Yahweh True Worship : False Pre-Existent Saviors.

At Genesis 3:15 Yahweh had promised a seed of the woman who would be the mortal enemy of Hill-el, The Satan. But Satan was in doubt as to who would be the seed of the woman . He was The Promised True Savior. 


The seed of the Woman.


This was a promise of a long coming battle between The seed of the woman, and the satan. But Hill-el, the satan, was kept in the dark, he was in doubt as to who the seed of the woman would be. An enemy to come! In the future!

Not one waiting in heaven, or somewhere else. He is a very wise angel! Nah! And Yahweh, had never said that he had a son in heaven who would be his mortal enemy.

Indeed, satan knew all the sons of Yahweh, and that it could never be one of those. So it had to be someone who would be born of a woman.


Seed of the Woman.


So the first seed of the woman was Cain. His enemy? He would now try and make Cain his friend! He influenced Cain, and killed Abel.

Then he infiltrated the human race, and some of his angels cohabited with mortal women. By his corrupt angels mixing with mortal women, he wanted to influence the future of mankind. But this backfired.

Instead, it created a hybrid race of giants. All flesh was corrupted. This extended to land animals and birds, and created monster creatures. Monsters like animals and flying birds of immense strength. These were capable of flying and transporting giants to various locations on earth.

The angels were made mighty, strong, and powerful. They were called El, plural being Elohim. As in the plurality of might, strength, and power. They were individually created by The Almighty Yahweh. He made them very wise and powerful.

From a far distance out in space they could see on the earth. They could choose which place they wanted to inhabit. They would teach men how to make weapons, and the art of war.


Offspring of Angels and Mortal Women.


The offspring of the angels, the half man giants, would be very strong. They could have interbred with animals, and produced half human giant men and animals. Like half-lion/half-man; half-horse/half-man, etc.

They could lift 50 to over 200 ton stones, and place them in exact position. They would build large buildings with precise measurements. This would have occurred all over the earth.

They would have paid homage and worship to HLLL; hill-el; the satan. They also created immense violence on the earth. Giants fought giants, and mortal men were mere bystanders, looking on and certainly hiding from these giants.  These giants had to eat animal flesh of all types, in order to survive.




All, except Noah and his family. Almighty Yahweh, regretted that he had made man. The flood wiped them all out. Noah and his family were saved by Yahweh. The El, and the Elohim were powerless, and unable to save the rest.

The angelic powers and spirits, were chained and are awaiting judgement. Their fleshly bodies perished, all other men died. All who were breathing oxygen through their nostrils, died. All in the dry land died. Genesis 7:22.  All except Noah and his family.

The skeletons of these giants would have been scattered in different parts of the earth. Elongated skulls, distorted jaws, with double rowed teeth, for example, and very large frames were deposited in various locations.


After the Flood.


After the flood, Hlll,the satan did not give up. Cush named his son Raamah, after the sun god. He had a later son, whom he named Marad. This name means, Let us rebel. This man was Nimrod. Let us rebel, but rebel against whom. Against Yahweh, of course. Hlll; hillel, the satan, was using Nimrod, against Yahweh.

Nimrod was the first of deified mortals. He was a man god. His wife was Semiramis, the female god, the goddess. All forms of worship against Yahweh, were done in the land of Bab-el. All nature was worshiped. But now we will focus on the emergence of False Saviors.

Nimrod and his wife were used by HLLL; hellel ; the satan, to bring about a seed of the seed of the woman, who would be a friend of satan, and not his enemy.

In the fertility religion started by Nimrod and his wife Semiramis, they sought fertility for their crops, success in life, good hunting, and a place with El Nimrod, the man god, after their death.

The Sun god, Bel Marduk, Nimrod, fertilized his wife, the Mother goddess, Semiramis, on the vernal equinox, on March 21/3/. They were simulating nature. On the winter solstice, the sun came to life on 21/12/, December. With the movement of the sun, the sun was born on 25/12.

Semiramis, the mother goddess, gave birth to a son on the 25th of December.

The first son of the man god, and the woman god, goddess, was a friend of HLLL; hellel; the satan. He would be a friend of satan. He would not be an enemy of satan. His name was Tammuz. He was a man god.

This was the power of the Mother Goddess. She had given birth to the son of God. Tammuz was the son of God Nimrod, born on 25th, December. Mother/ Son worship, had started in full capacity in Babel. Babylon.


