Mother Goddess Worship.

Mother Goddess Worship.

The first man against Yahweh True Worship was Nimrod. Noah’s son was Ham, who had a son named, Cush. Cush had a son named Nimrod.

Genesis 10:8-10; says: Cush begot Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one, ( a hunter ),  on the earth; He was a tyrant who deceived, who turned against Yahweh; therefore it is said: Like Nimrod the tyrant who deceived, who turned against Yahweh; And the beginning of his Kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, Calneh, and all of them in the land of Shinar; that is, Babylon.

His original name was Mrd; Marad. This means,’ Let us rebel.’ This was pronounced as either, M-rad,  Em-rad, or Em-rod, or Om-rod.  After the confusing of language, it assumed the form we know it today as Nimrod.

Worship Against Yahweh.

Nimrod was heavily influenced by HLL-eL; Hill-el; the Satan. Nimrod was the first human, man-god. His wife Semiramis was the first human goddess. They formed a type of worship that was totally against Yahweh True Worship. It was centered around the Sun, Moon, and different aspects of nature.

They felt that every aspect of creation had a specific spiritual power or powers, which had to be obeyed, appeased, and worshipped. The spiritual beings, or angels; deothas, represented powers, immanent in the physical forms. To infiltrate the human mind, Satan claimed that there were male and female angels in these physical forms.

Spiritual beings are neither male or female. But they can take on the attributes of either male or female, depending on the circumstances. Before the flood this happened. In the human form, a spiritual being can play the role of a man god. And another can play the role of a female goddess.

They believed that these beings fertilized the earth. They were present in the Sun, moon, stars, and planets. Also in the air, thunder, water,and earth, vegetation, and trees. Also in animals, such as the lion, bull, snake, and others.

A spirit existed all these forms and had to be worshipped. This was the beginning of organized religion, nature worship, mother goddess worship, and the worship of El; Elohim; Elah; Ilah; Gods, and the God. And a Trinity of Gods.

Worship to the fallen spiritual angelic beings. ELOHIM.

Of course, this was offering worship to the various spiritual angelic spirits living in these created aspects of the earth. HLLL; HILL-EL, Ha  satan, The satan, had certainly found a way,  whereby the one third (1/3) of his angels, would obtain service, obedience, and worship. Lucifer; Elcifer, had fully entered the hearts and minds of the people in the world.

All this was lead by Nimrod, and his wife Semiramis; Sammur-ra. He was in total defiance against Almighty Yahweh. He was a tyrant, who was against Yahweh.

They started building a city, and a tower, whereby they could view the heavenly bodies, the clusters of stars, in order to formulate the signs of the Zodiac. They observed the movements of the heavenly bodies. How it worked with precision. It certainly would have an influence on the lives of the people.

On March 21 (21/3), at the Vernal Equinox, the sun god Nimrod, had sexual intercourse with the moon goddess, Semiramis. This simulated the course of nature, as the power in the sun had fertilized the earth and vegetation was anew after the winter period. During the spring, life was anew and the flowers blossomed. This was  a time for celebration.

At the summer solstice, 21/6, the hot arid land became barren and brown. The mother goddess earth, had lost the companionship of the sun god. The El, elah, ilah.

During the autumn equinox, 21/9, the sun started dying. The days grew shorter and the night grew longer. The goddess started weeping for the sun god who was missing. There was less sun.

At the winter solstice, 21/12, the sun started to come back to life. Now there was more sun, as the days started becoming longer and the night shorter. Four days later, 25th, it was fully born.

The goddess they worshipped at the vernal equinox, 21/3, gave birth to the sun (son) at the winter solstice, 21/12. On December 25th, 25/12, the sun (son), was reborn.

The fertilization of  the god Nimrod, and goddess Semiramis, was on 21/3. This produced a son on December 25th, 12/25. Their son was called Tammuz. He was the first son (sun) god. He was the son of a god born on December 25th.

Mother Goddess Semiramis.

Mother goddess, Semiramis, was the great mother goddess who gave birth to the son of a god, Tammuz. She was the mother of god and man. The Trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz was established. Father, Mother, and Son. Their religious year had come full circle. This was from the time of Nimrod, who was against Yahweh.

It was the worship of EL: ELOHIM: ELAH: ILAH: GOD. The word Bab, means Gate. The word EL, means God. Babel then is, The Gate of God; The Gate to God; The Gate to the God; The God Gate.


This worship could never have been directed to the ONE ALMIGHTY YHWH; YOD HAY WAW HAY; YAHWEH. So Yahweh confused their one language, his language, which they all spoke.

All, except one Yahweh True Worshipper, HBR; HEBER; EBER, who was not at Babel. His language was not confused. He continued speaking the original language. It became known as the Heber language.

