

Birth of Yahshua, Ha Messiyah.

In 5 BC, nine months later, during the month of Tishri, corresponding to our September/October period, Yahshua, was born.

This was during the Feast of Booths, known also as the Feast of Tabernacles, or of Ingathering, or is called The Festival of Yahweh, at Leviticus 23:2. This month, the sun was shining, and the shepherds were out in the fields with their flocks.

On the 15th of the month, was the first day of the feast, which was up to the 22nd.Since the last day was the 22nd, Yahshua, could not have been circumcised after the 22nd. The 8th day.

OOPS!!!!!!! That leaves us with the 14th/ 15th of Tishri. Yahshua, the Son of Almighty Yahweh, Tabernacled  with us on, was born on  the First day of The Feast of Yahweh, Tabernacles, 5 BC. Tishri falls midway between September and October.


That year 5 BC, on the 25th of December, all the countries in the earth, were celebrating the birthday of their sun god, by whatever name they had for him. It was very cold, so they had special logs with fire, to keep warm.

They also had lots of rabbits and eggs, and other things, to celebrate the birth of the sun god. In Rome, the son god was Mithras, others had Apollo, and Adonis, not forgetting Bacchus. The main food was the pig; swine; hog, deemed unclean by Yahweh.


In Rome, by the year 200 AD, at the latest, much of Roman Christianity was mixed with this  pagan worship. The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation was virtually dead. It was replaced by the Roman form of Christianity.

The name Yahweh, was replaced with the names of the Greeks and Roman names for their strong, mighty, and powerful gods. That is, Kyrious, and Theos. Would the Holy Spirit of Yahweh exist where these pagan names were worshipped?  NO WAY!

The name Yahshua, was replaced with Inoous.

Prayers were offered to:  Kyrious, the Greek god Zeus, through Inoous Khristus. Would The Holy Spirit of Almighty Yahweh be with those worshippers? The answer is very simple. No way. Yahweh is no Kyrious or Theos.

The Ten Commandments were abandoned. The Trinity of Khyrious; Theos, Inoous, and spirit, was being  established. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul was being entrenched.

Between 325 AD, and 391 AD, Roman Christianity was firmly entrenched with all its pagan trimmings. The religion of Rome had competed for a long while with Mithraism, Gnosticism, Greek and Roman theology and philosophy. Many of their teachings were integrated into the Roman form of Christianity.


In Ephesus, Diana was worshipped as the mother goddess of virginity and motherhood. Ephesus was famous for the temple of Artemis.

Many had been drawn to the Roman church, but so strong was their adoration for the mother goddess, that they did not want to forsake her.

Compromising Church leaders saw that if they could find some similarity with the worship of the mother goddess, they would greatly increase their numbers.

But who would replace the great mother goddess of Paganism. Of course, Mary; (Mariam), the mother of Inoous Khristus. She was the most logical person.

Little by little, worship was being transferred to Mary. By 400 AD, Mary was being worshipped as a Mother Goddess. Cakes were being offered at her shrine.

By 405 AD, Jerome, had translated the Greek scriptures into Latin. The names, Khyrius and Theos, were replaced by Roman word for their strong, mighty, and powerful ones, Dominus. The name Inoous was replaced with Iesus. Prayers were now being offered to The trinity of: Dominus; Iesus; spirit.


In 431 AD, an important event took place in Ephesus, where Diana was worshipped as the mother goddess of virginity and motherhood. Also, mother goddess Artemis had her temple here. It was one of the seven wonders of the world.


Remember that Theos was the name, which was used to replace Yahweh.  Theotokos, therefore  means that Mariam was the mother of the Roman Catholic Theos. I repeat, WOULD  THE HOLY SPIRIT OF AMIGHTY YAHWEH BE PRESENT IN SUCH A SCENARIO?  NEVER!!!

It is important for your Salvation to answer that question, and then take measures to extricate yourself from this heresy. It was indeed the spirit of the world, and not Yahweh.

Andrew M. Greely, a Roman Catholic priest and author, illustrates in his book ” The Mary Myth, on the femininity of God,”  that, ” Mary is part of a magnificent tradition of female goddesses going  back into antiquity. “

” Whatever was good in the pagan religions were integrated into the Roman Catholic religion. If the good was somehow mixed with the bad, that was no problem” OOOH!!! Boy, you dig that!!!!!!!

So the various local pagan female goddesses were transformed overnight into Christian saints. The great mother goddess Diana, was transformed into Mary, the mother of God.

A host of other goddesses were likewise transformed. Likewise, the various saints, such as Peter, Paul, and the rest of them.

Mother Goddess Mary.

The mother goddess which the Roman Catholic Christians lacked was found. The mental ground that had been held by Semiramis, Isis, Cybele, Artemis, and DIANA, was found. It was established through  Mary, mother goddess, the mother of God.

After all, how poor and unbalanced a religion it is, if a place is not found for the Great Mother Goddess.

HLL-eL;Hill-el,  the Satan, had succeeded in stealing Worship from Almighty Yahweh to Mary, the mother goddess.

Remember, and don’t ever forget, that Almighty Yahweh, is not an Elah, Ilah, Adonai, Elohim, Khryius,Theos, Dominus,  Lord, God, or Allah.

Mariam; Mary, was a woman blessed by Yahweh. A virgin raised up in the laws and commandments of Yahweh. She was chosen by Almighty Yahweh, to give to HIS SON, Yahshua. She was never meant to be worshipped.

Mariam; Mary, is DEAD. She is no where alive in heaven or elsewhere. So are all who have died from Adam to the present time. They are nowhere in graves saying prayers, worshipping, or listening to anyone. Making intercession or leading a group of worshippers. They are ALL DEAD.

Except,  The Son of Almighty Yahweh.  Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True True True Christ. He was resurrected by Yahweh, and is now with Yahweh. He is our High Priest. He is making intercession, for all those who believe in Almighty Yahweh, in the sacrifice of Yahshua, the True Christ.

What do we do to obtain Eternal Life? Endure to the end, to the last second of our life. How?

Believe in Yahweh, and the shed blood of Yahshua. Repent of your past sins.  Start living a new life. A new converted life. How?

By obeying the Ten Commandments Of Yahweh.

By celebrating The Festivals; Feasts; and Holy Days Of Yahweh, instead of the worldly celebrations, such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and others.

By eating a diet of clean animals ordained by the Creator. Teaching others to do the same.

That is not difficult, Is it! This, my friends, is The Only Way To Eternal Life.

Halleluyahweh through Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.



The Holy Spirit first appears in Genesis 1:2…. ‘ And The Spirit of Yahweh was hovering over the face of the waters.’

This is the invisible active force of The Almighty Yahweh, by which He accomplishes His divine purpose and will.

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, can be likened to wind, and air. Which cannot be seen. But the effects can be seen and felt.

The Holy Spirit, can be compared to radio waves that can transmit a message from one person to another. Yahweh, through His Holy Spirit, which is Yahweh, Himself, transmits messages and communicates to the mind of man. His brain and his heart. His servants then would convey that message to others.

The Power of Yahweh, can be likened to the energy in a battery. While the active force, or Holy Spirit, can be compared to the electrical current flowing from the battery. They are ONE!

All of creation owes its existence to the operation of Yahweh and His Holy Spirit.  THEY ARE ONE!


Almighty Yahweh, created spiritual angelic beings. They are all spirits. Before the creation of matter and the universe.

Psalm 104:4- ‘ You make Your malakim spirits.  You make Your ministers a flame of fire.’

Hebrews 1:7- …..’ Who makes His malakim spirits, and His ministers a flame of fire.’

The malakim, spiritual angelic beings, were individually created. And named. They are strong, mighty, and powerful.

They are very knowledgeable and intelligent.  The Hebrew word YADA, means, knowledge, and mental inteligence.  Another word DAATH, means, Kmowledge. They had this knowledge regarding their creation by Yahweh.

They were the servants and messengers of The Almighty Yahweh.

There are Seraphim,  made of spiritual fire. With 6 wings. There are Cherubim, made of spiritual light. And four wings. And ordinary ones with two wings.

The word El, is used to describe them. The plural is Elohim. They are termed the spiritual army of the heavens. They sang praises and words of Worship, Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Holy, Holy, Holy. To The Almighty Yahweh.

The angels though capable of materialising human bodies and appearing to men, are not by nature fleshly or physical matter.  They are invisible to the human eye.

The Almighty Yahweh, and His Holy Spirit, are superior in ALL ways to the created spiritual angelic beings. They are strong, mighty, and powerful. BUT Yahweh, is THE ONE ALMIGHTY.  He is above them ALL.

The chief of the angels, the archangel, is Micha-el. Then there is Gibbor-el. Known as Gabriel. Also, Rapha-el. Note the el, added by Yahweh, to their names.


Another one is Hill-el.  He was made of spiritual light, not as the Seraphim, made of spiritual fire. He was unfaithful to The Almighty Creator.  He now hated the malakim made out of spiritual fire.  In future he would attempt to denigrade them. By claiming that those of fire were lesser than him.

His name was changed to Satan. This name means, adversary, opponent, opposer, accuser. To  The Almighty YHWH;Yahweh. 

Hill-el drew one third 1/3rd, of the angels as his followers. To them, he was their boss, king and ruler.  For them, he retained the name of Hill-el. He used some of his spiritual angelic beings, to act the role of Satan, and adversary.

He himself was Hill-el, the Elah, the god. He set up his own kingdom of good and evil. He even called some of them by the names of the Faithful spiritual angelic beings with Yahweh.


The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, can reveal things. It energizes His servants to accomplish things in accordance with the will of Yahweh. It can be like a fire within them.

They receive the power through The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, acting on their, minds, thoughts, and their spirit, which resides in their brain.

At Genesis 6:3- Yahweh said to Noah, ‘ My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh.’ Before the flood, The Holy Spirit was in the world, as usual.

But it was only with Noah and his family. The others were dealing with the spiritual angelic beings, which were created by Almighty YHWH; Yahweh.


After the flood, there was Mrd, Marad, M-rad. which means, ‘Let us rebel.’ It can be pronounced as Emrad. M-rad. He was against Yahweh. He wanted to make a name for himself. He was influenced by Hill-el, to use the name  El, Instead of YHWH. He wanted nothing with The Almighty YHWH, Yahweh, of Shem.

He formed his own form of worship  of the creation, nature and the worship of the spiritual angelic beings.  He was the man-god.

His wife in secular history, was one Semiramis. She was the first Mother goddess. M-rad, was the man god, and his wife was the mother goddess. The son was Tammuz.

The Holy Spirit of Almighty Yahweh, was never with those who followed M-rad, who was an agent of Hill-el, The Opposer to Yahweh.


Almighty  Shadhadh,  YHWH, Yahweh, confused the one Language that was in vogue since the angelic spiritual beings were created, and before.

One Heber, Eber, was not at Bab-el. He was a Yahweh True Worshiper. The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was with him. His language WAS NOT changed. The original language, now became known as the  Heber language. Hebrew.


All others formed their own languages. They ALL CONTINUED WITH THE RELIGION STARTED BY M-RAD.  They were taught that a spiritual entity existed in every aspect of nature, and had to be be served, obeyed and worshiped. 

Nature worship, sun, moon, stars, planets, sacred animals, snake, air, water, trees, stones, mother earth, and the spiritual angels, who had rejected Yahweh.

A Trinity of gods. And the fact that they would not die. They would be like the man-god M-rad. They would live in the stars and constellations. They would be IMMORTAL.

Man-god, mother goddess, mother and child Tammuz. The vernal equinox and movement of the sun, moon and the constellations. ASTROLOGY, and the start of it. And a great deal more.

All in the new languages which they formed in all the lands after they moved away, from Bab-el. The gate of el, elah, god and gods.

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was in the world. BUT it was never with all those who went from Bab-el, and formed their Religions, throughout the world. They had their own creation stories. Their own flood stories.  All to be taught by the spiritual angelic beings opposed to Almighty YHWH.

All with diferrent names in their own Language.  They had to start a new language.  Like babies, they  would have started with  aah, eeh, iiih,ooh, uuh.  From there, they formed letters, words, sentences, and verses. And so on.

But being guided by the spiritual angelic beings, headed by Hill-el, and those who followed him. They were ruled by the spirits of the world.

The Main god which they knew in Bab-el, was the man-god, the sun god. MARAD. The Emrad. Omrod. The spiritual angelic beings were aware of all things. This name was changed in different languages to Marduk, Merodack, Nimrod, after the dispersion, in the middle eastern countries. They also influenced other areas, with their languages.

For thousands of years, this situation continued.  In their new languages, they would have different names for their gods, goddesses, and their Trinity of gods. AND everything else.