First False pre-existent  Savior


Tammuz,  offered hope to the believers in Babel, the gate of El ; elah; ilah; Elohim; god, gods. Now there would be no seed of the woman to bruise the head of satan. He was Tammuz, the savior. All this was taking place in Babel.

For how long would The Almighty Yahweh, allow this to continue ?


Confusion of Language.


Yahweh, confused their one language. They were all confused. They all began to speak different languages. They had no alternative but to go separate ways.

Their language was changed, but the memory of this form of worship was retained. So too, all the different forms of worship started at Bab-el.

In particular, the mother/child, born on December 25th, 25/12. It was practiced in all the lands and countries, the people eventually formed. With mother, holding her son, in a typical mother/son worship position.


It spread to Egypt, Canaan, India, China, Greece, Rome, Asia, Rome, Europe, Phoenicia, North, Central, and South America, and eventually to the rest of the world.

The false son god saviors were all miraculously born on December 25th, to match the winter solstice.

  • Egypt: Mother Isis -Son Horus.
  • Canaan: Mother Astoreth- Son Baal.
  • Rome : Mother Fortuna- Son Iupater.
  • Greece: Mother Caeres- Son Plutus.
  • Greece: Son god- Adonis.
  • Phoenicia: Mother Astarte- Son Adonis.
  • India: Mother Devaki- Son god Krishna.
  • Germany: Mother Hertha- and Son.
  •     Asia: Mother Cybele- Son Deolus.

Scandinavia: Mother Disa and Son.

There were savior gods aplenty in the entire earth. These are but a few.


Mithra: The Word.


In Persia, Mithra was the Sun god. He was the son of God Ahura Mazda, and Goddess Rashnu. He was the savior of god and men.

Mithra was the competing sun god in Rome, before and after the birth of Yahshua. Mithras was represented in human form in Rome. He was also represented as a lion-man, with a bee in his mouth.

The bee represented that he was the spokesman, he was the word, of the God. All the savior gods in the various religions. All the sons of the mother goddesses, born on December 25th, were the spokesman, the word of the main god. The word was a god. A man god. The Word.


Greek Philosophy.


About 500 B.C., Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, was highly respected. In Greece, philosophy and religion were deeply intertwined. Whatever he said was regarded as gospel truth as coming from their God, The mighty Zeus.

 Just as the Yahdaim, (the Jews),regarded their Scriptures. as coming from The Almighty Yahweh.

Heraclitus, the philosopher/religionist, would not have read The Scriptures of Yahweh. Indeed, it started to be translated around 280 B.C., long after his death. He stated, that among other things, that there was divine order, in the universe. The main Theos, God, ZEUS,  was the creator of the universe.

His chief spokesman, word, or messenger, was mercury. Remember that Zeus was regarded as the son of the sun god. The planet next to the Sun is Mercury. He was therefore the automatic choice of being the messenger, spokesman, the word of  the Sun god.


God and the Word.


The people offered sacrifices of animals, flowers, and other things to their god Zeus, and his word, his spokesman, Mercury. This teaching never died out. It was present in The Roman Empire, long after Yahshua, The True Christ, and the early disciples and apostles died out.

ACTS Chapter 14: 8-!8, confirms this reality. Read it three times. then repeat. You would gain greater insight into the Truths of Yahweh True Worship. After healing a paralyzed man, the people said that the gods (elohim), have come down to us in the likeness of men!

And they called Barnabas, Zeus. And Paul Hermes, (Mercury), in Greek. Hermes, the el, the god of speech, Why? Because he was the chief speaker. And the priests and people brought oxen and garlands to the gates, in order to offer sacrifices.

Do you understand the deep significance of this action? Or have you just like the rest, passed it over with pure nonchalance! It would mean that for over 500 years, the teaching of the concept of the word of god, as postulated by Heraclitus, was ingrained in the hearts and minds of the people.


Paul and Barnabas disagreed.


Paul and Barnabas disputed this. Stating that The Living Almighty Yahweh, Verse 16: Who in times past, allowed all nations to walk in their own ways. Continue reading and share what you have learnt with others.




Abraham, The Hebrew Prophet of Almighty YHWH; Yod Heh Waw Heh; Yahweh, obeyed Yahweh. He had no time with El;Elah;Ilah; elohim; god; god, or The god Allah.

He was a True Yahweh True Worshiper. Through his seed the promised seed would come. Not through anybody else. And all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.

