Festivals of Almighty Yahweh

While the Hebrews were still in Egyptian bondage, Moses told Pharaoh that the reason for the Hebrews being allowed to leave Egypt was that ” we have a Feast; a Festival to Yahweh.” (Exodus 10:9).

Passover was instituted on the evening preceding the Exodus from Egypt. The first Passover was observed about the time of the full moon, on the 14th day of Abib (later called Nisan) in the year 1447 B. C.E. Abib falls within the months March-April of the Gregorian calendar. Thereafter it was to be celebrated annually.

The festivals; feasts, formed an important part of The True Worship of Almighty Yahweh. The Hebrew word, Hag; Chagh,  is translated to mean a periodic festival or feast. Moh-‘edh’, is also rendered as ‘festival’  and refers to a set time or place of assembly.

The Three primary seasonal Festivals were sometimes called pilgrimage festivals because of the assembling of all males in Jerusalem.

The time, the place, and the manner in which they were to be conducted were all fixed by Almighty Yahweh. As the term “seasonal festivals of Yahweh” implies, they were associated with various seasons of the year. The early spring, the late spring, and the fall (autumn).

In Leviticus 20:26,” You are to be My holy ones, for I, Yahweh, am Holy, and have separated and set you apart from the nations; I have called you out, that you should be Mine.

Leviticus 23:2, Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them, Concerning the Feasts of Yahweh, which you shall proclaim to be Holy Convocations (Assemblies);  THESE ARE MY FEASTS.

Leviticus 23:44, So Moses declared to the children of Israel the feasts (festivals) of  Yahweh.

Leviticus 24:22, You shall have the same law for the stranger and for the one from your own country; for I am Yahweh your Almighty Father. These laws were applied to the Hebrews, as well as the stranger, other nations, and the gentiles, among them.

The law covenant incorporated many detailed instructions regarding the observance of festivals. The festivals helped the people to keep their thoughts on the word of Yahweh. So as not to become so involved in their personal life, that they would forget the more important spiritual aspect of their daily life.

Traveling to and from the festive gatherings afforded time for meditation, meeting others, and discussing the laws of Yahweh. The festivals; feasts, were occasions of happiness.

Certain days of these feasts were Holy Convocations or Solemn Assemblies; these were Sabbaths, and similar to the weekly Sabbath. No secular work at all was to be done. An exception to the regular Sabbath arrangement was that work such as the preparing of food, unlawful on the weekly Sabbath days, was permitted in connection with the preparation for the festival observances.

The law required that all males appear in Jerusalem. No penalty was attached for individual non-attendance, except the Passover. Failure to attend it brought the penalty of death.

Women were under no obligation to attend as were the males. Yet some attended the festivals whenever possible. Hannah, the mother of Samuel, attended at Shiloh. Mary, the mother of Yahshua, The True Christ, and her family, regularly attended the feasts at Jerusalem.

The males were to bring a gift in proportion to the blessings of Almighty Yahweh. These occasions were to be celebrated with joy. The alien resident, the fatherless boy, and the widow were to be included. This was provided that the males among such alien residents were circumcised Yahweh True Worshippers.

These Festivals; Feasts; Holy Days, were kept by Yahshua, The True Christ, who observed all the Feast days. Luke 2: 41, Now every year His parents went to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. Verse 42 , Once, when He was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem for the Feast as usual.

John 2:23, When he was in Jerusalem during the Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread many believed in His Name; trusted him for his power, when they saw the acts of power that he did. He even risked his personal safety to attend the Feast of Tabernacles, John 7:1-2, 10, 14.

The disciples of Yahshua also kept and observed the Festivals; Feasts, of Almighty Yahweh.

Paul told the Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation in Ephesus, at Acts 18:21 “I must, by all means, keep this Feast that comes in Jerusalem” In Acts 20:6, Paul being unable to arrive at Jerusalem for the Feast of Unleavened Bread, remained at Troas to celebrate it. At Verse 16, He hurried so that it would be possible for him to celebrate the Day of  Pentecost in Jerusalem.

1 Corinthians 11:1-2, Paul urged The Yahweh True Worship MESSIANIC Christian Congregation, ” Remember me in all things, and keep the traditions of the Yahdaim (Jews), just as I have handed them over to you.”

1 Corinthians 16:8 “But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost.” The Festival; Feast, and Holy Days were important observances in the life of Paul. Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christians, both Jews, and Gentiles continued the observance of the Annual Feasts of Almighty YHWH, Yahweh.

And what about the Sabbath? On the Sabbath, Saturday, Paul, the disciples, and others, always preached in the synagogues. When they were thrown out, they continued in homes and public gatherings. They always did so ninety-nine percent (99 %) of the time, on the Sabbath Day.

The writers of The New Testament made innumerable references to the festivals; feasts; holy days, giving them a happy, symbolic, and prophetic application to the Yahweh True Worship Christians.

Colossians 2:16-17, states “Therefore, Let no man condemn you for doing these things: eating and drinking in the observance of a Feast Day, or of a New Moon, or of the Sabbath Day. Which are a shadow for things to come for the Body of The Messiah Yahshua, the True Christ.”

Galatians 4: 8-10; But then, indeed, when you did not know Yahweh, you were in bondage to that which, by nature, are nothing but gods (Elohim); But now, knowing Yahweh, or rather, having been known by Yahweh, why do you return to the powerless gods (elohim), and bow down to sacred poles? Why do you want to be in bondage to them all over again?  From this, you watch for Feast days in deviation from Yahweh’s New Moons, Feasts, and Sacred Year.

From the above, it is clear that the Messianic Christians in Galatia were using the Asherah poles in order to ascertain the time for the feasts of Yahweh. This was the pagan sun god method, which Yahweh always condemned. By then false teachers entered the fold as was predicted by Yahshua, and the early converts.