The descendents of Heber, continued with the language of Hebrew, and The Holy Spirit of Yahweh. Until Yahweh, choose Abraham, born around 1952 BC.  Through Abraham, the seed of the woman promised at Genesis 3:15, would come. NOT FROM ANY OF THE OTHER NATIONS.

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was NOT with ANY of the other nations of the earth. They were controlled by the spiritual angelic beings, opposed to The Almighty YHWH; Yahweh.

The Hebrew nation had to be formed for the Messiyah, to come. Yahshua, The True  Messiyah, The True Christ.

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was with His Prophets, Leaders, and all who were faithful to Yahweh, and His Comandments, honored His Holy Days, kept His dietary laws, and taught others to follow that.


Luke 1: 35 ‘ And the malak, angel, answered, and said to her, THE HOLY SPIRIT will come upon you, and the power of Yahweh will overshadow you,  therefore, also, that Holy Child Who is to be born will be called the Son of Yahweh. ‘

At His baptism, Yahshua, The True Christ, was filled with The Holy Spirit, Ruach ha Kodesh, of The Almighty Yahweh.

Yahshua, The True Christ, spoke of the Holy Spirit as being a helper, teaching and bearing witness, guiding, speaking, hearing and receiving.

Deliberate opposition to and rebellion against the manifestation of The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, means, Blasphemy. A sin that is unpardonable. Mark 3:28-29.

Yahshua, The Messiyah, The True Christ, told his disciples and others, to wait on The Holy Spirit, till the day of Pentecost.

The Holy Spirit, has its source in Yahweh.  And exercises its function according to the will of Yahweh. They are not seperate! They are ONE!

Yahshua, The True Christ, had to be resurrected in order for the Holy Spirit, The Comforter, to be poured out on man.


The day of Pentecost AD 30, marked the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh, of the Almighty YHWH, Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh. It fell on all those present. They were all baptised into one body by The Holy Spirit.   YHWH; Yahweh Himself.

From now on, The Holy Spirit of Almighty Yahweh,  would direct the Yahweh True Worship Messianic Congregation on the earth.  Yahshua, The True Christ, being the head. It would be His new spiritual nation. Yahweh’s chosen congregation.

1 Peter 2:9 ‘ But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you would show forth the praises of Him Who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.’

Collosians1:18 ‘ For He is the Head of the body, the called out ones, Who is the beginning  of the first born from the dead, so that in all things He may have the pre-eminence.’ The first place., in the  Yahweh true worship  congregation. after Yahweh, of course.

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, is a free gift.  A right heart is the Key. Acts 15: 8  ‘And Yahweh, Who knows the hearts, testified to them, giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us.’

This applied equally to the Yahweh True Worship Congregation, as well as the the other nations. The Gentiles, who had accepted yahweh, and His Son, Yahshua, Ha messiyah.

While dying, Stephen, in a vision, saw The Almighty Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Christ, seated next to Him.  The Holy Spirit, is unseen. It is the power of Yahweh.

In contrast to the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, Paul refers to the spirit of the world.

1 Corinthians 2: 12, ‘ Now, we have not received  the spirit of this world, but the Spirit which is from Yahweh, that we may understand the things that have been freely given to us by Yahweh. ‘

1 Corinthians 12:13, ‘ For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one body, whether Yahdaim (Jews), or other nations, Gentiles. whether we be slaves or free, and have  all been made to drink into one Spirit.’

There are many spirits in the world today. The spirit of Christmas, the spirit of Easter, the spirit of the holidays, the spirit of emotionalism, and many others. The world shows a spirit of catering to the desires of the flesh.

The spirit that now works in the children of disobedience to the Ten (10) commandments of Yahweh. Disobeying the dietary Laws of Yahweh. Not following the Holy Days of Yahweh.  And teaching others to do so.

Not to mention the various spirits in all the other religions, which came after the dispersion from Bab-el. The gate of el, elah, god.

We are advised to test these spirits to see if they are of Yahweh. If they are of The Holy Spirit of Yahweh.


This went on until around 120 AD. The Emperors wanted to have  nothing in common with the Names Yahweh and Yahshua. They took the scripture and replaced These Names, with the names of their gods. Their strong, mighty, and powerful pagan ones. Kyrius and Theos.

Would The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, remain with these names? NO WAY!

By 200 AD, the Apostasy predicted by Yahshua, The True Christ, Peter, Paul, Jude, and James, was fulfilled.  The Roman Laodicean form of Christianity, had won over from the Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation.

The name of Yahshua, The Messiyah, The True Christ, was replaced with Inoous.  Now it was their god kyrius/Theos, and Inoous Iesoous,  Christ.

2 Corinthians 11 :4 ‘ For if he who comes preaches another Messiyah, Christ, which we have not preached, or if you accept a different spirit, which you have not received, or  another message which you have not accepted, you might well put up with him’

Clear reference to a different Christ, iesoous, Inoous. Not Yahshua, The True Christ.


Tertullian hinted at a triad of gods, triatus, in the late second century. Around 190-200 AD. Over time, the scriptures were forged by adding entire verses, and adding words to verses, in order to change their meaning.

The Roman Laodicean form of Christianity, wanted to prove the doctrine of the ancient pagan worship of the Trinity of gods. Fromthe Hebrew Scriptures. They could not.

1 John 5:7 WAS ADDED. In the King James version, it states, ‘ For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.’ Verse 8 states ‘ And there are three…….’

This text concerning the heavenly witness is not contained in any authentic Greek manuscript written earlier. It does not appear in any of the oldest Greek manuscripts, neither in the Latin translations.


The Roman Church refused to bow to the evidence that the priests had done this. This was deliberately done to influence the concept of a Trinity of gods.  The only place in the Scriptures.

I John 5:7-8 shoud be read as Verse 7- ‘ For there are three which testify. Then   V8 ‘ The Spirit, the water, and the blood; and these three are of one accord.’

Making the Holy Spirit into a person. And into the  Holy Ghost. 2 Corinthians 13:14 ‘ …..the Holy Ghost,…..’ The Holy Spirit is NOT an apparition, or a ghost!

Yahshua, The True Christ, said at John 15:26 ‘ But when the Comforter,  The Holy Spirit, has come, which I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth which proceeds from the Father, the Spirit shall testify of me.’

This Roman Laodicean form of Christianity, was a gradual assimilation of pagan doctrines into the Yahweh True Worship. It started with  Emperor Trajan around 120 AD, right down to Emperor Severus around 200 AD., and afterwards.

By 200 AD, The Names of YHWH, Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh, was replaced with Kyrius/Theos. The Name of Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua, The True Christ, was replaced with Inoous Christ.



As Paul had indicated, The Roman Laodicean form of Christianity,  were being lead by the spirit of the world.

At Alexandria, in Egypt, Trinitarian philosophers and churchmen argued that there was another equal being with Kyrius/Theos, and Inoous. He was the spirit. A ghost! The paracletos. He was a person. A man also! He was the third part of a trinity of gods. The concept of a trinity of gods was being established.


The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, IS not a person. NEVER WAS AND NEVER WOULD BE! This is Blasphemy against The Holy Spirit of Yahweh.

Between 200 to 300 AD, Two (2) theological schools, developed in Alexandria, Egypt and Antioch.

Also the Christian religion of Gnostism and Sabellianism, and much more. Various sects emerged and competed for attention and supremacy.

By 200 AD, Tertullian was influential in Rome and the Roman leaders. There were doctrines associated with Philosophy and NOT THE HOLY SCRIPTURES OF ALMIGHTY YHWH, YAHWEH.

These were very controversial and there were many divisions  and religious Christian groups.

By 300 AD, The Arian controversy threatened and THE ROMAN EMPIRE.

By 325 AD, all the different groups of people and all the different cults, sects and schisms, of the Roman Laodicean form of Christianity, were entrenched by Emperor Constantine. All under one name CHRISTIANITY.

All the differences, sects, cults, and schisms, still prevailed. EVEN UP TO TODAY. They are being led by the spirit of the world.


By 400 AD, Jerome change the name of Kyrius/Theos, to Dominus, the mighty, strong and powerful pagan name  in Latin. And the name Inoous, Iesoous,  to Iesus.

The Germans had their mighty , strong and powerful pagan one,  Gott, replace Dominus.

The English, used the name of God, to replace Gott. And also Lord.

By the 17th century, there was NO LETTER J, in the Alphabet. To distinguish between the small ‘ i ‘ and the Big ‘ I ‘, the Letter ‘ J ‘ , was introduced.

Iesus Christ, now became Jesus Christ.

They were NEVER led by The Holy Spirit of Yahweh. They were led by the spirit of the world, as Paul so eloquently, stated around 50 AD.

The Missionaries came to the West with this teaching. From around 200 AD, the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was not with the Roman Laodicean Church. Preaching a Christ, that was never mentioned in the Bible.

From America, Canada, England, Scotland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France, these teachings, were introduced to the natives. And we all believed them. A God and Lord, and a Jesus Christ. A Trinity of god. Their brand of Christianity. 

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was only with Noah and his family, before the flood.

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was not with those who had gathered at Bab-el, in their devotion to Hill-el. And  gods and their false religion. Neither in the countries which they eventually became.

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was with Abraham. The promised seed of the woman, at Genesis 3:15, HAD TO COME FROM THE LINEAGE OF ABRAHAM. AND HAD TO BE A HEBREW!

The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, would not be with those calling on Kyrus, Theos, Dominus, then Gott, and God, Lord, Ram, Shiva, or ALLAH. or the name of any God.  OR Jesus Christ.

In ISLAM, The spirit,  or Ru, is a fallen spiritual angelic being,  named by Allah, as Gabriel.  NOT THE ANGEL GIBBOR-EL, GABRIEL, OF YAHWEH.  THIS IS ISLAMIC DECEPTION .

In Hinduism, the spirit, shakti, is a fallen spiritual angelic being. Devi  Shakti, Durga Shakti, the female power.   Another fallen spiritual angelic being, Lord, Elah, Hanuman, is spoken of as being the spirit .

The Holy Spirit of The Almighty Shadhadh, YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh,  Yahweh, would ALWAYS BE WITH THOSE  CALLING ON HIS NAME.



Man does Not have an Immortal Soul.

Man does not have an Immortal Soul.

Creation of Man.

At Genesis 2:7- And Yahweh formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul, a being.

Not just any one color of dirt was chosen. He chose dirt of many different colors and variations. He mixed them together and they were kneaded together with water.

This had to be in the correct ratio of water in the body, relative to flesh. All the internal and external organs were formed. But this body was lifeless. It was dead. It could not be energized on its own.

Life: Hayah: Soul.

Almighty Yahweh breathed into Adam, into his nostrils, his nose, the breath of life.  The oxygen required to energize the lifeless body of Adam. This initial intake of oxygen and outflow of carbon dioxide, constituted the breath which gave life to the lifeless dirt body.

After a few gulps of oxygen from the atmosphere, Adam was energized enough for all his systems to come to life. His life was sustained  through the process of in breath of oxygen and outflow of carbon dioxide respectively.

Adam became alive. Adam became a living soul. Without this oxygen, this breathing capacity to enable life to continue, Adam was dead.

Nephesh; Life; Soul.

The word in Strong’s dictionary, #5315, Nephesh; nefes, as used in the Scriptures, refers to the soul as a person, or an animal.. Or to the Life, hayah, that a person or animal enjoys.

It comes from a root word Neshamah, meaning “breathe” and could be termed as a “breather ” and refers to a breathing creature. It refers to human beings, but also to animals, and all other living creatures. It is the breath, the lifeforce, the soul.

The breath used by Adam was the oxygen process already utilized by the land animals, fishes, creeping creatures and birds previously created. Genesis 1:21 refers. They were all referred to as souls.

YHWH: Yod Heh Waw Heh: Yahweh.

Strong’s #2416 and #2417; The word Hay, Heh,  refers to life, a state of living. Hayah.  The first letter in the Creator’s Name YHWH. This is Y, Yod. In the 3rd person, it refers to HE. The second letter in The Creator’s Name. H, is hay, heh. This means, life, lives, YH means,  He Lives. The 3rd letter W, Waw, is a conjunction. And, that, etc.  The 4th letter, H hay, heh, signifies life, a double emphasis. This Name basically means, He Lives and Lives. He is Eternal Existence. He is everlasting Life.

Living Souls.

All these living creatures including Adam, were all living souls. Nephesh hayah. Adam became a living creature, a nephesh hayah,  a living being, a living soul. He was a combination of earth and oxygen, and all the various chemical elements.  So too was the animals, birds, and all those created before Adam.

