Yahweh True Worship: The beginning

Yahweh True Worship, is about Obeying, Serving, and Worshipping, The True Creator, YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh. He revealed His Personal Name, in the Holy Scriptures. It occurs close to 7,000 times in The Scriptures.

Not God of The Jewish Nation, alone.

Almighty Yahweh, is the Eternal and Everlasting Almighty Creator. Yahweh, is not a God. He is not the “God” of the Jews. He existed from Eternity. The Hebrew nation was formed around 1447 B.C.

 He is The Creator, and our Eternal Father. The Almighty of the Entire Universe. He is pure Spirit, and cannot be seen by ordinary human eyes.

It is of paramount importance to know just how the name of god and gods evolved. Then we would be able to fully understand, Why and How, The Almighty Yahweh, is not a god.

In the beginning, before the physical creation, Yahweh, was alone. He has existed from before, what we can perceive as Eternity. He had no beginning, and therefore, no end. He created Time. In the beginning. Before time was created, Yahweh, existed from Eternity, before time.

The Throne of YHWH.

His throne is like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire. This is not physical matter, which was created later. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him. Daniel 7:9-10. Almighty Yahweh, is Pure Divine Spiritual Fire, and Light.

Ezekiel, Yechetzqyah, had a vision of the ” Chariot of The Almighty Creator, Yahweh.” Chapter 1 verse 4, is very explicit. “…….A whirlwind came out from the north, a great cloud taken with fire, surrounded by light. And from within the midst of the fire, there was the appearance of brilliant brightness with colors of fire. “

Creation of Spiritual  Beings.

Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, firstly, created spiritual beings. The Hebrew word, mal-‘akh, means messenger. The plural, is malakim. Today they are called angels, and deothas. They were individually created and named by The Almighty. They are pure spirit, and of divine light and fire.

They were made of divine light and fire, pure spiritual energy. This is not the physical light and matter, that we see in the world around us. They are invisible to the human physical eye. They are not bounded by physical matter or mountains. They can pass through stars, planets, and the earth effortlessly.

These spiritual beings, were created to have immense power, might, and strength. The Hebrew word for power, might, and strength, is El. El, can be pronounced El, iL, L, since it is the letter L, Lamed, in the Hebrew Alphabet. The plural of the spiritual beings, are termed Elohim, or Elohym.

They were individually created by Yahweh. As for the number of spiritual angelic beings, Daniel said he saw ” a thousand thousands that kept ministering to Yahweh, and ten thousand times ten thousand that kept standing right before him ” Dan 7:10.

They are very wise, and can communicate with each other, in the Hebrew Language, and in any other language formed after the dispersion from Babel, the gate of El.

Order and Rank.

There is Order and Rank, among these powerful spiritual beings. The Seraph, Seraphim, are stationed about The Throne of Yahweh, in the Spiritual Heavens. They literally mean, “burning ones “, from the verb “sa-raph,” which means, “burn”. They were made of divine spiritual light and fire.

Isayah 6:1 describes in the vision saying “I saw Yahweh, sitting on a throne, high and lifted up… Above Him stood the seraphim; each one had six wings-with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.”

Other spiritual angelic beings of high rank having special duties, are distinguished from the order of the Seraphim.They are first mentioned at Genesis 3:24, after Adam and Eve were put out of Eden. They are called Cherub. Cherubim.

They were posted at the east entrance ” to guard the way to the tree of life.” The Cherubim were made of divine spiritual fire and light. They are described in detail in Ezekiel Chapter 1 verses 5- 28. Read it, in order to understand The True Almighty Creator.

Verse 6 states that the Cherubim, each had four faces, and each one had four wings. Verse 11 states that two of their four wings spread upward,….and two wings covered their bodies. Verse 13 states that their appearance was like burning coals of fire. The fire was bright, and from it came lightning.

Verse 26 states that above the heads of the four Cherubim, there was a Throne. And upon it, was a figure with the appearance of a man.

Verse 27 states that He, YHWH, had the appearance of fire, with a radiance all around.

Verse 28 states that ” Like the sight of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness surrounding it. This was the appearance of the likeness and glory of Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh.