It would follow through his son Isaac, the son of Sarah, and not through Hagar, the mother of Ishmael. It would follow through Jacob and not his brother Esau. Jacob had twelve sons. It would follow through Yahdah, (Judah), and not the rest


The Hebrew Nation.


The Hebrew nation had to be formed for the promised seed to come. Not to just The Hebrew nation, but to all the nations. In time, they began to think that this promised messianic seed, was exclusive to the nation of Israel alone.

As a result, they lost sight of the larger picture. The Name Yahweh was to be Great among the other nations, the Gentiles, also.

In 1447 B.C., Yahweh, told Moses at Deuteronomy 18;18, that he will raise up for them a Prophet, from among his brethren, and that He, Yahweh, would put his words in his mouth. Nothing implying any other nation or country. No distant relative who may one day emerge out of the other sons of Abraham.

Not Ishmael, through Hagar. But Isaac through Sarah. Not Esau, but Jacob through Rebekah. Not the other 11 sons of Jacob, but Yahdah (Judah). Neither the sons of Keturah.


The Promised Seed of the Woman.


Through  the various Prophets, Yahweh was pointing the way to the promised seed of a woman. The Line was being meticulously preserved. Finally, in 6 B.C. action got underway. The month of Tebeth, corresponds to our December/January, when the winter rainfall was at its peak.

The latter half of Tebeth, December, brings frequent frosts in the hill country and occasional snow in Jerusalem. Roads are temporarily blocked by heavy snowfall. It was neither a month for travelling.

The shepherds had long since placed their flocks in their pens .Two months before this was done, from about middle or late October. The 14th of  this December month, Tebeth, would be the full moon day. This is an important day in the worship of Yahweh.


The Conception of The Seed.


The angel visited Mariam. He told her that she would have a son, and to Name Him, Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua. This Name means, YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, is Salvation. Yahweh will save.

At that precise moment, The Holy Spirit, Kadosh ha Ruach, of The Almighty Yahweh, overshadowed her and she conceived Yahshua in her womb. He was to be The Promised Seed of the woman, promised to Adam and Eve, in Genesis 3:15.

He told her that The Holy Child would be called The Son of Yahweh, The True Savior.

Note that He was not the son of any El; Elah; Ilah; Elohim; God; Adonai; The God; or Allah. He was not any of the previous false pre existent saviors, who had existed from the days of Nimrod. He could never have been the son of Allah.


December 25th Birthday Celebrations in all  the Earth, in 6 B.C.


Around that same time, all over the earth, the birthday of the many false sun god saviors, were being celebrated. On December 25th. Around that time, Yahshua, The True Savior, The True Messiyah, The True Christ, was conceived.

Oh! How amazing! Can you begin to understand the deep significance of this? Search your minds and hearts, I besiege you out there.

This is another reason why this website, www.yahwehtrueworship.com, was inspired by  The Holy Spirit, Kadosh ha Ruach, of The Almighty Yahweh.

The True Savior, had to bruise the head of HLLL; hellel; the satan. He was to be The mortal enemy of satan. satan started with his friend Tammuz. After the dispersion from Bab el, ilu, it spread to all nations.


The Birth of The True Savior.


Now The True Savior, was conceived in December. Not, I repeat, Not on the day of the vernal equinox, 21/3, as all the other false preexistent saviors were. In 5 B.C., Nine (9) months later, Yahshua, the True Savior; Messiyah; Christ, was born.

This would correspond to our September/ October. This was the month of Tishri, also called Ethanim. The seventh month in the sacred calendar of Yahweh. This was a month of Festivals. The Festivals of Almighty Yahweh.

During this month, almost all the harvesting had been completed, marking the end of the festivals, associated with the agricultural year.

Together with Passover, The Festival of Unleavened Bread, which followed, and The Feast of Pentecost, these were the main festivals initiated on Mt Sinai, in 1447 B.C.

Two other Festivals, were subsequently added. Purim was celebrated on the 14th and 15th of Adar, the last month of the year. This corresponds to late February and early March.

It was also called The Festival of Lots. It commemorates the deliverance of the Yahdaim (Jews), from destruction through the plot of Haman, in the Persian Empire.

The other,  was called The festival of Dedication. It was celebrated on Chislev 25th,  after the Temple was repaired in 165 B.C. In 168 B.C. the Temple was desecrated by Antiochus IV, during Chislev 25th. He called himself Theos Epiphanes (God Manifest).

