Tithes and Offerings.

The Bible tells us of two instances prior to the setting up of the Law Covenant, in 1447 B.C. when a tenth of possessions was mentioned. Abraham gave ten percent (10%), of his spoils to Melchizedek. Genesis 14: 18-20,refers.

On the second occasion, Jacob vowed at the place between Bethel and Ai, that he would give ten percent (10%) of his substance to Almighty Yahweh. Genesis 28: 20-22, refers. He had no possessions.

He poured oil over the stone, that was his offering, to Almighty Yahweh. His promise of ten percent 10%, would have been based on the lambs and goats, which he would offer to Yahweh, when he returned to his father’s home. There is no further mention of this again.

These were two (2) instances of voluntarily giving and promising to give ten percent. There is no record that Abraham and his grandson, Jacob, ever commanded their descendants, to follow such examples. If Jacob was already under an obligation to pay this, then he did not have to vow to do so, as he did.

Tithing was formally initiated, with the children of Israel, in 1447 B.C. Yahweh gave the tithing laws for definite purposes.

The first tithe was of the produce of the land, and fruit trees. Also, of the increase of the herds and flocks. These were for the Temple sacrifices. These were brought to the Temple and given to the Levites. They had no inheritance in the land, but were devoted to the fulltime service of the Temple.

There was an additional tithe set aside each year, for purposes other than the direct support of the Levitical priesthood. It was used in large measure, by the family, when they assembled together at the national Feasts/Festivals/Holy Days, of Almighty Yahweh. Note this well  !!!!!

In instances where the distance to Jerusalem was too far for the convenient transport of this tithe, then the produce was converted into money. This money was then used in Jerusalem, for the sustenance and enjoyment of the household and family.

While they were in attendance at the Three annual Feasts,/Festivals/Holy Days of Yahweh, in Jerusalem. They used this tithe to buy things to eat and drink. This was not for the Priests, or Temple. Note this well  !!!!!

Then, at the end of every third and sixth year of the sabbatical cycle, this tithe was set aside for the Levites, alien residents, widows, fatherless boys and girls, and orphans, in the local community. Deut 14:28-29 and 26:12 refers.

When the people became negligent, the Priesthood suffered. Remember, the Levites had no inheritance and no job. They had to revert to secular work, and this affected the level of Yahweh True Worship. Anything withheld and not given, was viewed as something stolen from Yahweh.

When the Ten (10) Northern tribes fell away to Calf worship, El, Elah, and Elohim, worship, they used the tithe to support their form of worship. They were worshipping God, Elohim, and Baal, but had not been Worshipping The Almighty YHWH; Yod HayWaw Hay, Yahweh. They were tithing for the Gods, not for the One who had formalized tithing in 1447 B.C.

By the first century A.D. the religious leaders, particularly among the scribes and Pharisees, were making an open show of tithing and other outward works. But their hearts were far removed from Yahweh. Yahshua, The True Christ, reproved them for their selfish hypocritical attitude. Matthew 15: 1-9 refers.

He called attention to their giving a tenth of the mint, the dill, and the cumin, something which they should have done. Yet at the same time disregarding the more important matters of the law, such as justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42 refers.

In his last week, Yahshua,  Ha meshaiayah, The True Christ, went about cleansing the Temple, from a spiritual perspective. Among other things, he spoke about the need to give to Yahweh. One particular incident highlighted this.

Mark 12:41-44 says that while Yahshua sat opposite the treasury, He watched how the people put money into the treasury, and many who were rich put in much. But there came a certain poor widow, and she put in two small coins, the equivalent of a penny.

Then He called His disciples to Him and said to them: Truly I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who have contributed to the treasury. For they all contributed out their abundance. But she, out of her poverty, put in all that she had, of what she had to live on.

Luke 21: 1-4 says Now He looked up and saw the rich men putting their gifts into the treasury. And He also saw a certain poor widow putting in two small coins. Then He said: Surely I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For all those, out of their abundance, have put in offerings for Yahweh, but she, out of her poverty, has put in all that she had to live on.

Yahshua, The True Christ, knew that the Temple would be destroyed. The ten (10) percent tithe would cease to have significance for the Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation. There would no longer be any need for sacrifices to be made at the Temple after His Death.