In, time, it became known as Hebrew. His  descendants became known as Hebrews. That is why the Holy Scriptures of THE ALMIGHTY YAHWEH, can only be truly understood with reference to that original language of Yahweh, now called Hebrew.

Genesis 11:8, So Yahweh scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth; and they ceased building the city.


Now several languages were spoken. With their new language, they migrated to different lands. The people were forced to leave to different lands according to their different languages. Each family became part of a tribe.

Some members of one family may have spoken a different language from the rest of the family. They may have felt a closer affinity to members of a different family due to their speaking a similar language. In time, this resulted in a lot of inter breeding among the various tribes.


Their language was changed, but the memory of this form of worship continued, and was practiced in all the lands and places where they went. In particular, the Mother Goddess worship, and the Mother/Son worship.

All the variety of the other forms of worship also continued. Elah; Ilah; Elohim and God worship too. Not forgetting the Trinity of Gods. Other non-biblical teachings, such as the immortality of the soul, and a place for the departed spirit after death, and others.

This Mother Goddess, and Mother/Son worship, in particular, spread throughout, all over the Earth. All under different names, and languages.

  • From Mother Goddess–  Semiramis , Son– Tammuz.  From Babylon-TO Egypt: Mother Goddess Isis–Son–Horus.
  • Canaan: Mother goddess  Astoreth–Son Baal.
  • India  : Mother Devaki— Son—Khrishna
  • Asia    : Mother Cybele—-Son—Deolus.
  • Greece: Mother Gaia—-Son—Adonis.
  • Greece: Mother Aphrodite—Son—Eros.
  • Phoenicia: Mother Astarte—Son Adonis.
  • Germany: Mother Freyja, Eostre– and Son.
  • Scandinavia: Mother Disa— and Son.
  • Rome: Mother Venus—and Son Cupid.
  • Arabia: A trinity of Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Al-Manat.
  • China: Mother Ching Moo—and her child.

North, Central, and South America, and the rest of the earth, all followed, Mother Goddess, and Mother/Son worship. This can be traced right back to the beginning, in Babylon, Babel, the Gate of El, God.


In 6 BC, during the month of Chislev, which fell between mid November and mid December, during the Feast of Dedication, the Angel Gibbor-el; Gabriel, visited Mariam;Mary. He told her that she would have a Son.

She would name him Yod Hay Waw  Shin Ayin; Yahshua. For he shall save the people from their sins. The name Yahshua, means, Yahweh is Salvation. Yah will save.

He said that the Holy Child, would be called the Son of Yahweh. At that time, The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, performed a miracle. Mary conceived. Therefore, the Baby would be called, The Son of Yahweh.


Yahweh is not an El; Elohim; Ilah; Elah; Adonai; A god, The God, or Allah.

Birth of Yahshua, Ha Messiyah.

In 5 BC, nine months later, during the month of Tishri, corresponding to our September/October period, Yahshua, was born.

This was during the Feast of Booths, known also as the Feast of Tabernacles, or of Ingathering, or is called The Festival of Yahweh, at Leviticus 23:2. This month, the sun was shining, and the shepherds were out in the fields with their flocks.

On the 15th of the month, was the first day of the feast, which was up to the 22nd.Since the last day was the 22nd, Yahshua, could not have been circumcised after the 22nd. The 8th day.

OOPS!!!!!!! That leaves us with the 14th/ 15th of Tishri. Yahshua, the Son of Almighty Yahweh, Tabernacled  with us on, was born on  the First day of The Feast of Yahweh, Tabernacles, 5 BC. Tishri falls midway between September and October.


That year 5 BC, on the 25th of December, all the countries in the earth, were celebrating the birthday of their sun god, by whatever name they had for him. It was very cold, so they had special logs with fire, to keep warm.

They also had lots of rabbits and eggs, and other things, to celebrate the birth of the sun god. In Rome, the son god was Mithras, others had Apollo, and Adonis, not forgetting Bacchus. The main food was the pig; swine; hog, deemed unclean by Yahweh.


In Rome, by the year 200 AD, at the latest, much of Roman Christianity was mixed with this  pagan worship. The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation was virtually dead. It was replaced by the Roman form of Christianity.

The name Yahweh, was replaced with the names of the Greeks and Roman names for their strong, mighty, and powerful gods. That is, Kyrious, and Theos. Would the Holy Spirit of Yahweh exist where these pagan names were worshipped?  NO WAY!

The name Yahshua, was replaced with Inoous.

Prayers were offered to:  Kyrious, the Greek god Zeus, through Inoous Khristus. Would The Holy Spirit of Almighty Yahweh be with those worshippers? The answer is very simple. No way. Yahweh is no Kyrious or Theos.