The names  Kyrious, and Theos were being touted as a replacement for Yahweh, Inoous, and Iesous, as a replacement for Yahshua. These were the names of gods, (elohom), which Paul was pronouncing against. These gods and their worship were filled with sun worship and used the Asherah pole to ascertain the solar equinox. Almighty Yahweh completely denounced that.

 Paul was advocating the keeping of the Feasts of  Yahweh. The scriptures were twisted to reflect that he had said to do away with the Feasts; Festivals; and Holy Days of Yahweh. And this has continued up to today. Totally false doctrine accepted by the Roman Christian Church.

Another verse supporting the above was also twisted.

Hebrews 8: 6- But now, he Yahshua, has obtained a more superior ministry, of which he is a better Mediator of the Covenant, which was given upon a better promise established in the Law of Yahweh; For if that first priesthood had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for the second.

When you read Chapters 8,9, and 10, you would realize that Paul was referring to the renewing of the covenant under Yahshua, The New High Priest. The sacrifice of Yahshua finished the need for animal sacrifices. Under the New Priesthood, anyone can enter the Holy of Holies, and have a personal relationship with Almighty Yahweh, only through his son Yahshua, ha Meshaiayah. The  True Christ.

Paul never advocated the non-observance of the Festivals; Feasts; or Holy Days of Almighty Yahweh. Yahshua never did. The Apostles and The Early Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation never did. So why should it appear that he did?

According to Yahshua, The True Christ, Paul, Peter, Jude, and the early congregation, false teachers would arise. Certain men who would secretly creep in. False teachers who would secretly bring damnable heresies, and because of them, the ways of the Truth will be evil spoken of. While they were alive these men were with them.

Afterward, through the influence of the Roman Church, and with the help of Roman Emperors, false teachings were introduced. Firstly, The Ten (10) commandments were done away with. They are no longer under the Law. That was for the Yahdaim (Jews).

Secondly, The Name of Almighty Yahweh was replaced by kyrios, and Theos, the name for their mighty, strong, and powerful ones.

The Name Of The True Christ, Yahshua, was entrenched as Iesous Inoous. This was changed in 405 A D to Iesus. At the same time, kyrios, and Theos had an alternative in Dominus.

The false doctrines of Immortality of the soul, the Trinity of God, and the entrenchment of the pagan cross as a Christian symbol. Note that Yahshua was impaled on a Stauros, which is an upright pole, with his hands above his head and not outstretched.

The rejection of the Festivals of Yahweh and other aspects of Yahweh True Worship meant that Christianity had taken a different path compared to the Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation. The Roman Universal Catholic Church, and its offshoot churches, including, the modern-day Charismatic and Pentecostal churches, have continued likewise.

Today, the name Christianity embodies many features not associated with the Holy Scriptures. Because all use the name Christ, it is false to think that they all represent the one Jesus. The Roman Church’s intention was to emphasize the Title of Christ. Why? Why? Why? In some cases, the name Jesus was placed after the title of Christ, and it became, Christ Jesus.

This was done to cause the True name of The Son of Yahweh, Yahshua, The True Christ to remain in oblivion. While at the same time extolling the name Khristus, so dear to the Greeks, their Khristus, ZEUS. You see, to the false teachers, and certain men who crept in unawares; unnoticed, the name Inoous Iesous Christus, was more acceptable to the mind of the Greek and Roman converts.

Peter so eloquently said in Acts 4:12 “Neither is there Salvation in any other; for there is no other Name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved.” YAHSHUA IS THE NAME. 

So strong was their hatred for the Law of the Yahdaim(Jews), and the names Yahweh and Yahshua, that they failed to grasp the significance of that verse. This has continued right down to the present day. Christian Religious leaders have continued to believe a lie and are guilty of misleading innocent, honest, and very truthful Christians. How? Into believing that when Peter said his words, he meant Iesous, Iesus, Arabic Issa. From around 1560 AD, modern Jesus.   SUS is a pig or swine in roman. A horse in Hebrew. 

There is no way that is possible. This name Yahshua, is the only way to Eternal Life, through Almighty Yahweh. As a matter of fact, these are the only ‘names recognized in the True Spiritual Realm. No other names, I repeat no other names!

The Roman Church wanted to have nothing with the Festivals; Feasts; and Holy Days, of Almighty Yahweh and his feasts. Although he had told the children that these feasts were his. The gentiles were invited, provided the male was circumcised. The Hebrews had to be circumcised also. These were the Feasts of Yahweh, not the Yahdaim (Jews).

Instead, the Roman Church revived the ancient pagan feast of Ishtar; Easter, and it replaced the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Now there is Easter.

The ancient pagan sun god worship, centered around a string of False Saviors, starting with Tammuz in Babylon, was revived. The sun god was revived, and he was born on the winter solstice, on December 21st. He was fully born on December 25th. That became the birthday of Inoous Iesus; and about since 1650 AD, Jesus.  Jesus; ha Zeus, Christ.

Yahshua, Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, The True Christ, was born on the first day of  The Feast of Tabernacles. corresponding to September/October. Not on December the 25th.

It is now abundantly clear that we should be obedient to Yahweh, and his son Yahshua, and become Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christians. This would help us to attain Eternal Life, and to be ready for The First Resurrection.

The alternative is to follow Kyrius; Theos; Dominus;  Deus, Gott, Lord; God, and Allah. And Inoous; Iesous; Iesus, Arabic Issa, Jesus Christ. Then you are preparing yourself for the Second Resurrection, 1,000 years, after.

The Choice is clear. The Choice is yours to make.


The various Feasts; Festivals; Holy Days, will be dealt with separately. The manner in which they should be followed in Today’s World would be explained.