He sacrificed pig’s blood on the alter, and had it  sprinkled all over the Temple. The Temple was dedicated to the pagan god Zeus of Olympus. Exactly three years after, the true sacrifices to Yahweh were renewed. It was a time of great rejoicing.


5 B.C. The Birth of the True Savior.


In 5 B.C., The month of Tishri (Ethanim), corresponded to our September/October. On the first of the month, was the day of the trumpet blast. Since each New Moon was normally announced with a trumpet blast, this particular day was one of additional and extensive trumpeting.

The 10th of the month, was The annual day of atonement.

The full Moon was on the 14th of the month. This was exactly nine (9) months after Yahshua, The True Savior, was conceived in the month of Tebeth the 14th, 6B.C.

From the 15th to the 21st there was the Festival of Booths, aka, Tabernacles. The people who journeyed to Jerusalem, for the Festival, were required to dwell in booths (suk-kohth).

These were erected in the courts of the houses, on the roofs of the dwellings, in the courts of the Temple, in the public squares, and on roads within a Sabbath-day’s journey. Olive and palm trees and others, were used in building these temporary structures.

It was a Festival of thanksgiving, for the ingathering of the crops. They were commanded to live for one(1) week in these booths/ temporary dwellings. The Last great day was on the 22nd, with a solemn assembly. It means that Yahshua, The True Messiyah, The True Christ, The True Savior, had to be circumcised by the 22nd of the month.

Therefore on the 14th (14), the full moon day, of Ethanim, Tishri, Yahshua, was born. This day would vary every year, just like everybody’s birthday. Meanwhile, three (3) months later, when The True Savior was three months old, the birthdays of all the false saviors, were celebrated on December 25th. That was in 5 B.C.


After the death of Yahshua, The True Savior, The True Christ.


After the death of Yahshua, The True Savior, the apostles, and The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, false teachers entered into the fold. They were predicted to come. By The True Savior, and his apostles. There was a distinct split between The Yahweh True Worship Christians, and the emergence of the Roman form of Christianity.


Roman Christianity


With the help of the Roman Church, and the Roman Emperors, Christianity, was infiltrated with pagan doctrine. They wanted to have nothing in common with the Yahdaim (Jews), so they said.

The name Yahweh, was spoken as Elohim, and Adonai, by the people who were entrusted the sacred duty to uphold His Name. They felt that it was too Holy to be pronounced, and started this around 250 B.C.

Then, it was replaced with Kyrus;kyrios. Then to Theos. Then to Dominus. It moved to Gott. Then to God, and Lord. Would The Holy Spirit, Kadosh ha Ruach, of Almighty Yahweh, dwell with those calling on these names.? Ask yourself that question! The answer is simply, NO!

Amazingly, the name satan, has been retained as a god, and he is now the god of the world. But the god with the small ‘g’. All in the scriptures. God with the big ” G,” refers to the God in the Bible.

All  this happened due to having the Name of The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, replaced, with Adonai and Elohim.


Change of Name.


The Name of The True Savior, Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua, which means, Yahweh is Salvation, moved to Yod Shin Ayin, Yesua, which means, He will save. Who he?

The Power of The Name Yah was removed from the name. This was done by people entrusted with the sacred duty to uphold his name, who felt around 250 B.C. that it was too Holy to pronounce.

Yesua, moved to Inoous, in Greek. Not Yahshua! Note this well! Your Salvation depends on it! It then moved to Iesus, around 400 A.D. During the 16th century, there was a problem in distinguishing the letter I. To distinguish the big “I”, from the small “I”, the letter “J” was introduced, for the first time in history. Now Iesus, became Jesus.

Yahshua, The True Savior, started his public ministry during the month of Tabernacles, corresponding to our September/October, in the year, 26 B.C. He had a ministry of Three and one half years. (3:1/2).

He died on the 14th of Abib (Nisan), in the year 30 A.D. His death ushered in the Festival of Yahweh.The Feast of Unleavened Bread, starting on the 15th to the 21st.

His death provided the means whereby anyone who believes, can obtain Eternal Life. In this way, the promises of Genesis 3:15, were fulfilled. The procession of false saviors, initiated by Nimrod, and under the guidance of HLLL; Hillel; the satan, had come to an end.

Acts 4:12 states- Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other Name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Please I am pleading with whoever reads that verse. To reread it!!!