The body of Adam, was lifeless. He could not breathe oxygen on his own. Almighty  Yahweh, started the breathing process, neshamah, by  blowing into the nostrills of Adam.  Adam became a living soul.  He  did not have a soul. They were all living breathing creatures.

A living soul results from the combination of the earthy body, with the breathing process. This indicates that it is by breathing air and oxygen that animals and now man, sustain their life. When they stopped breathing they died. Then, their life, their soul died.

Difference with Adam.

But with Adam there was a difference. Adam was created after the image and likeness of Almighty Yahweh. The hominid,  other man-like creatures, others such as apes and chimpanzees were all created before Adam. They all had a brain.

But with Adam, Yahweh gave him the added capacity to speak, to think, to evaluate, and to come to decisions. He would not operate with instinct as the others, but with reason and freedom of choice.This allowed him to be able to fashion his life after the image and likeness of Almighty Yahweh. To communicate with Yahweh, and to worship him.

Adam ‘s Brain.

Into this brain of man, where the thinking process takes place, and where the spirit of man resides, Yahweh would put some of His Holy Spirit. Do not confuse this with the angelic spiritual beings. They are not flesh, man is flesh and his spirit is in his brain. His thinking process, his spirit dies when the soul; his body, his life dies.


Eve was made out of Adam. The very composition of the physical attributes of Adam were passed on to Eve. Almighty Yahweh told Adam and Eve, two living souls, that they would die if they disobeyed him.

Yahweh did not tell them that they had immortal souls that would not die.The soul or life is identified as a physical being. Not a separate being that survives death of  the body.

Sexual Intercourse: Cain.

Adam and Eve had sexual intercourse. Eve conceived. Life immediately started. One  sperm cell, one  egg meet. They unite to form ONE cell. Life starts.  That one fertilized cell, is enclosed by an  outer membrane, and was filled with a mixture of water and swirling chemicals. At the center  is a core. The nucleus, which safeguards the tightly twisted coils of DNA. DNA, is intelligence in the cell. This is the stablest chemical in the body. It is the life force in the body. 

This is the silent intelligence in the cell. From conception, Cain started breathing oxygen and life through his mother, through his navel. His life in the womb was sustained and his body grew. The one cell began to multiply and grow. His brain, in which  his mind and spirit resides, also grew. 

In DNA, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and food, combine to produce something new, every moment.  DNA controls a rhythm within each cell. Flesh, bones, blood, heart, nervous system,  and everything else. It creates all of reality. To last a lifetime.  Each cell is aligned with the brain. The brain is the storehouse of memory. 

His life, his soul was sustained by his mother’s breathing, and with oxygen.  The  brain contains our stream of conscious awareness, thoughts, emotions, desires and impressions that swirl around in our thoughts.

At no time in his mother’s womb did The Almighty Yahweh have to put a spirit or soul in the body of Cain. After all, Cain was already a living soul and his spirit was in his brain.

After his birth, this process continued. He continued breathing in oxygen, and breathing out carbon dioxide. And his life was sustained in this way, with the eating of food and water.

He had a brother Abel. Cain killed Abel, who was apparently struck a blow that killed him. It was such that his oxygen supply was cut off. His breathing stopped, and he died. Abel was a soul, and he died. His spirit, which resided in his brain,  died. 

The First Human Death.

The first human death. Yahweh told Cain, “The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” Life is sustained by oxygen and  the blood flowing through the body. Indeed, life is in the blood.

Almighty Yahweh, knew that the life, soul, and spirit of Abel had died.This was the ideal occasion for Almighty Yahweh, to set the records straight. He created Life. He knows the process of death. He told Cain that his brother’s blood, his life, cried out to him from the ground. Where? The ground,  the grave, the pit, the burial site, Sheol, where Cain had buried Abel.

 The oxygen had left his last outbreath and returned to the atmosphere from whence it came. Once you breathe in, there is life. Once you breathe out, and cannot breathe in again, you are dead. You always die in the outbreath, since you lack the strength to breathe in oxygen.

His spirit, his mind, which resided in his brain, had died. His soul had died. His life had gone out of his body. His body was now lifeless and his soul and spirit had died.  They were finished.  The had no where to go. The lifeless body would now return to the elements, the dust, the earth from which it was made. 

The Almighty Creator, Yahweh,  did not say to Cain that the soul of your brother Abel had left his body and came up to me. Or, the spirit of your brother had flown up to me and said that you killed him. Yahweh knew that the life, soul, and spirit of Abel had died.

Only Almighty Yahweh, can create life and He can resurrect Abel to life again.


During the Flood, Genesis 7:21 says: And all flesh died that lived on the earth; birds, and cattle, and beasts, and every man. Verse 22: All in whose nostrils was  the breath of life, of all that lived on the dry land, died.

Did Yahweh say that He had a special place for their souls and spirits. A special common grave for all who died?A special purgatory place where their souls and spirits would reside. No! No! No! Their life expired and they died. The dead exist nowhere except in the memory and records of Almighty Yahweh.

The evil sons and daughters of the  giants  and the  spiritual angelic beings, their flesh perished. But the  fallen spiritual angelic beings, were sent to a special place awaiting judgement as Peter and Jude spoke about them. The Angels, the Deothas,  are immortal but fleshly man is not.

Yahshua, ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, said that Lazarus was asleep even though he was dead for four days. Death can be viewed as being asleep. The dead are unconscious. They are aware of nothing. They do not even know that they are dead. Lazarus was resurrected.

Does man have an immortal soul? No! Of course not.

Does his spirit and soul leave and go somewhere when he dies? No!

Man is temporary of the dust of the earth. He can only be immortal if he receives it from Almighty Yahweh in a resurrection, being brought back to life as Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, was. Around 30 AD. 

Man is temporary. Of the dust of the earth. His life is sustained through his breathing process.

Concept of an Immortal Soul. 


The concept of the immortality of the soul and the spirit is found no where in the scriptures.

This concept first took place when Hill-el,  Hlll, ha Satan, the devil, told Eve that she would not die. Genesis 3: 4 refers. If one is not really dead, what is the purpose of a resurrection?

This concept was further established  in Babylon, under Nimrod, who like Hill-el, HLLL, the Satan, was against Almighty Yahweh. That man had an invisible  part of him, which continued to live after his death. Part of him is immortal. A part that cannot be seen. That part went to meet the elah, ilah, elohim, gods and goddesses, after death.

Read the article on Nimrod, worship against Yahweh. They felt that every aspect of nature, had a power, angelic being, a deotha, who had to be obeyed, served and worshipped.

Sun, moon, stars, constellations, planets, sky, earth, water, air, trees, stones, fire, sacred animals, the snake, and many others.  They were grouped after male and female gods and goddesses.  There were also trinities of gods and devils and reuniting with the gods at death.

Then they would assume different forms, reincarnate into different stages of animal, plant and even human life in another occasion.  They would not die!  All in worship AGAINST The Almighty YHWH; Yahweh. 

After Babel. The Gate of el. 

After the dispersion of languages at Babel and their subsequent departure from the land of false worship,  Bab-el,  Gate of el, elah, it took root in all lands.  The main concept remained.

But it was done under different languages, mantras, and prayers.  India, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and all other countries base their religion on  this form of worship. The trinity of gods, and the immortality of the soul.

This was not the teaching of Almighty  Shadhadh, Yahweh.

Greece: Socrates and Plato.

In Greece, Plato, 428-348 BC, taught that there was a psy-khe, soul in the body of man. When a man died, his soul survived the death. There was a separation between the body and the soul, at death.

” The psy-khe, soul… if it departs pure, dragging with it nothing of the body…. goes away into that which is like itself, into the invisible divine, immortal, and wise, and when it arrives there it is happy, freed from error and folly and fear…..and all the tangible other human ills, and …..lives in truth through all after time with the gods. ”   Phaedo,80, D,E, 81, A.  The gods here are the ONE Third fallen spiritual angelic beings. 

In pagan Greek philosophy and religion, the philosophers used the term  “departed spirit.” for the immaterial and immortal psy-khe (soul). The soul emerged from the body at death. It was reunited with the gods. The main god being Zeus, and his pantheon of gods and goddesses.

In direct contrast with the Greek teaching of the psy-khe (soul) as being immaterial, invisible, intangible and immortal, The Holy Scriptures of Almighty Yahweh, refers to earthly man as being material, visible, tangible and mortal. And capable of death of both the soul and spirit. The life of man is in  his DNA. 

After Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

After the resurrection of Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, the death of the apostles and the early Yahweh True Worship  Messianic Christian Congregation, False teachings slowly crept in. These were heavily influenced and corrupted by the Greek philosophy and religion.

By 200 AD, The True Scriptures, were twisted in certain words and verses, to reflect a Trinity of  godhead. And the immortality of the soul. A place had to be provided for departed souls to improve their position at death, and a place of purgatory was found.

They proceeded to replace the Name of Almighty YHWH; Yahweh, with Kyrius, and Theos. By 400 AD, Jerome changed it to Dominus. It became German Gott, and English God, And Lord.  Al-ilah, and Allah.

The Name of Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, was changed to Inoous, Iesoous.  Jerome changed it to Iesus, around 400 AD.  To differentiate between the Big “I” and the small “i”, the letter J was introduced, in the 17th Century.  It became a consonant ,and the small” i ” became a vowel.

About 300 to 400 years ago, it received its final form Jesus Christ. The True resurrected Messiyah, The True Christ, IS, Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

YHWShin Ayin, Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, is on the right hand of His Father, The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay  Waw Hay, Yahweh. 

Yahshua, means Yah is salvation. Yah will save. These TWO NAMES  are the only names whereby ANYONE can ever hope to achieve Salvation, or Eternal Life.  IMMORTALITY.  BECOME AN IMMORTAL BEING.

When Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ returns, those who accepted Him and His Father, will be resurrected if they are dead.  They would have obeyed His Ten (10) Commandments. Kept His feast days.  And obeyed His dietary Laws. They would receive glorified spiritual bodies.

Those who are alive, would be instantly changed into spiritual bodies.

Then they would all proceed to the Sea of glass, in the heavens. The first being Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

These are the ones The Almighty YHWH, Yahweh, meant, when He said, ” I wll make man in my image,” They would have the communion, with Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ. And proceed BACK TO EARTH.  They would NEVER DIE AGAIN.

To put it simply, Man was not made with an immortal soul. He would have attained immortality, through Almighty YHWH, Yahweh, and His Son, Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

The Kingdom of Yahweh, would be established right here on Earth. With  The King and Ruler, Maalik al Amlak, Yahshua,  Ha messiyah, The True Christ.

All others would have  to await the 2nd Resurrection, 1,000 years later.


The Death and Resurrection of Yahshua : The True Christ.



Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, died on the 14th of Nisan, a Wednesday, at Three pm (3 pm) in AD 30.

This day would vary like your birthday.

The Roman Inoous, Iesus, Jesus, died on a Friday. This day is fixed, that is wrong!

The Death of Yahshua , The True Christ, ushered In the feast of Yahweh, Feast of Passover, and Unleavened Bread.

The Roman Jesus death ushered in The Pagan Babylon Nimrod worship of the Vernal Equinox , on 21/3.This was the feast of Ishtar, Eostre, Astoreth, Easter.


Yahshua, The True Christ, was resurrected Three Days after on Sabbath Saturday, 17th, at 3 pm .When the women came to the tomb, he was already resurrected.

The Roman Jesus was resurrected on Sunday morning. All false Sun Gods from the days of Nimrod were reborn on the Sunday morning.

This was less than two days after his death. This Sunday morning integrated the Sun God worship, and the Mother Goddess worship of Ishtar. Sunday is Easter.

Before HIS Death.

Yahshua, The True Christ,  was anointed on Thursday night. The lamb had to be in the home for 6 days, before the Passover! On the following day he rode on the donkey  to Yahrusalem (Jerusalem). Friday Morning, was Palm Friday!

From then  to Tuesday, he was close to the Temple area, returning to Bethany at night. HE stayed at the home of Lazarus, ( Eliazar ), and his two sisters. During this period he cleansed the Temple with the True Teachings of Almighty Yahweh. The other details can be obtained by reading the Gospels.

Tuesday Night.

On the Tuesday night, which started at sundown, the 14th of Nisan, Yahshua inaugurated the Memorial Service, now called The Last Supper. That same day, which ended at sundown, now Wednesday. At 3 pm Yahshua, The True Christ, died.


Palm Sunday.


Claiming that he rode on the donkey on Sunday, is fundamentally flawed. It was designed to lead up to a Friday death and Sunday morning resurrection.

The word Easter replaced the Passover, and the entire world  has been deceived since then.

Up to at least 150 AD,the Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation were known as Quartodecimans, meaning that they kept the 14th, day as a memorial, in honour of  their Savior,Yahshua, the True Christ.