Yahshua, The True Christ, therefore concentrated on offerings, and not tithes. The tithes were meant for the Levites, who had no inheritance in the land. This was significant because it marked a break with the Priesthood of the Levites and that of the new High Priesthood of Yahshua. the True Christ. A total break.

From now on the Priesthood of Yahshua, the True Christ, would be followed by all Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregations. It would be based on the kind and generous offerings of the faithful elect. This left an indelible mark on His disciples and believers and guided them in the years after His death.

The Yahweh True WorshipMessianic  Christian Congregation, was at no time commanded to pay tithes. The obligation to pay tithes ceased when Yahshua, died. After His death in 30 A.D., they were encouraged to give support to the Ministry, through material contributions.

Acts 2: 44-45 states ” Now all who believed were united, and had all things in common. And sold their lands and other possessions, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.” And Yahweh added daily to those who should be saved.

Acts 4:34-35 states ” Neither did any among them go in need, for those who owned land or houses sold them and brought the money for what had been sold. And laid it down at the apostle’s feet, and they distributed to each as anyone had need. ”

For lying to Peter, both Chananyah (Ananias) and his wife Sapphira, were struck dead. And believers were increasingly added to Yahweh, multitudes of both men and women.

Acts 11:29-30 states ” Then the disciples, every one in proportion to his individual ability, determined to send relief to the brotherhood in Yahdah. Which they also did, and sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Shaul (Paul).

This was the method by which the early Yahweh True Worship Messianic Congregation was established and built. There were no tithes, and (10) percent contribution was demanded by the leaders of the members.

All donations, offerings, and contributions, were all done voluntarily. Yahweh approved of this Method. Paul, in his epistles, provided further strict guidelines on the method to be followed.

2nd Corinthians 8:11 states that ” So now, you must also complete the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, out of what you have. ”

Verse 12 states that ” For if there is first a willing mind, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have. ”

Verse 13 states that ” For it is not intended that others should be relieved, while you are hard pressed.”

Verse 14 states that ” But that there might be equality. Now at this time, your surplus will supply what they lack, so in turn, their surplus would supply what you lack. Then there will be equality. ”

Instead of a fixed specified amount of ten percent (10) percent,  “Each man should give what he has purposed in his heart to give, not grudgingly, nor out of necessity, as though one’s arm was being twisted, for Yahweh loves a cheerful giver.” 2nd Corinthians 9:7.

Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures, was this ever changed. I challenge anyone to dispute this, based on the Bible.

.Of course, the Yahdaim (Jews), continued with their animal sacrifices at the Temple. They did not recognize the atoning sacrifice of Yahshua, Ha meshaiayah, The True Christ, and its unveiling, at the time of the death of Yahshua.

They failed to accept that His death on Nisan 14th, 30 A.D. meant that Almighty Yahweh, no longer has any need for any Animal Sacrifices. From 30 A.D. there were two parallel systems at play. The Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation, operating with Offerings and Donations.

And the rest of the Jewish nation, operating with a fixed 10% tithe/tithes. This is most significant, as it indicated that they were now, two separate and distinct groups, from before and after the death of Yahshua, The True Christ.

With the destruction of the Temple, in A.D. 70, all animal sacrifices stopped. Just as The Almighty YHWH, Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh, wanted it. The Jewish people followed the religion of the Pharisees, and it was heavily influenced by them, in this regard, even up to today.

The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, continued unabated. They faced tremendous opposition from the Jewish religionists, from the death of Yahshua. This continued for a long while, until the death of John, and thereafter. But they never insisted on tithing a ten percent, 10%. Never!!!!!!!

Yahshua,  the true Christ, had predicted before his death, that many shall come against His Name. About 250 B.C. the religious leaders had decided that the Name YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh, was too Holy to be pronounced. The Name Yahweh, was replaced with the names, Adonai and Elohim.

These were the names of pagan Canaanite gods, which Yahweh, had commanded them not to use, in 1447 B.C. To achieve this, they placed the vowels for Adonai and Elohim, below the Name YHWH. Whenever a reader came to the Name YHWH, when they saw the particular vowel, they either spoke aloud Adonai or Elohim.