The Seraphim, Cherubim and all the other lower spiritual angelic beings, were  made of divine light and fire. The Seraphim had Six (6) wings. The Cherubim had Four (4) wings. All other lower ranked beings  had Two (2) wings.

When they moved, they all went straight ahead. They turned not when they went. They went everyone straight forward. To put it simply, the Seraphim were round about the Throne of Yahweh.

The Cherubim were below the Throne of Yahweh. They upheld the Throne of Yahweh. They upheld the trailing edge of His Robe, which filled the Temple. On His Robe, The Ten Commandments of Yahweh, were indelibly imprinted on Divine Light and Fire.

They were entrusted with the task of teaching These Laws, to some of the lower ranked spiritual angelic beings. They were different. And all angelic beings were and are fully aware of this significant difference.

Figures of cherubs were included in the Tabernacle. Rising above each end of the cover of the Ark, were two cherubs of hammered gold. They were facing each other and bowing toward the cover in an attitude of worship.

Each had two wings that spread upward and screened over the cover in a guarding and protecting manner. In addition, the inner covering of tent cloths for the Tabernacle and the curtain dividing the Most Holy from the Holy had embroidered cherub figures. Carved cherubs decorated the walls and doors of the Temple, and the sides of copper water carriages.

They represented angelic spiritual creatures of glorious beauty, and were made ” according to the pattern given by Almighty Yahweh,” to Moses. They were associated with the presence of Yahweh.

The Spiritual Angelic Beings.

The foremost, the most powerful spiritual being, is The Archangel, Micha-el. He is the only one called “archangel”. He never became a human being. Who is mighty, strong, and powerful, like him? Who is an El, L, iL, god, like him?

But after His resurrection, Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua, is ranked below Yahweh, and above all spiritual beings. So that since Yahshua,  Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, went to be with His Father Yahweh, in A.D. 30, He is above Micha-el.

Another mighty, strong, and powerful, spiritual being, is Gabry-el; Gabri-el; Gibor-el. Strong One. He appeared to Zecharyah, he told him of a son to be named, Yahchanan, (John), which means, Yahweh is merciful.

He also appeared to Miriam (Mary), and told her of a Son, to be Named, Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin,Yahshua, which means, Yahweh is Salvation, Yahweh will save. He also appeared to Yahseph (Joseph).

Gabri-el, is a high ranking spiritual being, and stands next before Yahweh. He delivered messages on behalf of Yahweh. He was the spokesman for Yahweh.

Another spiritual being is Hell-el; HLLL; Hill-el. He was a Cherub. Strong’s # 1966, means the shining one. Also, #1984, from the root word halal, which means to praise, give thanks. Hill-el, was in charge of Worship, with his pipes and musical instruments.

He was to teach the light and laws of Yahweh to other lower ranked spiritual beings.  He was full of wisdom. Nothing was hidden from Hill-el.

The Holy Spirit of YHWH. Qodesh Ha Ruach.

The Qodesh ha Ruach, The Holy Spirit, of Yahweh, is The Power, and Active force of Yahweh, Himself. It is not, and never was separate from Yahweh. It is Yahweh, Himself. They are not two persons. The Almighty Yahweh, Is One. The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, is not, and never was a separate created spiritual being.

Created Spiritual Beings.

All the created spiritual beings, are El, Elohim. There is a distinct and clear line of demarcation, between them, and YHWH; Yahweh.The created spiritual beings, now called angels, are regarded as the sons of Yahweh. He created them.

The Malakim, the Elohim, were Worshiping  YHWH. Yahweh, had given the spiritual beings, freedom of choice in the discharge of their duties. They were not forced into doing anything.

The Start of Yahweh True Worship.

Thus, Yahweh True Worship, started with the creation of the spiritual angelic beings. This Yahweh True Worship, continued for a long while. For billions of years, and more. Then Yahweh, started creation. Physical matter, light, water and fire, etc.

When the foundations of the earth was laid, the spiritual beings, the morning stars, all cried out together. All the sons of Yahweh began shouting in applause. Job 38:7.

They sang Praises, HalleluYahweh. And the universe echoed with Qodesh, Kodesh, Kodesh. Holy, Holy, Holy, Yahweh Almighty.  THE PRIMORDIAL SOUND OF YAAAAAAAAH,  ECHOED THROUGHOUT. This was Eternal Praise, Obedience, Service, and Worship, to their Supreme Creator and Father. Yahweh True Worship, was in full flight.