All teachings that flow from this false Friday death and Sunday Morning resurrection are not in the Holy Scriptures of Almighty Yahweh



This year 2018, the date of the Death of Yahshua, The True Christ, would also vary. BUT NOT THE DAY!

March 31st 2018, 3/31/2018, is the equivalent of the 14th of Nisan, 30 AD. This was the day on which Yahshua, The True Christ, was crucified. 

According to Constantine and the Council of Nicene, in 325 AD, the date is calculated as follows. Take the date of the Vernal Equinox, 21/3/2018.

Easter would be on the Sunday following the next full moon, after 21/3 2018. which would be 31st March,2018. The Sunday would be 1st April, 2018.

The full moon is on March 31st. So Easter is on April 1st! 

According to this Roman Catholic Laodicean form of Christianity, their, Inoous, Iesus, Jesus Christ, died on Friday evening, and was resurrected on Sunday morning. about 39 hours after his death! THIS IS NOT SO! ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES!

According to the Scriptures, Yahshua, The True Christ, said that the only sign He would give, would be the sign of Jonah (Yahnah). Three days and three nights. Seventy two (72) hours. This is the time during which He would be in the grave!

He died on Saturday 31st March, 2018, and would have been resurrected three days later, on Tuesday 3rd April, 2018. 

This came about because of Mistakes and Errors made by The Roman form of Christianity. And it has been followed by 99% of Christians, up to TODAY!


The only way to Eternal is through Yahweh and the Sacrificial lamb, Yahshua, The True Christ. Believe on Them.

Repent of your past sins. Believe that the shed blood of Yahshua, The True Christ, is the Atonement for your past sins. Through THE GRACE OF ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, your past sins are forgiven. You are forgiven through His Grace!

Convert to living a NEW LIFE.  How do you do this? Through obedience to The Ten Commandments of Almighty Yahweh! You are saved through the Grace of Yahweh.

But that is NOT the end of it! You have to live a new Life. This is NO ONCE SAVED , ALWAYS SAVED FALSE SCENARIO. You have to be the Light of Yahweh, in the world.

Your new works would be to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of Yahweh. His Ten Commandments. AND TEACH OTHERS TO DO LIKEWISE.

You are to Honor His Feast/ Holy Days, instead of the worldly days honored elsewhere!

You are to follow His directions regarding the Dietary laws Yahweh has laid down. Eat clean foods according to His Words!

Teach others to do likewise! And endure this way until you last breath. Till the end.

In this way you would be laying up for yourself, treasures, leading to Eternal Life! And most importantly, a part in the First Resurrection. 

Follow the true teachings which are from Yahweh. Compare the True Messiyah, Yahshua the True Christ. The false teachings are not of the bible.





There was an Apostasy, A falling away from Yahweh True Worship Christianity.

Yahshua, The True Christ, taught obedience to the Ten Commandments of Yahweh. The keeping of His Feasts/ Holy Days. And following the dietary guidelines, laid down by Yahweh.He came preaching The Kingdom of Yahweh and how to enter into Eternal Life.

Hill-el, The Adversary, The Satan, has caused counterfeit religious practices to be formulated in direct opposition to Almighty Yahweh. They are so close to the truth that only the elect, the little flock, would discern the difference.

In Matthew 24: 5, correctly translated, Yahshua, The True Christ, said that many would come against His Name. One “epi'” is word is used.  In verse 5 it says ‘in’ and in verse 7 it says ‘against’.

Against The Name Yahshua.

He knew that the Jews were referring to Him as, Yeshua / Yesua. Before His birth, from about 250 BC, they felt that the Name, YHWH, Yod Heh Waw Heh, Yahweh, was too Holy to be pronounced.

When the readers came to the Name, YHWH.  Yod  Heh Waw Heh; Yahweh, they read it, But below the Name, the vowels of Adonai and Elohim, were placed below.  And these names were pronounced , instead of YHWH. These were the names of Pagan gods, found in Canaan.

The same thing applied to the Name Yod Heh Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua. This Name means Yah is Salvation. Yah will Save. To remove the Yah, from the Name, Yahshua, they changed it to Yeshua/ Yesua. This name means, He will save. The Power of the Name Yah, was removed.

The Greeks had a goddess named INO. She had saved a child in the sea. She will save. The Greeks ended the names of their Male gods, with a ‘us’. Zeus and Dionysus, comes to mind. The male INO, would then be INOOUS. He will save.

The name Yeshua/ Yesua, He will save. The name Inoous, He will save. 

These were the names used against Yahshua, The True Messiyah. He told his followers that they would be hated by all for  His Name sake. Yahshua, NOT Yeshua/ Yesua, or Inoous.

The Greeks referred to their gods as Kyrius/ Theos. The Jews openly spokeof the pagan names, Adonai and Elohim, found in Canaan.

Yahshua, The True Messiyah, spoke of His followers being eventually put out of the synagogues, And whosever kills you will think that he does his God a service. John 16:2




On the Day of Pentecost, there was an outpouring of The Holy Spirit of Yahweh. Kodesh ha Ruach, of Almighty YHWH. That was a memorable day in the entire universe. For the first time ever, the spiritual angelic beings, witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Yahweh.

It was on all those gathered in the Upper Room. This was the beginning of  The Yahweh True Worship Congregation. They called on The Names Yahweh and Yahshua.

At that point, The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was no where else with any other group of people. Not even the chosen Jewish Nation. Who were calling on the names Adonai and Elohim. 

From Now on The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, would dwell in individual lives, who would make up The Body of Yahshua, The True  Messiyah. Almighty Yahweh, was interested in this group of people, which was started with His Son, Yahshua.

Now it would be His chosen vessel, Nation, to spread the Good News of The Kingdom of Yahweh. Not those who continued using names such as Adonai and Elohim. And continued with Animal Sacrifices. And using names such as Yeshua/ Yesua, without The Yah.

This marked the  beginning of the official break between The Yahweh true Worship Congregation, and the mainstream Jewish Priesthood and Community.

Persecution and Tribulation.

The Yahweh True Worship Congregation, was persecuted by the rest of Normative Judaism and Priesthood  from. AD 30. Now there was open hostility and hatred for them.

They were forbidden to teach in the Names of Yahweh and Yahshua. Acts 5:28. In Acts Chapter 6, Jewish men of the Synagogues, disputed with Stephen, and he was martyred.

Shaul wrecked havoc with The True Worshipers. This resulted in their being scattered.  He was confronted by The Risen Yahshua. He converted to being A Yahweh True Worshiper.




Before his conversion, he had the spirit of the world. Now he had The Holy Spirit of Yahweh. Cornelius, the Gentile, was a Yahweh True Worshiper. He was not a Jewish proselyte. He and his family received the gift of The Holy Spirit of Yahweh.

The Yahweh True Worship Congregation was happy. But the rest of Normative Judaism, were astonished. The Gentiles had received an outpouring of The Holy Spirit. For the first time in the history of the world.

They had moved from the spirit of the world, to being under The Holy Spirit of Yahweh. 

This marked another break between The Yahweh True Worship Congregation, and the rest of Normative Judaism. The  Jews continued with their persecution.

Emperor Caligula AD 37-41. (1)

Then Herod killed James and Peter was imprisoned.  This was under Emperor Caligula AD 37-41. This greatly pleased the Jews. The Yahweh true Worship Congregation was greatly spoken against by the rest of Normative Judaism.

Emperor Claudius 41-54,  (2)  saw this as a problem within the Jewish people, and banished them from Rome around 48-49 AD. 

Paul and Barnabas were in Antioch, among the Greek speaking Congregation, for nearly two years. The Greek word for Messiyah, is Khristos. The Yahweh True Worshipers, were speaking the Greek Language.

The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation.

Here they were first called Khristians, Christians. They were first called Yahweh True Worship Christians. Thus was The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation born. AD 50.

But they continued using the Names Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Christ. The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, comprised of small groups of Congregations, and physically isolated individuals. This constituted an association of brothers, or a Brotherhood.  1 Peter 2: 17; 5:9.


Emperor Nero AD 54-68. (3). 


Nero as Emperor, continued with Emperor worship, as started with Caligula. Rome was burnt and he blamed it on the Yahweh True Worship Christians. They were persecuted and made to endure tremendous Tribulation.

The Apostles were imprisoned. And others were killed, and martyred. Fed to animals,  and crucified. The Congregations were scattered. (3).


But this was to change! At Acts 20: 29-31, Paul warned of an apostasy that was to come. He knew that grievous wolves would enter, not sparing the flock. Verse 30– ” Also from among your own selves, men will arise speaking  perverse things, to draw away disciples after themselves.” Paul warned of this for over 3 years.

2 Thessalonians 2:- ” That you not be soon shaken in mind,……., nor by letter as if from us,.…..” False letters were stating to circulate.

Paul wrote to Timothy, while awaiting his death in Rome. 1 Timothy 1:3-4. Verse 3-“As I urged you to command some that they will not teach false doctrine.

Verse 4-” Neither give regard to fables.” The Greeks and Roman fables and myths of their Gods and Goddesses.

Verse 6-” Some have strayed away and turned to foolish talk.” Verse 19- ” Keep the faith which some have rejected.” Verse 20- ” Teach them not to blaspheme. “

Some wanted to use Kyrius/ Theos, and Adonai and Elohim, in place of Yahweh. And Yeshua/ Yesua, and Inoous,  in place of Yahshua, The True Christ.

Chapter 3: 13-” But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse.”  Chapter 4:3 ” They will not endure sound doctrine and will heed to false teachers.”

Titus 1:10- ” For there are many foolish talkers and deceivers.”

2 Peter 2: 1-2. ” For there were false prophets who secretly bring in damnable heresies. And many will follow their destructive ways, the way of truth will be evil spoken of.”

Jude Verse 3-” Contend for the faith .” Verse 4-” For there are certain men who have secretly crept in and deny Yahshua, The true Christ.”  Verse 19-These are the ones who leave, not having The Spirit.”

At 1 Corinthians 2: 12-” Now, we have not received the spirit of this world, But The Spirit which is from Yahweh…..freely given to us by Yahweh.”

Here Paul was contrasting the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, Kodesh ha Ruach,  with the spirit of the world. They are not the same thing!


Emperors Vespasian and Titus AD 69-81, (4). 


By AD 70, the apostles were dead with the exception of John (Yahchanan). The Temple, The House of Yahweh,  was destroyed in 70 AD. The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, were scattered. They were debarred from entering the synagogues.

They continued to meet in the homes of the believers. The Hebrew  word for house is bayit.  byt.  The worshipers use to make  inscriptions in front the homes and meeting places. It read BAYIT  YHWH. Meaning House of Yahweh.

They were all Yahweh True Worship Christians, and now considered their homes and meeting places as The House of Yahweh. These inscriptions have been discovered in  places such as Nazareth, Judea, and surrounding areas. The Apostasy or falling away, may have occurred with some who were scattered.


Emperor Domitian 81-96, (5). 

John (Yahchanan), was banished to the island of Patmos, by Emperor Domitian. There he received Revelatons from Almighty Yahweh and His Son, Yahshua, The True Christ.

In Revelations 1:11-” Saying, …..write in a Book…..and send to the 7 Congregations….Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”

Revelations 2: 10-” Fear none of these things which you will suffer. Behold, the adversary will cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried. And you will have Tribulation Ten Days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you a crown of Life.”

Through these 7 Congregations, we can see the history of The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation. Beginning with Yahshua, on earth and down to our times, when The True Christ, will return.

And through the 10 Tribulations, one can trace the developments leading to the Apostasy, or falling away from Yahweh True Worship, which was predicted to come.


Emperor Trajan AD 98-117. (6).

From the Jews, through Herod and Caligula, Claudius, Vespasian, Nero and Domitian, they had endured Five (5) periods of persecution and Tribulation.

Revelation 2:1-7-is addressed to EPHESUS. Verse 2 says that their works and patience are known. They had tried those who claimed to be apostles, and had found them liars. Verse 3 says that they had labored for His Name. Verse 5, they had left their first love.

Some had left and were not doing the first works. They were beginning to use other names instead of The True Names. They were told to repent.

Under Trajan, the territory of Rome reached its largest extent. The names of the Gods of Greek and Rome were hinted at. The Loyal Yahweh True Worship Christians, continued being persecuted. They had undergone the 6th (6) Tribulation. The Apostasy: Falling away from Yahweh True Worship, had started.

Emperor Hadrian AD 117-138, (7).

Hadrian was Emperor from AD 117-138. He wanted to have nothing in common with the Jewish Names of Yahweh and Yahshua. He said that the Jews had killed their God.