In this way, the Name of YHWH was suppressed. The same method was used to hide the YH, Yah, from the Name of Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin; Yahshua. This Name means, Yahweh is Salvation, Yahweh will Save. It was replaced with Yod Shin Ayin.; Yeshua; Yesua, which means, He is salvation, He will save. Yah was replaced with Ye.

Around 250 B.C. The Holy Scriptures were being translated into Greek. The Name to be translated was Yeshua/ Yesua, not Yahshua. The Greeks had a goddess named Inow. She had saved certain people in the sea. Her name means She is salvation, she will save. The Greeks honored their male gods, by placing a ” us, ” after their names.

Notable are the Father of gods and men Zeus, Dionysus, and others.  Yesua, he will save, had to match up with, Inow, she will save. Female goddess Inow, to Yesua, became Inoous. Inoous, Iesous, he will save. The Yahdaim, did not care what consequences came about because of this. Their main concern was not pronouncing the Name YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay. Yahweh.

Yahweh had stated that His Name shall be great among the Gentiles. If it was hidden, how would it be known by all the nations? YHWH; Yod Hay  Waw Hay, Yahweh, is not The Almighty Creator of the Jews alone. He is the Almighty Yahweh, ove all the entire Universe.

During His Ministry, Yahshua, The True Christ, encountered these situations. His Name was Yahshua. The Jews had names, like Yeshua, and Yesua. The Greeks had Inoous. Iesous. The Jews called Yahweh, , Adonai and Elohim. The Jews did not want Yahshua, to use The Name Yahweh, openly and verbally. They said that He blasphemed, The Name. He openly made known the Name of Yahweh.

After his death, The Yahweh True Worship messianic Christian Congregation grew tremendously, and they openly used the Names, Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Christ. A distinct rift developed them, and the rest of the Jews.

But a different form of Roman Christianity was also developing. These were the Greeks and the Romans. They were against the Name of Yahweh, and Yahshua, They began to use the name of their mighty one Kyrius, instead of Yahweh. And they preached the son of Kyrius, was Iesous Inoous, the Christ.

They existed simultaneously for about 150 to 200 years. To cut a long story short, The Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation, died out slowly. Pressure from the Jews showed that these were two(2) distinct groups. The Roman Catholic form of Christianity took over.

With the help of the Roman Emperors, this form of Christianity was to entrench itself, throughout. Various verses in the Scriptures were mistranslated, in order to support some of their Non- Biblical teachings. The immortality of the soul, a Trinity of gods, existing as one, eternal hellfire, and the doing away with  the Commandments of Yahweh, took center stage.

But the ten percent (10%), the tithe was insisted on, even at the point of death.

The Roman Church wanted nothing in common with the Jews, from as early as the time of Emperor Hadrian. Around AD 130, They moved the name of Yahweh, to Kyrius, then to Theos, and then to Dominus. All under Jerome and the Latin Vulgate, in 405 A.D. The German name for their mighty one, Gott, took over and is today, God and Lord.

The name of Yeshua/ Yesua, moved to Iesous, Inoous. Then to Iesus, under Jerome. This is Arabic Issa. For one thousand years and more, the prayers concerning Yahweh, and Yahshua, the True Christ, went to Dominus, and Iesus Christ.

In the 17th century, to distinguish between the Big “I” and the small “I”, the letter ” J” was introduced. Iesus then became Jesus. Around 1650 AD. The Holy Spirit, Kadosh ha Ruach, of Almighty Yahweh, would never dwell among those prayers. Never!!!

The Roman Church had given up on the true teachings of the Inspired Scriptures. The 10 Commandments were nailed to a cross, they taught. But the 10 percent (10%), was not. They used it to build large buildings, honoring their trinity of gods, and making their Church, into a money-making spectacle.

As the years passed on, this false teaching infiltrated every Christian denomination. It is money-making and causes many offshoots and various religions, and sects, all wanting their share in the tithing ten percent (10%) market.

This has held center stage leading up to the 21st century. Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christians never paid tithes. And in 2022, this teaching is being promulgated throughout.  The Yahweh True Worship Messianic Christian Congregation. This is why this article is on the Website: yahwehtrueworship.com. and being preached publicly.