Creation continued. Sometime, before the creation of animals, a revolt took place, in the Spiritual Kingdom of The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh.

Hill-el, coveted and stole Yahweh True Worship.

HLLL; HILL-El, decided in his heart to covet the Worship of The Almighty  YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh.

Hill-el, wanted this Worship, to be directed to himself. He wanted the other spiritual beings, to serve, obey, and worship him. Instead of The Almighty Yahweh. The standard set by Yahweh, he wanted that for himself.

He spoke to other spiritual beings, and spread his story. He was beautiful. The shining one. He led the praises to Yahweh, and the Worship should now be directed to him.

Hill-el, bargained with other spiritual beings. He knew that there is a hierarchy within the Spiritual Realm, of Yahweh. He would establish a hierarchy similar to The Yahweh True Worship, under Yahweh.

The First Sin.

He had sinned. This disobedience was not in harmony with Yahweh True Worship. The Hebrew word, Hattat, Cha-ta, is Strong’s #2403. This means, Sin. It means, “miss,” in the sense of missing or not reaching a goal, way, mark, or right point. This was missing the mark, the standard set  with regard to YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh.

The standard set was obedience to The Ten Commandments of Yahweh.

The Eternal Laws, Statutes, and Commandments Of The Almighty Creator.

These were written by Yahweh, before the Creation of the Spiritual beings.Together with all the many rules, laws, statutes, and procedures that would govern every single aspect of creation, and life.

These would include the precise level of gravity to be present in any given location. The various strong and weak nuclear forces, which would impact on, and create matter. The electro-magnetic forces which would govern the entire universe.

Also, the speed with which stars would rotate, and down to how a minor grass would grow. The seed of a tree to produce after its kind. How animals and human beings would procreate. How the universe would sustain itself. Under The Supervision, of the Almighty Creator,  of course. These are just a few examples.

These were all written on tablets of divine light and fire. The Almighty Yahweh, would not start any aspect of creation, and then decide what would govern it.

According to the Dabar, the Plan of Yahweh, The Words of Yahweh, these Ten Commandments would one day extend to mankind, who would be created later. The spiritual beings were to obey and maintain a high standard before Yahweh. They were all aware of these Ten Commandments.

Breaking of The Ten Commandments of Almighty YHWH;Yahweh.

Firstly, Yahweh True Worship, was coveted by HILL-EL. Then it was stolen. The thought first and then the stealing. The most important one of Worshiping None but Yahweh, was broken.

Hill-el, missed the mark. He fell below the standard of Yahweh True Worship. This first missing of Yahweh True Worship standards, marked the introduction of Sin into The Spiritual World.

At Isayah (Isiah), Chapter 14, verses 12-14 reads ” How you have fallen from heaven, O Hill-el ; Lucifer; son of the morning. How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart, ‘I will ascend above the heavens, I will raise my throne above the stars of Yahweh. I will sit in the highest place on the holy mountain of the congregation, in the sides of the North.”

” I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.”

At Ezekiel (Yechetzqyah), Chapter 28, the action of Hill-el, Lucifer, is reiterated. Verse 2 reads…” This is what Almighty Yahweh says: Because your heart is lifted up, and you have said, I am a god (an El); I sit in the seat of a god (el), in the midst of the seas Yet you are a created being, and not The Almighty, though you set your heart to be The Almighty.”

Verse 5 reads ” By your great wisdom in your trading, you have increased your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches. “

Verse 6 reads …” Because you have set your heart to be a god (el).

Verse 12 reads … ” You were the seal of the full measure of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.”

Verse 13 reads ” You were in Eden, the garden of Yahweh; every precious stone was your covering, …… The workmanship of your settings, tabrets, tambourines, and of your pipes, mountings.  In the day you were created, they were prepared for you.”

Verse 14 reads ” You were the anointed cherub that covers, and I have set you so; you were upon the Holy mountain of Yahweh; you have walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.”

Verse 15 reads ” You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, until iniquity (sin), was found in you.”