Instead, the names of the Gods of Greek and Rome, were introduced. They opted for Kyrius/ Theos, instead of Yahweh. And Inoous, instead of Yahshua, The True Christ.

Yahshua, The True Christ, had warned that many will come against His Name. Now it was happening in full. They had the Holy Scriptures at their disposal. And started replacing and exchanging the Names.

There was no Printing Press. It was left up to the monks and false teachers, who had crept in, to copy and recopy what was favorable to them.

Revelation  2: 8-11- was addressed to SMYRNA. Here Verse 9 says that they were slandered by the Jews. And would have 10 periods of Tribulation.

They continued being persecuted and scattered. Yet they were faithful to Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Christ. The Apostasy : the falling away from Yahweh True Worship. had continued.

Emperor Antonius Pius AD 138- 161. (8)

By this time, The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, was known as Quarto Decimans. 14ners. Meaning that they were observing the death of Yahshua, The True Christ, on the 14th of Nisan.

The Bishop of Rome, Anicetus, did not agree to this. Instead, he wanted the rest of Roman Christianity to worship Inoous. He insisted that the rest of Roman Christianity, observe Sunday, as the day of Resurrection.

Revelation 2:12-17  was addressed to PERGAMOS.  Verse 13 says that they held fast to The NAME. And a man was martyred where Satan dwells. Verse 14  says that some were eating things sacrificed to Gods. Verse 16, Repent.

Revelation 2:18-29 was addressed to THYATIRA.  Verse 20 says that A prophetess, was teaching and seducing some to serve other Gods, and to eat things sacrificed to Gods.

The Feast Days/ Holy Days of Yahweh, were stopped. They were being replaced with other non biblical days.

During his reign, the Christian group of Marcionism, reared its head in Rome. Within the Roman form of Christianity. Many divisions, sects, and schisms, were emerging. Gnosticism, and many others. led by their own prophets and prophetesses. False teachings were being infiltrated into this form.

The Yahweh True Worship Congregation Christians, were being marginalized in favor of the Roman form of Christianity. The Apostasy : Falling away from Yahweh True Worship, was continuing. The persecution and Tribulation continued. (8)


Emperor  Marcus Aurelius 161-180. (9).

By this time, the Roman form of Christianity was holding sway among the masses.

Revelation 3:1-6 was addressed to SARDIS.  Verse 2 says that they should strengthen the things which remain. Verse 4 says that there are a few who have not defiled their garments. For they  are worthy.

Revelation 3: 7-13 was addressed to PHILADELPHIA. Verse 8 says that they had a little strength, had kept the word, and have not denied THE NAME. I have set before you an open door, and no man can shut it. In Verse 12, Yahshua, the True Christ, says that who over comes, will be made a pillar in the house of My Father.

This Congregation was now very small.  About 1 % of the population at the least.But they called on the Names of Yahweh, and His Son Yahshua, The True Christ. They continued obeying the Ten Commandments of Yahweh. Honoring His Feasts/ Holy Days. And following the dietary guidelines laid down by Almighty Yahweh. 

But for the rest, 99%, The Apostasy: Falling away from Yahweh True Worship, was truly a feature of The Roman Empire, and the Roman form of Christianity.


Emperor Severus AD 193-211. (10).


By 200 AD, Severus had conquered most of his enemies. Including The Yahweh True Worship Christian  Congregation.

The True teachings of Yahweh ad Yahshua, The True Christ, were twisted and stopped in other  instances. These stopped being taught. The keeping of the Ten Commandments, observance of the Feast/ Holy days, and eating of stipulated clean animals were stopped.

Revelation 3: 14-22, is addressed to LAODICEA. (7).  Verse 16 says that they are neither hot nor cold for Yahweh and Yahshua. And Yahshua, is about spew them out of His mouth.  

Verse 20, says that Yahshua stands at the door of those in Laodicea, and knock. If anyone hears His voice and opens the door, He will come in and fellowship with him.

The Gods Kyrius/ Theos were worshiped. Inoous Christ, instead of Yahshua, The True Christ. The Ten Commandments were not being adhered to. The Feasts/ Holy Days of Yahweh were stopped. The Greeks and Romans love for the Pig (swine), continued unabated. 

Yahshua, The True Christ was begging them. He was pleading with them in the 99 % Laodiicean Roman form of Christianity, to be zealous. And to Repent!

From 200 AD, The Apostasy, the falling away from Yahweh True Worship, had started in full. Secular history records that they NEVER listened to Yahshua, The True Christ.

From 200 AD, The Laodicean Roman Catholic Church, had won over 99 % of the people in the Roman Empire.


  Instead, they would be ruled by the spirit of the world and ther Gods. 

The Roman Church took the next 100 years, to establish their system of Religion. And then it was entrenched by Constantine in 325 AD.

It was this form of Christianity that is still prevailing in the world TODAY! With a little variation here and there! It is my intention to follow the trail of  this Laodicean Roman Catholic Christianity, in stages.

Subsequent information would be forthcoming! Including the movement of the name Kyrius/ Theos to Dominus, then to Dominus, then to Gott, then to God,  and Lord. 

The movement of the name Inoous Christ from About 120 AD, to Iesus Christ, from AD 400, to Jesus Christ during the 16th Century. To distinguish between the BIG ‘I’ and the small ‘i’, the letter J was introduced for THE FIRST EVER. THEN, the name Jesus was used.

 This article has set the date of 200 AD, as the beginning of APOSTASY: The falling away from Yahweh True Worship. 




Abraham: A Yahweh True Worshiper.

    Abraham was a dedicated Yahweh True Worshiper.

Abram, was born around 1952 B.C., in Ur of the Chaldees. When he was born, he was given the name Abram. His father Terah, had two (2) other sons before him. Nahor and Haran.

Their great grandfather, Serug, was a descendent of Reu, who was a grandson of Heber/Eber. Serug, was born around 2146 B.C. His son Nahor, was born around 2116 B.C. His son Terah, was born around 2082 B.C. His son Abram, was born around 1952 B.C. They were known as Hebrews, after their ancient ancestor, Hbr;Heber;Eber.


After the dispersion at Babel, all nations of the earth went their separate ways. They practiced what they had learnt at Babel, the gate of El; Elohom; god,  and  goddesses, under the direction of Nimrod. He was under the direct influence and control of HLLL;  Hill-el; the Satan.

Great Empires were built. The same religion learnt from Babel was the cornerstone in the development of these nations. Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, India, China, parts of Europe, and tribal communities, all around the world, existed. These and others, comprised the nations of the earth.

They were all worshiping El; Elohim; god/gods. All under different names, corresponding to their language. We will focus on the religion practiced in Ur, where Abram was born.


The city of Ur was heavily involved in Babylonish  idolatry, and the worship of its patron moon god Sin. About 2,200 B.C., the King of Babylon, Sargon I, had replaced the Sun god worship, in favorr of  the Moon god. Sun god worship was prevalent from the time of the dispersion from Babel. There was a trinity of sun god, moon god,  and star worship. With all the elements of nature being worshiped.

Sargon 1, himself, was revered as the representative of the el, elohim, god/gods,  fallen spiritual angelic beings of the entire domain over which he ruled. He had conquered Kish, Ur, Uruk, and Lagash, and other surouding cities.He was the founder of the Akkadian Empire. He was the  world leader at that time. He decided that the order of priority should be shifted. Now the moon worship would take priority over the sun worship.


When the Sun is the priority form of worship, , more prayers are said to the Sun. For example, at sunrise, prayers and invocations, were said to the sun. At exactly 12:00, midday, a special prayer was said. Remember, that at this exact time, sacrifices were made to the sun god, including human beings, in certain countries. At sunset, a prayer was said to the sun god.

The moon worship would be less than the times of the sun. It would have to be at least one (1), hour before sunrise. And at least one hour after sunset. If there are nine daily prayers/invocations, five(5) would be for the sun, and four(4) for the moon. Both were worshiped, but the sun god was more revered.


When Sargon I, reversed the priority, the opposite happened. Now the moon elah; ilah; god, was the main elah; ilah; god. The Elah; Ilah; The God, over all the other gods. Now the main worship is due to the moon god, The Moon Elah; Ilah; God, named Sin.

His prayers and invocations, would be said (1) hour before the sun god rises. The sun god was regarded as being strong at exact midday. Therefore, no prayers were to be offered before 12.00 noon. Right on the stroke of midday, when the shadow started, sun prayers were due. And before sunset, another was due.

About one hour after sunset, the moon god, would have his prayers. Not to clash with the sun god prayers. Seeing that the Moon god was the more revered, he had to have one(1) prayer more than the sun god. One that could float between the two nightly prayers.

Three (3), for The Moon God, and Two (2) for the Sun god. A special priestly group was organized to ensure that the times were adhered to, with great precision and recording. This had started from the days of Nimrod, at Babel.

This was a fundamental change from the days of Nimrod. Nimrod had long since died. He was now being worshiped as Bel Marduk,  Merodack,  Nimrod, a man-god. Sargon I had initiated this change to moon god worship, around 2200 B.C. This was applicable to all in his Empire.

North to the whole of  Babylon. North-West to Aram, modern day Syria, to the Mediterranean Sea. In the South, to Arabia, and reaching Egypt.  In the East to Elam ad surrounding areas.,  including the Indus Valley.  This covered a wide area, as a look at the world map would certainly reveal the wide extent of its application.

Other areas in the earth did not follow this. It applied to the Empire of  Sargon. The far Eastern countries, such as China, and India, and parts of Europe, and the Americas, continued with the sun god worship, as the number one priority.  Also with moon god. 

In addition, the making of figurines, teraphims, and ornaments of  The Moon Elah, SIN, was an industry by itself. The Moon Goddess, was Nanna, whose symbol was the crescent moon. There were other goddesses representing the planets, and the stars. Other forms of worship which emanated from Babel, were also indulged in.


By 1952 B.C., when Abram was born, this form of worship was firmly entrenched in Ur, of the Chaldees, and elsewhere. The names of places carried the name of The Moon Elah; Ilah; God Sin.

Sinai, near to Egypt. The wilderness of Sin. The mountain of Sinai. These were just a few examples. Subsequent Kings had the name Sin, as part of their names. Sinacherib, comes to mind.

Abram did not follow this form of worship. Abram spoke the language of  his forefathers. He spoke the Hebrew Language. He was known as Abram, the Hebrew. He was a Yahweh True Worshiper.

Abram the Hebrew, rebelled against that type of worship. He did not worship any Moon Elah; Ilah;   Allah, God Sin. Sun. Stars. Planets, constellations, or other aspects of nature. He did not swear by any of those things either.

Y H W H; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, was the Almighty whom Abram served, obeyed, and worshipped. Abram was a man of strong faith, strong imaan, in The Almighty Yahweh. Almighty Yahweh is not an El; Elah;Ilah; Elohim, Allah, or The God.

Abram was the most unique man amongst all men in the entire earth. Abram was the light, the Nur of Almighty Yahweh. More particularly, in the land of Ur.

The entire community  hated him. They wanted him to worship like them. Their Moon ilah, Sin, in particuar, and their other elohim (gods), in general. They  tried on numerous occasions, to harm him. All in an effort to have him worship their Elah; Ilah; Moon God SIN.

This was a pivotal watershed period in the entire history of mankind after the dispersion of languages from Babel, and Nimrod, thousands of years before.

Nimrod was long since dead. He was now being worshipped as an Elah;Ilah; God, Bel Marduk. He was no longer a king. He was dead, as secular history so clearly indicates.

Almighty Yahweh, told Abram, the Hebrew, to move out of Ur. To go to another land. Leave behind friends and relatives. He would make out of Abram, the Hebrew, a great nation. This would be different from all the nations formed after the debacle at Babel.

So with his father Terah, his wife Sarai, and his nephew Lot, Abram moved up to Haran, around 1915-1910 B.C. He would have been around forty (40) years of age. Haran was some 600 miles North West. Haran was also steeped in Moon Elah;elohim, God Sin worship. His father Terah, died in 1877, at the age of 205 years.

Having spent about 35 years in Haran, Abram, had accumulated possessions, including flocks of animals, menservants, and their families. In 1877 B.C., Abram, the Hebrew, entered into Canaan, at the age of 75 years, with his family and possessions.


Abram first entered Shechem. And Abram built an alter to Almighty Yahweh, who had appeared to him. Genesis 12:7.  Not to any El; elah; ilah; god, or The God.

Abram then went between Beth El, and Ai. Beth El to the west and Ai to the east, a distance of about 5 miles and pitched his tent there. Abram, the Hebrew, built an alter to The Almighty YHWH;Yahweh. Here he prayed with the Name YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh. Genesis 12:8.

