The Death and Resurrection of Yahshua : The True Christ.



Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, died on the 14th of Nisan, a Wednesday, at Three pm (3 pm) in AD 30.

This day would vary like your birthday.

The Roman Inoous, Iesus, Jesus, died on a Friday. This day is fixed, that is wrong!

The Death of Yahshua , The True Christ, ushered In the feast of Yahweh, Feast of Passover, and Unleavened Bread.

The Roman Jesus death ushered in The Pagan Babylon Nimrod worship of the Vernal Equinox , on 21/3.This was the feast of Ishtar, Eostre, Astoreth, Easter.


Yahshua, The True Christ, was resurrected Three Days after on Sabbath Saturday, 17th, at 3 pm .When the women came to the tomb, he was already resurrected.

The Roman Jesus was resurrected on Sunday morning. All false Sun Gods from the days of Nimrod were reborn on the Sunday morning.

This was less than two days after his death. This Sunday morning integrated the Sun God worship, and the Mother Goddess worship of Ishtar. Sunday is Easter.

Before HIS Death.

Yahshua, The True Christ,  was anointed on Thursday night. The lamb had to be in the home for 6 days, before the Passover! On the following day he rode on the donkey  to Yahrusalem (Jerusalem). Friday Morning, was Palm Friday!

From then  to Tuesday, he was close to the Temple area, returning to Bethany at night. HE stayed at the home of Lazarus, ( Eliazar ), and his two sisters. During this period he cleansed the Temple with the True Teachings of Almighty Yahweh. The other details can be obtained by reading the Gospels.

Tuesday Night.

On the Tuesday night, which started at sundown, the 14th of Nisan, Yahshua inaugurated the Memorial Service, now called The Last Supper. That same day, which ended at sundown, now Wednesday. At 3 pm Yahshua, The True Christ, died.


Palm Sunday.


Claiming that he rode on the donkey on Sunday, is fundamentally flawed. It was designed to lead up to a Friday death and Sunday morning resurrection.

The word Easter replaced the Passover, and the entire world  has been deceived since then.

Up to at least 150 AD,the Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation were known as Quartodecimans, meaning that they kept the 14th, day as a memorial, in honour of  their Savior,Yahshua, the True Christ.

All teachings that flow from this false Friday death and Sunday Morning resurrection are not in the Holy Scriptures of Almighty Yahweh



This year 2018, the date of the Death of Yahshua, The True Christ, would also vary. BUT NOT THE DAY!

March 31st 2018, 3/31/2018, is the equivalent of the 14th of Nisan, 30 AD. This was the day on which Yahshua, The True Christ, was crucified. 

According to Constantine and the Council of Nicene, in 325 AD, the date is calculated as follows. Take the date of the Vernal Equinox, 21/3/2018.

Easter would be on the Sunday following the next full moon, after 21/3 2018. which would be 31st March,2018. The Sunday would be 1st April, 2018.

The full moon is on March 31st. So Easter is on April 1st! 

According to this Roman Catholic Laodicean form of Christianity, their, Inoous, Iesus, Jesus Christ, died on Friday evening, and was resurrected on Sunday morning. about 39 hours after his death! THIS IS NOT SO! ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES!

According to the Scriptures, Yahshua, The True Christ, said that the only sign He would give, would be the sign of Jonah (Yahnah). Three days and three nights. Seventy two (72) hours. This is the time during which He would be in the grave!

He died on Saturday 31st March, 2018, and would have been resurrected three days later, on Tuesday 3rd April, 2018. 

This came about because of Mistakes and Errors made by The Roman form of Christianity. And it has been followed by 99% of Christians, up to TODAY!


The only way to Eternal is through Yahweh and the Sacrificial lamb, Yahshua, The True Christ. Believe on Them.

Repent of your past sins. Believe that the shed blood of Yahshua, The True Christ, is the Atonement for your past sins. Through THE GRACE OF ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, your past sins are forgiven. You are forgiven through His Grace!

Convert to living a NEW LIFE.  How do you do this? Through obedience to The Ten Commandments of Almighty Yahweh! You are saved through the Grace of Yahweh.

But that is NOT the end of it! You have to live a new Life. This is NO ONCE SAVED , ALWAYS SAVED FALSE SCENARIO. You have to be the Light of Yahweh, in the world.

Your new works would be to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of Yahweh. His Ten Commandments. AND TEACH OTHERS TO DO LIKEWISE.

You are to Honor His Feast/ Holy Days, instead of the worldly days honored elsewhere!

You are to follow His directions regarding the Dietary laws Yahweh has laid down. Eat clean foods according to His Words!

Teach others to do likewise! And endure this way until you last breath. Till the end.

In this way you would be laying up for yourself, treasures, leading to Eternal Life! And most importantly, a part in the First Resurrection. 

Follow the true teachings which are from Yahweh. Compare the True Messiyah, Yahshua the True Christ. The false teachings are not of the bible.