Verse 17 reads ” Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, and you have corrupted your wisdom because of your brightness……”

Hell-el, was full of wisdom and no secret was hidden from him. His heart was lifted up because of his beauty, and he corrupted his wisdom because of his beauty.

Hill-el, led a battle for worship against Yahweh True Worship. One third (1/3) of the spiritual angelic beings became disobedient to Almighty Yahweh, and joined him. None of the Seraphim, joined him.

Neither The Archangel, Micha-el, Gabry-el, or other spiritual beings above the rank of the Cherubim, joined Hill-el, in his revolt and rebellion against The Almighty YHWH: Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh.

The Start of worship against Yahweh True Worship.

The First Commandment about having none but Yahweh, was broken. They began serving, obeying, and worshipping HLLL, Hill-el, instead of following Yahweh True Worship.

Thus was started worship against The Almighty YHWH, Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh. They now had a parallel organization, a congregation, in opposition to Yahweh True Worship.

Yahweh True Worship, continued with the faithful Two thirds (2/3) of the spiritual beings. They continued serving, obeying, and Worshipping The Almighty Yahweh.

Now there were Two kingdoms. The Kingdom of Yahweh. The kingdom of Hill-el, the Adversary, the Opposer, the Accuser, of Yahweh.

At the original plan to covet and steal Worship from Yahweh, two other of the Ten Commandments were broken. The Almighty Yahweh, had created the spiritual angelic beings.They were regarded as the sons of Yahweh. He was their Father.

They did not honor their Father YHWH, Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh. Thus was started the worship of the El, HLLL; Hill-el, Elah, Ilah, Elohim, God and gods.

They replaced The Name of Yahweh, with the name of Hill-el. From the name Hill-El, the El, in particular, all the forms of ELAH, ILAH, ELOHIM, and The GOD, developed. Note this well!!!!!!

Another of the Commandments was broken.

In this revolt against Yahweh, Hill-el, lied against Yahweh. He stated to the unfaithful spiritual beings that Yahweh, wanted all the Worship for Himself. All the Worship was indeed due to Yahweh, but he had given them freedom of choice in their decision.

In this act of revolt and rebellion by HILL-EL; Hill-el, at least Six (6) of The Ten Commandments were broken.

Plan To Form worship against Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh.

At the original plan to rebel and revolt against Yahweh, there was a lot of trading taking place for positions in the hierarchy of the HILL-EL; Hill-el, organizational hierarchical structure.

Various positions would have been preferred and advanced. These were either accepted or rejected. Or rejected with a provision of a higher position, in the structure that would emerge, among the rebellious spiritual beings.

Ezekiel 28:5 reads, “By your great wisdom in your trading, you have increased your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches.”

This is a direct reference to HLL-EL; Hill-el, in his negotiating, his trading, and of his astute maneuvering, in respect to the positioning of his one third (1/3) spiritual angelic beings.

His riches was the one third (1/3) following which he garnered. This comprised in the main of Cherubim and other lower ranked spiritual beings.

The beginning of El: God; Elah; Ilah; Elohim: Gods; worship.

HELL-El; Hill-El, was now an El. A God. An Elah, an Ilah. He was heading a group of Elohim. They were created mighty, strong and powerful. The One Almighty YHWH; Yod Heh Waw Heh; Yahweh, had created them in this manner.

HE IS THE ONLY ALMIGHTY YAHWEH. HE  never was, never is and never would be an El, Elah, Ilah, Allah, God, or The God.

Never to be called Yahweh your Elohim. Yahweh God. Or The God. Yahweh, is unique.Yahweh is The Only Supreme Almighty Creator. He is Almighty Yahweh, or Yahweh Almighty. This is The Most Appropriate Way to Address Him. In your praise, service, obedience, petitions, and Worship, towards Almighty Yahweh.

The name of Hill-el changed to Ha Satan. The Satan.

As a consequence, Yahweh, changed his name from Hill-el, to SATAN. Ha Satan. The Satan. This word has a deep meaning. Strong’s #7854 means Adversary, Accuser, One who Opposes, Slanderer. The spiritual angelic being, who is an opponent of Almighty Yahweh. And a slanderer of his Creation.

Now Hill-el was an El, elah, ilah, L, a god. Mighty, strong, and powerful. But not The Almighty.  He was now heading a group of spiritual angelic beings. He was now a God.