This is fundamentally important. This was his first encounter with the Elah; Ilah;  elohim; gods, in Canaan. The main god was El. His wife was Astoreth. His son was Baal. This was the prominent trinity of gods in Canaan.

Beth El, means, house  of El, the house of God. Many elohim, many gods. Abram, the Hebrew, did not worship these gods. He kept a distance away from El; Elah ;Ilah; God. He worshiped only Almighty Yahweh, who is not an elah; ilah; god; The God, or Allah.

Abram, went down to the Negeb, further south. There was a famine and he went down to Egypt. This was the land of many elohim; gods. He was not interested in any of these gods. The Moon Elah; Ilah; god, was also worshiped, among hundreds of other gods.

Abram escaped a serious ordeal in Egypt, including the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was regarded as the representative of the sun elah; ilah; god, if not the god himself.

After he left Egypt, Abram returned to the former place between Beth El and Ai. Now called Beth Yahweh. There he called on the Name of Yahweh. He kept far away from the house of el, elah, ilah, Elohim, god/gods.

Abram and Lot separated. Lot to Sodom, and Abram remained in Canaan. That was around 1876/75 B.C. While in Canaan, four Kings lead by Chedorlaomer, came down east of the Jordan river.They took Lot, and headed back north.

Abram, the Hebrew, together with 318 armed men, trained in his household, together with local friends, followed them and brought back Lot and the stolen items. As he was returning from his victory, he had a remarkable experience with Melchizedek. He was a righteous Priest of Yahweh, and a King of Salem.

Almighty Yahweh, assured Abram that his offspring would become as the stars in heaven. Over a formal covenant inv1olving animal sacrifices, Yahweh, revealed that the offspring of Abram, would be afflicted for a period of 400 years. Genesis 15:13 refers. Because the sins of the Amorites had not yet reached its full measure. Genesis 15:16.

They had been in Canaan for about 10 years, and by 1867 B.C. Sarai was still childless. She proposed to substitute her maid servant, Hagar, so that she might have a child through her.


In 1866 B.C., Ishmael was born. Abram, the Hebrew, was 86 years old. His son Ishmael, was a Hebrew, like his father.

Thirteen years passed. In 1853 B.C. Abram was 99 years old. Almighty Yahweh commanded him to be circumcised, together with all the males in his household.


Almighty Yahweh, changed his name from Abram, to Abraham. From exalted father, to Father of many nations. Sarai had her name changed to Sarah, and she would have a son the following year.

This was a memorable year, 1853 B.C. for the newly named Abraham. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed. Lot and his 2 daughters barely escaped. A famine caused Abraham to go to Gerar. Sarah was taken to the harem of the King. Yahweh intervened and Sarah was released.


The following year, 1852 B.C., Isaac was born. Abraham was now 100 years old. Sarah was 90 years old. Ishmael was 14 years old.

About 5 years later, in 1447 B.C., Isaac was weaned. Ishmael, now a young man of 19 years, poked fun in a ridiculing way at the 5 year old. Genesis 21:9.  Sarah was not pleased.

Abraham dismissed Hagar and Ishmael. He was concerned to see him go. Yahweh told him not to worry because Ishmael would be a great man and would have twelve (12) sons. Verse 20 says that ” Yahweh, was with the boy,  and he grew, and lived in the desert wilderness.”

Ishmael, the Hebrew, and his mother Hagar, lived in the wilderness of Paran, and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt. Ishmael’s sons  dwelt from Havilah as far  as Shur, which is  east of Egypt,  also  as you go toward Assyria.


Almighty Yahweh assured Abraham that through Isaac, the blessings of the promised seed, promised at Genesis 3:15, would be preserved. The promised seed of the woman would come through Isaac, and not Ishmael. This was a decision of The Almighty Shadhadh,  YHWH; Yahweh.

That year, 1847 B.C., Abraham, and the King of Gerar, Abimelech, formed a treaty, at Beersheba. Basically, it was a treaty of friendship, over a well. Genesis 21:32.

Genesis 21:33. There are different versions as to the exact meanings of this  most important verse. The way it has been rendered in the translated scriptures, does not fully convey the deep significance of this occasion.

The King James version at Genesis 21: 33 states: And Abraham planted a grove in Beer sheba, and called there on the name of the Lord, the everlasting God.

The Jerusalem Bible version at Genesis 21:33 states: Abraham planted a tamarisk at Beersheba and there he invoked Yahweh, the everlasting God.

A cursory glance at the above, may reveal that Abraham planted a tree and prayed . He called on the name of the lord God, Yahweh and invoked his name.

For ages this  was the accepted situation. From Moses down to the present time. Translators from the Septuagint around 250 B.C., to the Vulgate, around 400 A.D. have continued likewise. The English Translations have continued the same trend.

This author accepted that position. After I started my walk with Yahweh,  I began questioning the importance of this verse given to Moses, in 1447 B.C. With the help of The Holy Spirit of Almighty Yahweh, Yahweh’s Kodesh ha Ruach, I began a deep search to get to the deep inner meaning of Genesis 21:33.

None of my previous interactions with Religious leaders, pastors, all religions, The Organisations using the name Yahweh, on their Websites. They all had no real answer to my wanting to know the deeper significance of this verse. So far no answer is forthcoming.

The answer, which I would proceed to explain, underlines one of  the real reason why this website,, was set up on the Authority of Yahweh.

The purpose of this website is to provide the answers which the entire earth requires. Not just this, but a great deal more. This was done under the guidance of Almighty Yahweh., and His Holy Spirit.

From the dispersion of languages at Babel, the nations of the earth continued in the form of worship started by Nimrod, under the influence of Hlll; Hill- el, the Satan.


Now Almighty Yahweh, wanted to forge a nation following Yahweh True Worship, in order to fulfill his promise of a coming seed of the woman, at Genesis 3:15. 

Abraham was the one man Yahweh used to start this process. This was to pave the way for the seed of the woman, promised at Genesis 3:15.  It had to come through Abraham, and Sarah, that is Isaac. It had to be someone who was not at Babel, it had to be someone who was of the lineage of Hbr; Eber. A Hebrew.

It could not have been anyone whose lineage had an association with the religion practiced at Babel. It could never have been Ishmael, through his mother Hagar. Although Ishmael, was a Hebrew, after his father, Abraham.


In 1447 B.C. Ishmael and his mother left Beersheba. This year, Abraham finalized a treaty of friendship with the King of Gerar. Now verse 33, refers.

Abraham was left with Sarah and Isaac, who was 5 years old at the time. Together with the 318 men, trained in his household. A lot of them would have wives and children. This was a fairly large group at Beersheba. over nearly 500 men  women, and children.

Verse 33 specifies four main items. Planted, Called, Named, Yahweh.

To understand the meaning of this verse, you would have to know the words in the Hebrew Language context. Whatever biases one may have  towards the Jewish people would have to be discarded. Yahweh revealed himself through the Hebrew language. This is an inescapable fact. Indeed, Yahshua, The True Messiyah, said that Salvation is of the Yahdaim (Jews).

  1. Planted. This word was taken from the Hebrew word, NATA. Strong’s # 5193. It means, to plant, to fasten, to place, to set, to set up, to establish. It can be figuratively used to convey something to be established.  When you plant a tree or something, you establish it, you start it. This is the start. This word should have been translated as :Established.
  2. Called. This word was taken from the Hebrew word, QARA. Strong’s # 7121. It means, to call, to summon, to announce, to proclaim., to read out loud, to call on The Name of Yahweh, to praise the excellence of Yahweh, to preach, to be invited as a guest, to call someone, to  Name them. This word should have been translated as  NAMED.
  3. Named. This word was taken from the Hebrew word, in Strong’s # 8033, 8034 and 8035. It means, name, named, a proper designation of a person, renown, fame, famous, to name the Name. to call on the Name of Yahweh, to proclaim and praise the excellence of Yahweh. Named the name of the place. This word should have been translated NAME.

YHWH; YOD HAY  WAW HAY; Yahweh. This word was taken from the Hebrew word YHWH, in Strong’s, # 3068. IT means, the proper name of The One True Almighty. The One who exists, and causes existence. Who existed, exist, and would exist forever.

Then Abraham established, planted, a people who followed the Laws of Yahweh, in Beersheba; and he named the name of that place, with the Name of Yahweh, The Eternal Almighty Father. Genesis 21:33.

This is how the inner meaning of  Genesis 21:33, should have been understood. Abraham also  planted trees near the well of water, where the treaty was finalized with the King of Gerar, Abimelech. That was the physical setting. A well nearby, surrounded by trees. The place was setup, among a group of trees. 

Almighty Yahweh, did not reveal to Abraham any special physical shape of a structure, or any dimension to follow. Whether rectangular, oblong, ,square, circular, or cubed. Abraham, in effect, established and planted people, who would obey, serve, and worship Almighty Yahweh.

Abraham already had a group of over 500 people. This was the group to whom The Prophet Abraham, invited as guests, to fellowship with him, his wife, Sarah, and his 5 year old son Isaac. Here he called, and summoned them to Worship. His friends from Gerar, and the King would have been invited. Ishmael, the Hebrew, son of Abraham, also.

Abraham called on the name of Almighty YHWH; YOD HEH WAW HEH; YAHWEH. He proclaimed and preached the excellence of Yahweh. That Yahweh is not an El; elah; ilah; Elohim, god/gods, like those in Canaan. The king was already of the view that; “The Mighty One is with you in all that you do” Chapter 21:22.

Abraham worshipped Yahweh in this way. He did not just plant one tamarisk tree, a grove, and prayed. That would be too insignificant. Yes, he would pray by himself at times.

Almighty Yahweh would not wait since Babel, to start a nation, to serve, obey, and worship him, and then have the establishment of it, portrayed in an insignificant manner.

The Angels loyal to Yahweh were looking on. The angels loyal to HLLL;HIllel; the Satan, were looking on. This was a pivotal period in the history of mankind.


They would have met regularly for worship, especially on the Sabbath. That place was named with The Name of The Eternal Almighty Father Yahweh. The Everlasting one, whose name alone means : Eternal Life. Eternal Existence. Everlasting Life.

Thus was established and planted the first Yahweh True Worship Congregation, after the dispersion from Babel.

This worship continued. And Abraham stayed in the land of the Philistines many days. Verse 34. Chapter  22 :1 “Now it came to pass after these things that…”

This worship was continuing. It officially started in 1447 B.C. when Abraham was 105 years old, and Isaac was 5years old. Time passed. Around 1836 B.C. Abraham was 116 years old, and his son Isaac was 16 years old.


Chapter 22 :1 continues-” Yahweh tested Abraham..”  Verse 2: …..” Take now your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriyah, and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering…….” Almighty Yahweh tested the faith, the Imaan, the Amaan, of His Prophet Abraham.

Almighty Yahweh told Abraham to take his only son. But why? He had another son, Ishmael.  Almighty Yahweh does not play with words.  He knew that Ishmael was the elder son of Abraham. Yahweh knew that the promised seed of the woman, promised at Genesis 3:15, would come through Isaac and not Ishmael.

Isaac was with Yahweh True Worship, from the age of 5 to now 16.  While Ishmael, was now 30 years of age. He may have visited them occasionally, and for worship. He was a Hebrew, and also worshiped Yahweh. Ishmael did not worship El; elah; ilah; Elohim; god/gods, like the other people around.

But Ishmael, lived with his sons, and his family away from Abraham. When Yahweh spoke to Abraham, Isaac was his only son living with him, and Sarah. In any case, by then Ishmael was 30 years of age, and away. Isaac was The Only Son of Abraham, living with him, when Yahweh, tested him.

In total obedience to Almighty Yahweh, Abraham went to Moriyah, with Isaac. He built an alter, and was ready to offer up Isaac as a qorban, a sacrifice to Almighty YHWH;Yahweh. At the last moment, Yahweh intervened and substituted a ram.

Verse 16: ” And said; By Myself I have sworn, says Yahweh….”…The Almighty Yahweh signified that there is none greater than Him. He does not have to swear or vow to any created thing, such as the sun, moon stars, night, day, the soil, the fig, fruit, or mountain etc.

Almighty Yahweh, then reinforced his covenant with Abraham. Verse 18: Through your Seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice. The seed through whom the promised seed would come would be Isaac.

As far as The Almighty Yahweh is concerned, it could never have been Ishmael. Always remember, and do not ever forget that YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, is not an EL; elah; ilah; Elohim; God, Allah,  or god/gods, or Lord. 

After this episode, they returned to Beersheba, and continued their Yahweh True Worship Congregation. That  was in 1836 B.C.

In 1815 B.C. Sarah died, at the age of 127 years. Abraham was 137 years old.