There is no other name, but The Name Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua, whereby anyone can hope to achieve salvation. No other name but Yahshua, whereby anyone can hope to obtain Eternal Life. The only Name recognized by The Almighty Yahweh, himself in the heavens. Reread this I implore you!


The Almighty Yahweh, does not recognize any other Name, but The Exact Name which his Angel Gabriel, gave to Mariam (Mary).


Not Yeshua, nor Yesua, he will save. His name Yah, was removed by man from the name Yahshua. Yahshua, means, Yahweh is Salvation. Yahweh will Save. Yahweh will help. Not he will save. There is a fundamental difference in both names.


Inoous the Christ


The same applies to the Greek version of Inoous. This is the male version of the Greek female goddess Inow. According to Greek mythology, she had saved someone at sea. She will save, was attached to her name.

When the Septuagint was being translated, the name to be translated was Yeshua/yesua, he will save. Not Yahshua, I repeat, Not Yahshua, Yahweh will save. But, Yeshua/yesua he will save.

The Greeks always, from time immemorial, had gods with their names ending with ‘ us’. Khronus. Zeus. Dyonysus. Bacchus, and many, many others.

The male name, he will save, had to match their female name, she will save.

Female goddess, Inow, she will save, to male god, Inoous. he will save.

Would Almighty Yahweh accept the name Inoous? When he did not recognize the Hebrew name Yeshua/Yesua, would he recognize the name this was translated to? His prophets on many occasions had warned the Yahdaim (Jews), against misusing His Name.

This was the name used against Yahshua, during his entire ministry. In addition to the names, Yeshua/Yesua. They did not want Yahshua, to use the Name Yahshua, which has the name Yah in his Name.

They accused him of blasphemy, because he openly and fearlessly preached The Name of His Father, Yahweh. They were using the pagan names Elohim and Adonai.


After the Death of  Yahshua


After the death of Yahshua, The True  Savior, The Yahweh True Worship Christian Congregation, continued the use of Yahweh, and Yahshua, The True Savior, The True Christ, The True Messiyah.

The name Yeshua/Yesua, continued in the Religion of the Yahdaim (Jews), together with the spoken pagan names of Elohim and Adonai.

In the Roman form of Christianity, the name Inoous, continued. It was changed to Iesus by Jerome, in the Latin Vulgate. For about 1300 years, it remained Iesus. It was called Issa, Issu, in the Arabic and Indian communities.  In the 16th century, it received its final form, Jesus.

This is where the divisions between The Yahweh True Worship Christians, the Religion of the Yahdaim (Jews), Judaism, and the Roman  Christians,  started in full.


Roman Christianity.


The Roman Church, reverted to the pagan spring festival of Semiramis, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, and Easter, to celebrate the death of Inoous, on Friday, and his resurrection, on Sunday. His death on Friday, ushered in the pagan Feast of Easter on Sunday morning.


Yahweh True Worship Christianity.


Yahweh True Worship Christians, continued using the name Yahweh, and his Son, Yahshua, The True Saviour, The True Christ. They continued observing the 14th, in memory of the death of Yahshua. They were known as quarto-decimans. This means, they were observing the True date of the death of The True Savior.

The death of Yahshua, ushered in the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This was celebrated, instead of the spring festival surrounding the vernal equinox, on 21/3. The death of  Yahshua, The True Christ,  was celebrated on the 14th, of Nisan, full moon day, instead of Inoous.

The birthday of Yahshua, was not celebrated. It was on the 14th of the seventh month, a full moon day. The festival of Tabernacles continued to be observed by The Yahweh True Worship Christians.


Roman Christianity.


The Roman Christians, gravitated towards the mid- winter feast, since from early on, they wanted nothing with The religion of the Yahdaim (Jews). This  started during the reign of Trajan, and continued with Hadrian, and Antonius Pius, and Marcus Aurelius,  up to at least 200 B.C. It was entrenched by Constantine in 325 AD.

In time, the pagan feasts started by Nimrod, were integrated into the Roman Religion. The birthday of Inoous; Iesus; Issa; Issu,Jesus, was finalized later on as the 25th of December.

These Two main Christian celebrations, are not approved of in The Holy Scriptures. They are of pagan origin, and do not help their believers. In addition, other man made days of celebrations were introduced.


Yahshua, The True Savior, The True Christ.

According to the requirements of The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh. Yahshua, is the True Savior. Yahshua, is The True Christ. The only way to obtain Eternal, Everlasting Life.

Halleluyahweh, through Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True True Christ. The True Savior.