For the one third (1/3) disobedient spiritual angelic beings, he was their God. He retained his original name, Hill-el. HLL-L. Praises, obedience, service, and worship, were now due to him. But to Almighty Yahweh, and the two thirds (2/3), of obedient angels, he was the Satan, Ha Satan.

But Hell-el, did not give up his name, as far as his followers were concerned. And this is where the deception started.

Organizational Structure of Hill-el, The satan.

Hill-el, as a god, would now set up his own organizational, hierarchical, structure. Hill-el, would now have his own adversary, and adversaries. This in order to duplicate the position with The Yahweh True Worship, structure.

The main adversary of Hill-el, would also be called Satan.  Changed to Shaitan. Note this well!!!!!

The making of The Devil, Demons, and Jinn-s.

Hill-el, as a God, would now have a system of good spiritual angelic beings, and also bad spiritual angelic beings. In due course, the bad spiritual angelic beings, would be forgiven by their GOD, HIll-El. He was the all-merciful towards the one third fallen spiritual angelic beings, who played the role of his satans, devils, jinn-s, and evil spirits.

This was part of the trading and maneuvering that took place when the original rebellion and revolt was being planned. Hell-el, the Satan, knew that both him and his one third (1/3) spiritual angelic beings, would never be forgiven by The Almighty Yahweh, and that one day they would be destroyed.

 Yahweh would not forgive them.

 But Hill-el, as their El; ilah; Elah; God,  would forgive them. He is the all forgiving one. Hill-el the elah, the god, would create his own head adversary, opposer. He created the Satan, the Devil, as the world understands it today. Maybe you have misunderstood this fact. Do not be one of the mislead.

There were many so called evil spiritual forces. In time, these would form trinities of satans, trinities of devils. This was to match the trinity of Gods, pursued by Hill-el, himself. Hill-el knew that The Almighty Yahweh is One!

But Hill-el had other powerful spiritual angelic beings with him. He had to pacify their thirst for adoration, obedience, service, and worship. So he gathered them into powerful trinities, of good and evil groups.

The Satan who opposed Yahweh, made one of his fallen spiritual beings, into a Head Satan, devil. He had other fallen angels under him. A group, a gang supporting him. They would be forgiven by a most forgiving Hill-el; Elah; God; Satan.

To put it simply, Yahweh created Hill-el, who was His adversary. Hill-el in turn made his spiritual angelic followers into two groups. The good ones and the bad ones. The devil which we know today, was made by Hill-el, the satan.

Hill-el did not receive the support of The Archangel Micha-el, the only Arch-Angel, nor the fiery ones, the Seraphim. His band of some Cherubim, and other lower ranked spiritual beings, hated them.

He responded by making seven (7) archangels out of his Cherubim. Anything that Yahweh did, Hill-el opposed and did something else.

They would retain the power, might, and strength, with which they were created. But they would not  have the power, might, and strength, of any of the two thirds (2/3), spiritual beings, associated with Yahweh. They would be inferior in all ways. Their 4 wings was reduced to 2, by he Almighty Creator.  All fallen spiritual angelic beings, have just 2 wings.

To identify his so-called Evil spiritual Beings.

Hill-el structured his fallen spiritual beings, to be “good” angels, and “bad” angels. To identify his so called “bad” spiritual beings, both him and his group of so called archangels, claimed to them that they were made of fire. In time, this assumed alarming proportions.

It reached a point of a little heavier dense dark and fiery substance. The”bad ” spiritual beings would eventually be called satans, demons, spirits, and jinns. They would be headed by Satan, in this case not Hill-el, but another fallen spiritual being.

So-called Good spiritual beings.

The “good ” spiritual angelic beings, in the Hill-el organization, would also be named after the names of some  of the Good Spiritual Angelic Beings, in The Yahweh True Worship, two thirds (2/3) spiritual angelic beings. In time, they would acquire names such as Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and so on.

This is The Principal reason why all our Obedience, Service, Praise, and  Worship, should be directed to no other Name, but that of YHWH; Yod Hay  Waw Hay; Yahweh.

Creation of Man.