In 1812 B.C. Abraham obtained a wife for Isaac, that was Rebecca. After this, Abraham took Keturah, and fathered 6 additional sons. He gave gifts to his sons, and while he was still living, he sent them eastward, away from Isaac, to the land of the east. He did not carry them to the east, he sent them.

In 1792 B.C. Isaac and Rebekah, had twins, Jacob and Esau. Abraham was 160 years old. Isaac was 60 years old. Abraham continued with Yahweh True Worship. He had no dealings with any El, elah, ilah, Elohim, God, Allah, or The God.

Abraham was indeed the  father of many nations. From Abraham descended the Israelites, Ishmaelites, Edomites, Midianites, and many others.

In 1777 B.C. Abraham was 175 years old. Ishmael was 89 years old. Isaac was 75 years old. His grandsons, Jacob and Esau, 15 years of age. They were all in Yahweh True Worship, from birth. The prophet of Yahweh, Abraham The Hebrew, was cherished by Almighty Yahweh.

Abraham never worshiped any El; elah; ilah; elohim; god/gods; the moon god Sin, The God, or Allah.

He always worshiped YHWH; YOD HAY WAW HAY; YAHWEH, THE ALMIGHTY SHADHADH. He never went to any place or country where these other gods were being worshiped.

Abraham, established the  Congregation of Yahweh, in Beersheba in 1447 B.C. and formalized Yahweh True Worship. He was the cornerstone of Yahweh True Worship. Almighty  Yahweh, said at Genesis Chapter 26:5; ” Because Abraham obeyed My voice, and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My Laws.”

That is why The Prophet of Almighty Yahweh, Abraham, was chosen by Yahweh. He lived to see the lineage to the promised seed, Yahshua, established.

In 1777 B.C. ABRAHAM, The Hebrew, THE PROPHET OF THE ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, died at the age of 175years.

Genesis 25:9; And his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Machpelah… In those days, burial took place at the earliest, the same day of death, or at the latest, the following morning. There was nothing to keep the body after that. He was not embalmed.

Ishmael, the Hebrew, had to be living within less than a 24 hour journey, to be able to bury his father Abraham, the Hebrew, the prophet of Almighty Yahweh.  Or was with him at death. Not thousands of miles away.

Abraham, was dead. He knows nothing. His body, or what remains of it, is where it was placed. The dead knows nothing. They cannot pray or worship, or lead anyone else in worship, and prayers.

The same applies to all who have died from Adam. Only a resurrection can bring them back to life.


As for Ishmael, the Hebrew, he was a Yahweh True Worshiper.  HE NEVER WORSHIPED ANY EXCEPT THE ALMIGHTY YHWH, YAHWEH.  He died in 1729 B.C. at the age of 137 years of age. He had 12 sons. From secular history, they merged with their relatives, the sons of Esau, the Edomites, and the sons of Abraham, with Keturah.

In time, they would become the Ishmaelites, Edomites, the Nabateans, The Midianites, and others. They later merged with the various tribes, living in Arabia, Yemen, Sheba, and Egypt.

The sons and grandsons of Ishmael and Esau, started worshipping the El; elah; ilah; Elohim; God; Goddesses, Moon god Sin, and all the other gods, Elohim, Allah, and others. This is where the divergence took place, from around 1700 B.C., at the least, after the death of Ishmael, the Hebrew, in 1729 B.C. NOTE THIS WELL. 


The sons and grandsons of Isaac and Jacob, continued with The True Worship of  Almighty Yahweh. Isaac, kept his sons in line with the True Worship of Yahweh. Jacob, had 12 sons. This culminated in the creation of the nation of Israel, in 1447 B.C.

But the start was with The Prophet of Almighty Yahweh, Abraham, The Hebrew.

From 1447 BC to 5 BC, the line to the promised seed was preserved. The Son of YHWH; Yahweh, Yod Heh Waw Shin Ayin ; Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, was born.  In 30 AD, He died.   From then on there was no need for animal sacrifices.




Yahweh True Worship : False Pre-Existent Saviors.

At Genesis 3:15 Yahweh had promised a seed of the woman who would be the mortal enemy of Hill-el, The Satan. But Satan was in doubt as to who would be the seed of the woman . He was The Promised True Savior. 


The seed of the Woman.


This was a promise of a long coming battle between The seed of the woman, and the satan. But Hill-el, the satan, was kept in the dark, he was in doubt as to who the seed of the woman would be. An enemy to come! In the future!

Not one waiting in heaven, or somewhere else. He is a very wise angel! Nah! And Yahweh, had never said that he had a son in heaven who would be his mortal enemy.

Indeed, satan knew all the sons of Yahweh, and that it could never be one of those. So it had to be someone who would be born of a woman.


Seed of the Woman.


So the first seed of the woman was Cain. His enemy? He would now try and make Cain his friend! He influenced Cain, and killed Abel.

Then he infiltrated the human race, and some of his angels cohabited with mortal women. By his corrupt angels mixing with mortal women, he wanted to influence the future of mankind. But this backfired.

Instead, it created a hybrid race of giants. All flesh was corrupted. This extended to land animals and birds, and created monster creatures. Monsters like animals and flying birds of immense strength. These were capable of flying and transporting giants to various locations on earth.

The angels were made mighty, strong, and powerful. They were called El, plural being Elohim. As in the plurality of might, strength, and power. They were individually created by The Almighty Yahweh. He made them very wise and powerful.

From a far distance out in space they could see on the earth. They could choose which place they wanted to inhabit. They would teach men how to make weapons, and the art of war.


Offspring of Angels and Mortal Women.


The offspring of the angels, the half man giants, would be very strong. They could have interbred with animals, and produced half human giant men and animals. Like half-lion/half-man; half-horse/half-man, etc.

They could lift 50 to over 200 ton stones, and place them in exact position. They would build large buildings with precise measurements. This would have occurred all over the earth.

They would have paid homage and worship to HLLL; hill-el; the satan. They also created immense violence on the earth. Giants fought giants, and mortal men were mere bystanders, looking on and certainly hiding from these giants.  These giants had to eat animal flesh of all types, in order to survive.




All, except Noah and his family. Almighty Yahweh, regretted that he had made man. The flood wiped them all out. Noah and his family were saved by Yahweh. The El, and the Elohim were powerless, and unable to save the rest.

The angelic powers and spirits, were chained and are awaiting judgement. Their fleshly bodies perished, all other men died. All who were breathing oxygen through their nostrils, died. All in the dry land died. Genesis 7:22.  All except Noah and his family.

The skeletons of these giants would have been scattered in different parts of the earth. Elongated skulls, distorted jaws, with double rowed teeth, for example, and very large frames were deposited in various locations.


After the Flood.


After the flood, Hlll,the satan did not give up. Cush named his son Raamah, after the sun god. He had a later son, whom he named Marad. This name means, Let us rebel. This man was Nimrod. Let us rebel, but rebel against whom. Against Yahweh, of course. Hlll; hillel, the satan, was using Nimrod, against Yahweh.

Nimrod was the first of deified mortals. He was a man god. His wife was Semiramis, the female god, the goddess. All forms of worship against Yahweh, were done in the land of Bab-el. All nature was worshiped. But now we will focus on the emergence of False Saviors.

Nimrod and his wife were used by HLLL; hellel ; the satan, to bring about a seed of the seed of the woman, who would be a friend of satan, and not his enemy.

In the fertility religion started by Nimrod and his wife Semiramis, they sought fertility for their crops, success in life, good hunting, and a place with El Nimrod, the man god, after their death.

The Sun god, Bel Marduk, Nimrod, fertilized his wife, the Mother goddess, Semiramis, on the vernal equinox, on March 21/3/. They were simulating nature. On the winter solstice, the sun came to life on 21/12/, December. With the movement of the sun, the sun was born on 25/12.

Semiramis, the mother goddess, gave birth to a son on the 25th of December.

The first son of the man god, and the woman god, goddess, was a friend of HLLL; hellel; the satan. He would be a friend of satan. He would not be an enemy of satan. His name was Tammuz. He was a man god.

This was the power of the Mother Goddess. She had given birth to the son of God. Tammuz was the son of God Nimrod, born on 25th, December. Mother/ Son worship, had started in full capacity in Babel. Babylon.


First False pre-existent  Savior


Tammuz,  offered hope to the believers in Babel, the gate of El ; elah; ilah; Elohim; god, gods. Now there would be no seed of the woman to bruise the head of satan. He was Tammuz, the savior. All this was taking place in Babel.

For how long would The Almighty Yahweh, allow this to continue ?


Confusion of Language.


Yahweh, confused their one language. They were all confused. They all began to speak different languages. They had no alternative but to go separate ways.

Their language was changed, but the memory of this form of worship was retained. So too, all the different forms of worship started at Bab-el.

In particular, the mother/child, born on December 25th, 25/12. It was practiced in all the lands and countries, the people eventually formed. With mother, holding her son, in a typical mother/son worship position.


It spread to Egypt, Canaan, India, China, Greece, Rome, Asia, Rome, Europe, Phoenicia, North, Central, and South America, and eventually to the rest of the world.

The false son god saviors were all miraculously born on December 25th, to match the winter solstice.

  • Egypt: Mother Isis -Son Horus.
  • Canaan: Mother Astoreth- Son Baal.
  • Rome : Mother Fortuna- Son Iupater.
  • Greece: Mother Caeres- Son Plutus.
  • Greece: Son god- Adonis.
  • Phoenicia: Mother Astarte- Son Adonis.
  • India: Mother Devaki- Son god Krishna.
  • Germany: Mother Hertha- and Son.
  •     Asia: Mother Cybele- Son Deolus.

Scandinavia: Mother Disa and Son.

There were savior gods aplenty in the entire earth. These are but a few.


Mithra: The Word.


In Persia, Mithra was the Sun god. He was the son of God Ahura Mazda, and Goddess Rashnu. He was the savior of god and men.

Mithra was the competing sun god in Rome, before and after the birth of Yahshua. Mithras was represented in human form in Rome. He was also represented as a lion-man, with a bee in his mouth.

The bee represented that he was the spokesman, he was the word, of the God. All the savior gods in the various religions. All the sons of the mother goddesses, born on December 25th, were the spokesman, the word of the main god. The word was a god. A man god. The Word.


Greek Philosophy.


About 500 B.C., Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, was highly respected. In Greece, philosophy and religion were deeply intertwined. Whatever he said was regarded as gospel truth as coming from their God, The mighty Zeus.

 Just as the Yahdaim, (the Jews),regarded their Scriptures. as coming from The Almighty Yahweh.

Heraclitus, the philosopher/religionist, would not have read The Scriptures of Yahweh. Indeed, it started to be translated around 280 B.C., long after his death. He stated, that among other things, that there was divine order, in the universe. The main Theos, God, ZEUS,  was the creator of the universe.

His chief spokesman, word, or messenger, was mercury. Remember that Zeus was regarded as the son of the sun god. The planet next to the Sun is Mercury. He was therefore the automatic choice of being the messenger, spokesman, the word of  the Sun god.


God and the Word.


The people offered sacrifices of animals, flowers, and other things to their god Zeus, and his word, his spokesman, Mercury. This teaching never died out. It was present in The Roman Empire, long after Yahshua, The True Christ, and the early disciples and apostles died out.

ACTS Chapter 14: 8-!8, confirms this reality. Read it three times. then repeat. You would gain greater insight into the Truths of Yahweh True Worship. After healing a paralyzed man, the people said that the gods (elohim), have come down to us in the likeness of men!

And they called Barnabas, Zeus. And Paul Hermes, (Mercury), in Greek. Hermes, the el, the god of speech, Why? Because he was the chief speaker. And the priests and people brought oxen and garlands to the gates, in order to offer sacrifices.

Do you understand the deep significance of this action? Or have you just like the rest, passed it over with pure nonchalance! It would mean that for over 500 years, the teaching of the concept of the word of god, as postulated by Heraclitus, was ingrained in the hearts and minds of the people.


Paul and Barnabas disagreed.


Paul and Barnabas disputed this. Stating that The Living Almighty Yahweh, Verse 16: Who in times past, allowed all nations to walk in their own ways. Continue reading and share what you have learnt with others.




Abraham, The Hebrew Prophet of Almighty YHWH; Yod Heh Waw Heh; Yahweh, obeyed Yahweh. He had no time with El;Elah;Ilah; elohim; god; god, or The god Allah.

He was a True Yahweh True Worshiper. Through his seed the promised seed would come. Not through anybody else. And all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.

It would follow through his son Isaac, the son of Sarah, and not through Hagar, the mother of Ishmael. It would follow through Jacob and not his brother Esau. Jacob had twelve sons. It would follow through Yahdah, (Judah), and not the rest


The Hebrew Nation.