The Ten Commandments were abandoned. The Trinity of Khyrious; Theos, Inoous, and spirit, was being  established. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul was being entrenched.

Between 325 AD, and 391 AD, Roman Christianity was firmly entrenched with all its pagan trimmings. The religion of Rome had competed for a long while with Mithraism, Gnosticism, Greek and Roman theology and philosophy. Many of their teachings were integrated into the Roman form of Christianity.


In Ephesus, Diana was worshipped as the mother goddess of virginity and motherhood. Ephesus was famous for the temple of Artemis.

Many had been drawn to the Roman church, but so strong was their adoration for the mother goddess, that they did not want to forsake her.

Compromising Church leaders saw that if they could find some similarity with the worship of the mother goddess, they would greatly increase their numbers.

But who would replace the great mother goddess of Paganism. Of course, Mary; (Mariam), the mother of Inoous Khristus. She was the most logical person.

Little by little, worship was being transferred to Mary. By 400 AD, Mary was being worshipped as a Mother Goddess. Cakes were being offered at her shrine.

By 405 AD, Jerome, had translated the Greek scriptures into Latin. The names, Khyrius and Theos, were replaced by Roman word for their strong, mighty, and powerful ones, Dominus. The name Inoous was replaced with Iesus. Prayers were now being offered to The trinity of: Dominus; Iesus; spirit.


In 431 AD, an important event took place in Ephesus, where Diana was worshipped as the mother goddess of virginity and motherhood. Also, mother goddess Artemis had her temple here. It was one of the seven wonders of the world.


Remember that Theos was the name, which was used to replace Yahweh.  Theotokos, therefore  means that Mariam was the mother of the Roman Catholic Theos. I repeat, WOULD  THE HOLY SPIRIT OF AMIGHTY YAHWEH BE PRESENT IN SUCH A SCENARIO?  NEVER!!!

It is important for your Salvation to answer that question, and then take measures to extricate yourself from this heresy. It was indeed the spirit of the world, and not Yahweh.

Andrew M. Greely, a Roman Catholic priest and author, illustrates in his book ” The Mary Myth, on the femininity of God,”  that, ” Mary is part of a magnificent tradition of female goddesses going  back into antiquity. “

” Whatever was good in the pagan religions were integrated into the Roman Catholic religion. If the good was somehow mixed with the bad, that was no problem” OOOH!!! Boy, you dig that!!!!!!!

So the various local pagan female goddesses were transformed overnight into Christian saints. The great mother goddess Diana, was transformed into Mary, the mother of God.

A host of other goddesses were likewise transformed. Likewise, the various saints, such as Peter, Paul, and the rest of them.

Mother Goddess Mary.

The mother goddess which the Roman Catholic Christians lacked was found. The mental ground that had been held by Semiramis, Isis, Cybele, Artemis, and DIANA, was found. It was established through  Mary, mother goddess, the mother of God.

After all, how poor and unbalanced a religion it is, if a place is not found for the Great Mother Goddess.

HLL-eL;Hill-el,  the Satan, had succeeded in stealing Worship from Almighty Yahweh to Mary, the mother goddess.

Remember, and don’t ever forget, that Almighty Yahweh, is not an Elah, Ilah, Adonai, Elohim, Khryius,Theos, Dominus,  Lord, God, or Allah.

Mariam; Mary, was a woman blessed by Yahweh. A virgin raised up in the laws and commandments of Yahweh. She was chosen by Almighty Yahweh, to give to HIS SON, Yahshua. She was never meant to be worshipped.

Mariam; Mary, is DEAD. She is no where alive in heaven or elsewhere. So are all who have died from Adam to the present time. They are nowhere in graves saying prayers, worshipping, or listening to anyone. Making intercession or leading a group of worshippers. They are ALL DEAD.

Except,  The Son of Almighty Yahweh.  Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True True True Christ. He was resurrected by Yahweh, and is now with Yahweh. He is our High Priest. He is making intercession, for all those who believe in Almighty Yahweh, in the sacrifice of Yahshua, the True Christ.

What do we do to obtain Eternal Life? Endure to the end, to the last second of our life. How?

Believe in Yahweh, and the shed blood of Yahshua. Repent of your past sins.  Start living a new life. A new converted life. How?

By obeying the Ten Commandments Of Yahweh.

By celebrating The Festivals; Feasts; and Holy Days Of Yahweh, instead of the worldly celebrations, such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and others.

By eating a diet of clean animals ordained by the Creator. Teaching others to do the same.

That is not difficult, Is it! This, my friends, is The Only Way To Eternal Life.

Halleluyahweh through Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.