After the creation of animals and man, this assumed alarming proportions. Hill-el, the Satan was in the garden of Eden. He spoke to Eve as if like a snake, so as to hide his identity. He spoke there as the opposer, adversary of Yahweh.

But The Satan, was also there in the position of an El, a god, Hill-el. He was representing his gang of fallen angels. Remember, Hill-el, has his own band of devils, satans, and jinns, whom he had promised forgiveness. When they did anything wrong for Hill-el, he would always forgive them. He was their god. He was all-forgiving for them.

From Eden to now, this story has played out itself. Yahweh, promised the Satan, of a coming seed of the woman, who would bruise his head, at Genesis 3:15. Yahweh did not say  He had a Spiritual Son in heaven, whom He would send down, and transfer His Life to the womb of the woman. The verse is very clear!!! He would be the seed of the woman.

After the Flood.

The flood destroyed the hybrid fallen  giants, and immense violence which the evil spiritual angelic beings produced. Starting anew, Hill-el, under the guise of Nimrod, continued false worship in defiance of Yahweh.

This worship was to the El; elah; ilah; L; Elohim; God and goddesses. This involved worship of all the forces of nature. A spiritual being existed in every aspect of nature, and had to be appeased and worshipped.

Hell-el, the adversary, had to find a way to placate his “good ” spiritual angels, and deothas. He had to find work for them, so to speak.

This worship included the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets. Also, heaven, earth, air, water, and the sky. And animals. Thus was started organized worship and religion, against The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh.

After the dispersion from Bab-el, the people went in different lands with different languages. But the memory of this false worship of El, elah, ilah, Elohim, god, gods and goddesses, and the forces of nature went with them. To be practiced in the main format laid down at the gate of God. Bab-el. But with different languages.

Almighty Yahweh, allowed the nations to go their own way. For thousands of years.

The original Language that was not confused at Bab-el.

At Bab-el, one Heber, HBR, Eber was not there. While the languages of all others were confused, his was not. His was the language that was not changed. His language ” passed ” over.

That was Heber language. It is the Hebrew Language. He spoke the original language spoken by The Almighty Yahweh. The language of THE CREATOR.

Abraham, The Hebrew.

His lineage continued down to Abraham. They were all Yahweh True Worshipers. Abraham, the Hebrew, was the light, the Nur, through whom Almighty Yahweh, decided to forge a new nation. Abraham Obeyed, Served, and Worshiped The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh.

The nation of Israel was formed, in 1447 B.C. The promised seed of the woman, had to come through this nation. Not from any of the nations which were steeped in the worship of El; elah; ilah; Elohim; god; gods and goddesses.

For worshipping El, GOD; Gods, Elohim; and goddesses, and calf and other forms, the Northern kingdom, was scattered around 722 B.C. The Southern Kingdom, was sent to Babylon, and a mere remnant returned. If Yahweh was an El; ELOHIM; GOD, why did He do this to the Nation of Israel? Why? Because Yahweh, is not any of those. Get this clear!!!!.

The Name YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, was considered too Holy by some of the Yahdaim ( Jews ), to be pronounced. Instead, they substituted the pagan Canaanite names of Adonai, and Elohim. This move was never authorized by The Almighty Yahweh !!!!! This occurred around 250 B.C.

Through all the ups and downs as a nation, the promised seed of the woman, arrived in 5 B.C. on first day of the Feast of Tabernacles. His name given by The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, was Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin; Yahshua. This Name means, Yahweh is Salvation, Yahweh will save.

The Name; Ha shem, YHWH, was replaced by the Greeks with Kyrios. Then to Theos, and then to Dominus, around 400 A.D. It went to German Gott, and Jehovah. Then to English God and Lord.  And the Koran had the name of their elah, ilah,  Al-lah.  Allah.  The name hlll, read fro right to left, reads LLLH.  Al l lah. Allah.

All this time the Power of The Name of the Creator,  YHWH,  Yod Hay Waw Hay, Yahweh, was lost.

The Holy Spirit, Qodesh ha Ruach, of YHWH; Yod Hay  Waw Hay; Yahweh, would never follow the worship of these names of the mighty, strong and powerful ones of these nations. The spiritual angelic fallen beings. They would be followed by the spirit of the world, and not Almighty Yahweh.

Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ.

For the entire period of three and one half (3 1/2) years, Yahshua, The True Christ,  preached about the Kingdom of Yahweh. He preached Obedience to the Ten (10) Commandments of Yahweh. The keeping of the Holy Days of Yahweh, instead of the pagan holidays. 

The eating of clean animals. The spreading of this Good News, to the rest of the world. And enduring this way, till the day of your death. This in a nutshell, is what Yahweh True Worship is about, after the death and resurrection, of  Yahshua, The True Christ.

Yahshua, The True Christ, spoke at John 4:23-24 ” But the hour comes, and now is, when The True Worshipers will Worship The Father in Spirit and in truth; for The Father seeks just such Worshipers to Worship Him. Yahweh is  Spirit Being; and those who Worship Him must Worship Him in Spirit and in truth “

His Name Yahshua, which has the Power of the Almighty Yahweh, Yah as its beginning, was replaced with Yesua/Yeshua. By the priests in Israel. These are two completely different names. Whatever spin one may attach to it, they are two different names.

Yahshua, Ha Messiyah; The True Christ.

Yod Hay Waw Shin Ayin, Yahshua,  is The Name of Ha Messiyah, The True Christ. Yod Shin Ayin, Yeshua/Yesua,  is the name which the Yahdaim (Jews), used to replace The Name Yahshua with. Note this well!!!  Your salvation depends on it. It is The Only Name whereby anyone can obtain Eternal Life, Yahshua.

This name Yesua/Yeshua, He will save, was translated by the Greeks, to Inoous. This is the male form of the Greek female sea goddess, Ino. She will save. The Name Yahshua, was not involved!!1 Note this well.

Then by the Romans around 400 A.D. Inoous was changed  to Iesus. This was the pattern of worship from 400 A.D. ” Dominus , Iesus,  Paracletus. ” Three Gods in One. A Trinity of Gods.

Again, I state that The Holy Spirit of Yahweh, was never present where these names were called and invoked.

Around the Sixteenth century, (16th), in order to differentiate between the Big “I” and the small “i “, the letter “J” was introduced. From then, the name Iesus, was rendered as Jesus.

All over the earth, the names of the mighty, strong, and powerful gods of the different countries, were used to replace The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay. Yahweh. The Name of Yahshua, Ha messiyah, The True Christ, was similarly replaced.

The only Names recognized in the Third Heavens, by the 2/3 obedient spiritual angelic beings, are Yahweh and His Son, Yahshua, The True Christ.

The 1/3 rebel fallen angels, know this also, and they tremble when the Names Yahweh and Yahshua, The True Christ, are used in Service, Obedience, and Worship to Almighty Yahweh. They are only fearful when Yahweh True Worship, is in full flight!!!

When you call The Name YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, and Yahshua, Ha Messiyah, The True Christ, you are above the mark. You are on the way to Eternal Life.

But when you call the names, El; Elah; Ilah; Elohim; Adonai; Allah; The God; Lord; Jehovah; the gods, and goddesses, the spiritual angelic beings in the Hill-el organization would respond.There is a big, big, big difference. Be warned!!! Yahweh True Worship, Messianic Christianity, is The Only Way To Eternal Life.

When you worship using the names El, Elah, Ilah, Elohim, Adonai, Allah, Jehovah, God and Lord, that worship is not directed to The Almighty YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh. You have missed the mark.

At the same time, Satan, is now called the god of the world, the elah; ilah, of the world. In the Bible translations. The god with the small “g”, as opposed to The God with The Big “G.” Your worship to any of these, means clearly identifying which one of the God, you are Worshiping. Not so?

This would inevitably pose a problem. You may say, “Oh God, with the Big “G”, help me! And keep me away from the god with the small “g.” This is the problem one is faced with, when using a title, and not a name.

If you want to Obey, Praise, and Worship The God with The Big “G”, why not do it properly, and use His Correct Name. YHWH; Yod Hay Waw Hay; Yahweh, or as some may vary it, Yahuwah; Yahawah or Yahwah.

This only seems to be different due to different vowels used. The main thing is, all have the 4 Letters of The Name of The Almighty YHWH.

Yahweh True Worship, is the only way to Eternal Life.