The Hebrew nation had to be formed for the promised seed to come. Not to just The Hebrew nation, but to all the nations. In time, they began to think that this promised messianic seed, was exclusive to the nation of Israel alone.

As a result, they lost sight of the larger picture. The Name Yahweh was to be Great among the other nations, the Gentiles, also.

In 1447 B.C., Yahweh, told Moses at Deuteronomy 18;18, that he will raise up for them a Prophet, from among his brethren, and that He, Yahweh, would put his words in his mouth. Nothing implying any other nation or country. No distant relative who may one day emerge out of the other sons of Abraham.

Not Ishmael, through Hagar. But Isaac through Sarah. Not Esau, but Jacob through Rebekah. Not the other 11 sons of Jacob, but Yahdah (Judah). Neither the sons of Keturah.


The Promised Seed of the Woman.


Through  the various Prophets, Yahweh was pointing the way to the promised seed of a woman. The Line was being meticulously preserved. Finally, in 6 B.C. action got underway. The month of Tebeth, corresponds to our December/January, when the winter rainfall was at its peak.

The latter half of Tebeth, December, brings frequent frosts in the hill country and occasional snow in Jerusalem. Roads are temporarily blocked by heavy snowfall. It was neither a month for travelling.

The shepherds had long since placed their flocks in their pens .Two months before this was done, from about middle or late October. The 14th of  this December month, Tebeth, would be the full moon day. This is an important day in the worship of Yahweh.


The Conception of The Seed.


The angel visited Mariam. He told her that she would have a son, and to Name Him, Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua. This Name means, YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, is Salvation. Yahweh will save.

At that precise moment, The Holy Spirit, Kadosh ha Ruach, of The Almighty Yahweh, overshadowed her and she conceived Yahshua in her womb. He was to be The Promised Seed of the woman, promised to Adam and Eve, in Genesis 3:15.

He told her that The Holy Child would be called The Son of Yahweh, The True Savior.

Note that He was not the son of any El; Elah; Ilah; Elohim; God; Adonai; The God; or Allah. He was not any of the previous false pre existent saviors, who had existed from the days of Nimrod. He could never have been the son of Allah.


December 25th Birthday Celebrations in all  the Earth, in 6 B.C.


Around that same time, all over the earth, the birthday of the many false sun god saviors, were being celebrated. On December 25th. Around that time, Yahshua, The True Savior, The True Messiyah, The True Christ, was conceived.

Oh! How amazing! Can you begin to understand the deep significance of this? Search your minds and hearts, I besiege you out there.

This is another reason why this website,, was inspired by  The Holy Spirit, Kadosh ha Ruach, of The Almighty Yahweh.

The True Savior, had to bruise the head of HLLL; hellel; the satan. He was to be The mortal enemy of satan. satan started with his friend Tammuz. After the dispersion from Bab el, ilu, it spread to all nations.


The Birth of The True Savior.


Now The True Savior, was conceived in December. Not, I repeat, Not on the day of the vernal equinox, 21/3, as all the other false preexistent saviors were. In 5 B.C., Nine (9) months later, Yahshua, the True Savior; Messiyah; Christ, was born.

This would correspond to our September/ October. This was the month of Tishri, also called Ethanim. The seventh month in the sacred calendar of Yahweh. This was a month of Festivals. The Festivals of Almighty Yahweh.

During this month, almost all the harvesting had been completed, marking the end of the festivals, associated with the agricultural year.

Together with Passover, The Festival of Unleavened Bread, which followed, and The Feast of Pentecost, these were the main festivals initiated on Mt Sinai, in 1447 B.C.

Two other Festivals, were subsequently added. Purim was celebrated on the 14th and 15th of Adar, the last month of the year. This corresponds to late February and early March.

It was also called The Festival of Lots. It commemorates the deliverance of the Yahdaim (Jews), from destruction through the plot of Haman, in the Persian Empire.

The other,  was called The festival of Dedication. It was celebrated on Chislev 25th,  after the Temple was repaired in 165 B.C. In 168 B.C. the Temple was desecrated by Antiochus IV, during Chislev 25th. He called himself Theos Epiphanes (God Manifest).

He sacrificed pig’s blood on the alter, and had it  sprinkled all over the Temple. The Temple was dedicated to the pagan god Zeus of Olympus. Exactly three years after, the true sacrifices to Yahweh were renewed. It was a time of great rejoicing.


5 B.C. The Birth of the True Savior.


In 5 B.C., The month of Tishri (Ethanim), corresponded to our September/October. On the first of the month, was the day of the trumpet blast. Since each New Moon was normally announced with a trumpet blast, this particular day was one of additional and extensive trumpeting.

The 10th of the month, was The annual day of atonement.

The full Moon was on the 14th of the month. This was exactly nine (9) months after Yahshua, The True Savior, was conceived in the month of Tebeth the 14th, 6B.C.

From the 15th to the 21st there was the Festival of Booths, aka, Tabernacles. The people who journeyed to Jerusalem, for the Festival, were required to dwell in booths (suk-kohth).

These were erected in the courts of the houses, on the roofs of the dwellings, in the courts of the Temple, in the public squares, and on roads within a Sabbath-day’s journey. Olive and palm trees and others, were used in building these temporary structures.

It was a Festival of thanksgiving, for the ingathering of the crops. They were commanded to live for one(1) week in these booths/ temporary dwellings. The Last great day was on the 22nd, with a solemn assembly. It means that Yahshua, The True Messiyah, The True Christ, The True Savior, had to be circumcised by the 22nd of the month.

Therefore on the 14th (14), the full moon day, of Ethanim, Tishri, Yahshua, was born. This day would vary every year, just like everybody’s birthday. Meanwhile, three (3) months later, when The True Savior was three months old, the birthdays of all the false saviors, were celebrated on December 25th. That was in 5 B.C.


After the death of Yahshua, The True Savior, The True Christ.


After the death of Yahshua, The True Savior, the apostles, and The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, false teachers entered into the fold. They were predicted to come. By The True Savior, and his apostles. There was a distinct split between The Yahweh True Worship Christians, and the emergence of the Roman form of Christianity.


Roman Christianity


With the help of the Roman Church, and the Roman Emperors, Christianity, was infiltrated with pagan doctrine. They wanted to have nothing in common with the Yahdaim (Jews), so they said.

The name Yahweh, was spoken as Elohim, and Adonai, by the people who were entrusted the sacred duty to uphold His Name. They felt that it was too Holy to be pronounced, and started this around 250 B.C.

Then, it was replaced with Kyrus;kyrios. Then to Theos. Then to Dominus. It moved to Gott. Then to God, and Lord. Would The Holy Spirit, Kadosh ha Ruach, of Almighty Yahweh, dwell with those calling on these names.? Ask yourself that question! The answer is simply, NO!

Amazingly, the name satan, has been retained as a god, and he is now the god of the world. But the god with the small ‘g’. All in the scriptures. God with the big ” G,” refers to the God in the Bible.

All  this happened due to having the Name of The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, replaced, with Adonai and Elohim.


Change of Name.


The Name of The True Savior, Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua, which means, Yahweh is Salvation, moved to Yod Shin Ayin, Yesua, which means, He will save. Who he?

The Power of The Name Yah was removed from the name. This was done by people entrusted with the sacred duty to uphold his name, who felt around 250 B.C. that it was too Holy to pronounce.

Yesua, moved to Inoous, in Greek. Not Yahshua! Note this well! Your Salvation depends on it! It then moved to Iesus, around 400 A.D. During the 16th century, there was a problem in distinguishing the letter I. To distinguish the big “I”, from the small “I”, the letter “J” was introduced, for the first time in history. Now Iesus, became Jesus.

Yahshua, The True Savior, started his public ministry during the month of Tabernacles, corresponding to our September/October, in the year, 26 B.C. He had a ministry of Three and one half years. (3:1/2).

He died on the 14th of Abib (Nisan), in the year 30 A.D. His death ushered in the Festival of Yahweh.The Feast of Unleavened Bread, starting on the 15th to the 21st.

His death provided the means whereby anyone who believes, can obtain Eternal Life. In this way, the promises of Genesis 3:15, were fulfilled. The procession of false saviors, initiated by Nimrod, and under the guidance of HLLL; Hillel; the satan, had come to an end.

Acts 4:12 states- Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other Name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Please I am pleading with whoever reads that verse. To reread it!!!

There is no other name, but The Name Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua, whereby anyone can hope to achieve salvation. No other name but Yahshua, whereby anyone can hope to obtain Eternal Life. The only Name recognized by The Almighty Yahweh, himself in the heavens. Reread this I implore you!


The Almighty Yahweh, does not recognize any other Name, but The Exact Name which his Angel Gabriel, gave to Mariam (Mary).


Not Yeshua, nor Yesua, he will save. His name Yah, was removed by man from the name Yahshua. Yahshua, means, Yahweh is Salvation. Yahweh will Save. Yahweh will help. Not he will save. There is a fundamental difference in both names.


Inoous the Christ


The same applies to the Greek version of Inoous. This is the male version of the Greek female goddess Inow. According to Greek mythology, she had saved someone at sea. She will save, was attached to her name.

When the Septuagint was being translated, the name to be translated was Yeshua/yesua, he will save. Not Yahshua, I repeat, Not Yahshua, Yahweh will save. But, Yeshua/yesua he will save.

The Greeks always, from time immemorial, had gods with their names ending with ‘ us’. Khronus. Zeus. Dyonysus. Bacchus, and many, many others.

The male name, he will save, had to match their female name, she will save.

Female goddess, Inow, she will save, to male god, Inoous. he will save.

Would Almighty Yahweh accept the name Inoous? When he did not recognize the Hebrew name Yeshua/Yesua, would he recognize the name this was translated to? His prophets on many occasions had warned the Yahdaim (Jews), against misusing His Name.

This was the name used against Yahshua, during his entire ministry. In addition to the names, Yeshua/Yesua. They did not want Yahshua, to use the Name Yahshua, which has the name Yah in his Name.

They accused him of blasphemy, because he openly and fearlessly preached The Name of His Father, Yahweh. They were using the pagan names Elohim and Adonai.


After the Death of  Yahshua


After the death of Yahshua, The True  Savior, The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, continued the use of Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Savior, The True Christ, The True Messiyah.

The name Yeshua/Yesua, continued in the Religion of the Yahdaim (Jews), together with the spoken pagan names of Elohim and Adonai.

In the Roman form of Christianity, the name Inoous, continued. It was changed to Iesus by Jerome, in the Latin Vulgate. For about 1300 years, it remained Iesus. It was called Issa, Issu, in the Arabic and Indian communities.  In the 16th century, it received its final form, Jesus.

This is where the divisions between The Yahweh True Worship Christians, the Religion of the Yahdaim (Jews), Judaism, and the Roman  Christians,  started in full.


Roman Christianity.


The Roman Church, reverted to the pagan spring festival of Semiramis, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, and Easter, to celebrate the death of Inoous, on Friday, and his resurrection, on Sunday. His death on Friday, ushered in the pagan Feast of Easter on Sunday morning.


Yahweh True Worship Christianity.


Yahweh True Worship Christians, continued using the name Yahweh, and his Son, Yahshua, The True Saviour, The True Christ. They continued observing the 14th, in memory of the death of Yahshua. They were known as quarto-decimans. This means, they were observing the True date of the death of The True Savior.

The death of Yahshua, ushered in the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This was celebrated, instead of the spring festival surrounding the vernal equinox, on 21/3. The death of  Yahshua, The True Christ,  was celebrated on the 14th, of Nisan, full moon day, instead of Inoous.

The birthday of Yahshua, was not celebrated. It was on the 14th of the seventh month, a full moon day. The festival of Tabernacles continued to be observed by The Yahweh True Worship Christians.


Roman Christianity.


The Roman Christians, gravitated towards the mid- winter feast, since from early on, they wanted nothing with The religion of the Yahdaim (Jews). This  started during the reign of Trajan, and continued with Hadrian, and Antonius Pius, and Marcus Aurelius,  up to at least 200 B.C. It was entrenched by Constantine in 325 AD.

In time, the pagan feasts started by Nimrod, were integrated into the Roman Religion. The birthday of Inoous; Iesus; Issa; Issu,Jesus, was finalized later on as the 25th of December.

These Two main Christian celebrations, are not approved of in The Holy Scriptures. They are of pagan origin, and do not help their believers. In addition, other man made days of celebrations were introduced.


Yahshua, The True Savior, The True Christ.

According to the requirements of The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh. Yahshua, is the True Savior. Yahshua, is The True Christ. The only way to obtain Eternal, Everlasting Life.

Halleluyahweh, through Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True True Christ. The True Savior.